The Icarus Class Starship was discovered after a distress call was received, apparently from the future the vessel was trapped in a temporal vortex, apparently caused by one of the ship's auxiliary starships testing a new class of drive system. According to the database of the vessel discovered the STV Basilisk (TOV-3297-A) which is from approximately 70 years in the future. The vessel is equipped with the largest warp drive system ever seen, capable propelling the massive vessel at a cruising speed of Warp 8.5. She was not designed with any Dimensional Fold Drive, instead the ship is equipped with a Wormhole Drive which facilitates not only transit through space but time and also realities.
- Length
- 9.8 km
- Width
- 4.9 km
- Height
- 2.4 km
- Crew
- 88,000 Standard Crew
100,000 Security / Ground Forces
50,000 Pilots / Flight Crews - Power Source
- Solar Induction Infuser
Matter-Antimatter Reactors (3)
Deuterium Fusion Reactors (170) - Propulsion
- Wormhole Drive
Warp Drive
Impulse Drive - Max Speed
- Warp 9.995
- Cruising Speed
- Warp 8.5
- Emergency Speed
- Warp 9.999 for 12 Hours
Defensive Systems
- Ablative Hull Armor
- Tri-Grid Deflector Shields
Offensive Systems
- 33 Phaser Banks (4 Emitters Each)
- 4 Fore-Port, 4 Fore-Starboard, 2 Aft-Port, 2 Aft-Starboard -- Each on Dorsal and Ventral
- 3 Forward on the Dorsal Hull
- 5 Photon Torpedo Launchers
- 3 Forward, 2 Aft
Propulsion and Power Systems
The Icarus Class starship is equipped with two unique systems found nowhere else.
Solar Induction Infuser
The first is an ingenious power system called the Solar Induction Infuser. This system is designed to allow the ship to pull high energy plasma out of the photosphere of a main sequence star, the collectors use the shield grids to protect the ship while drawing solar plasma into the ship and storing it. The plasma energy is used to then power the ships systems, including the wormhole and warp drives.
Wormhole Drive
The wormhole drive is clearly based on a combination of Stargate, Avali, and Dwend technologies. The drive is capable of creating gateways to other places, realities, and / or times. According to the ships database, the technology has completely replaced the Dimensional Fold Drive and TDE.
Auxiliary Craft
- 3 Fighter Wings (Composed of an Interceptor, Assault, and Patrol Wings)
- Contains approximately 2000 fighters of various types on a standard compliment.
- 200 Auxiliary Non-Combat Craft
- This is composed of shuttle crafts of Types 6, 7, 9, 11, and 18 along with a varied amount of runabouts and smaller starships (such as the Falcon, Phantom, or Kestrel class starships).
The Icarus Class has 6 fully functional dry dock facilities for starships up to the 2 Galaxy Class Starships each. The standard compliment of starships are 2 groupings as follows:
- 1 Capital Ship
- 2 Frigates
- 4 Escorts
Exterior Views