
From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 00:10, 21 May 2023 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Played by: User:Cyclops
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 65 lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Avariel & Quezecotl
Eye Color: Haze
Hair Color: Silver
Figure: Thin, very light, almost frail. Tiny iridescent scales instead of skin, fangs, and forked tongue.
Occupation: Sorcerer / Favored Soul
Rank / Skill Level: Moderate
Status: Approved
Setting: Angelic Sins

He is trained in innate magic, drawing magical energy from both his deity, Erevan Ilesere (air-eh-van illeh-seer), and from his inate abilities as a sorcerer. As an Avariel he is gifted with wings, feathery wings from his back that might be mistaken for angelic wings in another place and time except they are colored golden with bright red tips. No one would ever consider Zypher to be normal, in any way and this shows in a great many of his choices, one of most prominent is that he has had his holy symbol tattooed onto his tongue, so it is always with him.

He has a familiar, that of an elemental geode named Shackar.


In his career he has put his magical skills to use by way of private investigator. His social skills present a problem at times with acquiring jobs, however, he makes a reasonably good living from it. Particularly his magical rings let him be in places to observe that would otherwise be unavailable. Additionally, the skill of flight can be a great benefit as well. Largely he works through records, reading, doing research, tracking down paperwork. He also contracts with several individual police departments around the world for these services and others. He has even been hired by the occasional bail bonds agency to follow someone who has jumped bail, but rarely is used as a bounty hunter, though he is licensed to do so.

Natural State

Due to an unforeseen attachment to the daughter of a Deity, not his own, his own Deity found it necessary to give him a "gift" of sorts. That is to say that one evening, when it a pitch battle, he prayed to his God for help, as all seemed to be lost. The response he got allowed him to win the day, at a cost, that of being transformed half into a Quezecotl. His skin became a layer of fine iridescent scales and he was given fangs, a forked tongue, and a poisonous bite.

Because this is now his natural state, he purchased a Ring of Disguise which he uses to look normal and not scare of the locals.


Zypher has been ostracized by his own people and thus is insecure, suspicious, and cautious. He tends to shy away from contact with others, finds it difficult to make friends, and often makes up stories about himself to make himself look better in the eyes of others around him.

There are many things about both his appearance and his past that bother him intensely, and they have taken their tole in places. While over time he has become more confident in a lot of ways, he also is prone to thinking everyone will leave him eventually. He was once engaged and though it was not her fault - but rather a family decision after his change - he consider this to be the eventual norm of all relationships.

Special Weapons

  • Bite; He must grapple an opponent and then bite. his bite has a moderate venom.
  • Boomerang of Morphing; Morphs into any thrown weapon, returns at will.


Mithril Chainmail Shirt of Twilight; Spells cannot fail to cast (though effects can be resisted or negated after casting) while wearing this armor.

Special Skills

  • Bluff
  • Cooking
  • Dancing
  • Diplomacy
  • Intimidation
  • Spell Craft
  • Specialized Knowledge
    • Arcana
    • Geography
    • Nature
    • Dungeoneering


  • English
  • French
  • Greek
  • Latin

Special Abilities / Feats

  • Flight Flyby Attack
  • Hover
  • Improved Flight
  • Rapid Flight
  • Jump

Alterations from Quezecotl

  • Telepathy


Up to level 4 spells.
Up to level 3 spells.


  • Ring of Disguise (command word, look like normal Elf or Human until dispelled by canceled, wing use, or sleep)
  • Ring of the Unnoticed (command word, pseudo invisible when not being directly looked for or at, causes eyes to look past and around the wearer without noticing - canceled by drawing direct attention to ones self)
  • Belt of Blur (Command Word, 20% Miss Chance)
  • Wand of Cure Light Wounds (44/50 Charges)
  • Magical Boots (Falling, absorb 60 feet fall automatically)

Belt Pouch

  • Spell Components
  • Wedding Set, White Gold

Handy Haversack

  • Bedroll
  • Standard Rations (7 days)
  • Water (7 days)
  • Magic Water Skin
  • Masterwork Cooking Kit
  • Container of Web & Ashes
  • Cold Weather Outfit
  • Traveling Outfit
  • Writing Case
  • Compass
  • Masterwork Lace Hanky from Kerynn
  • Holy Water Bomb
  • Scroll of Dear God


$157 in cash w/ around $5000 in a bank account, around $800/month deposited automatically.