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== Special Abilities ==
== Special Abilities ==
As a nocker she can learn how to construct and repair any machine at a far faster rate than an average person. Additionally when she yells she can scare any machine into working via changeling magic (other wise she would have to know how to physically repair the machine), however the machine will only work while she is within 10 feet. Lastly she can create machines that run on magic but this creates a constant drain on her power when in use. She can create chimerical creatures from ordinary machines using her Fae powers. Being trained in the path of the seer Itza can manipulate warp energy both defensively and offensively. This power is not as strong as it should be since her magic is split between the warp and the dreaming.
As a nocker she can learn how to construct and repair any machine at a far faster rate than an average person. Additionally when she yells she can scare any machine into working via changeling magic (other wise she would have to know how to physically repair the machine), however the machine will only work while she is within 10 feet.  
Infusion is the Art that assists Nockers in creating all of their wonderful clockwork and chimerical items. It involves the connection of "FUBARS" and other chimerical entities into physical or chimerical forms. With a few rare exceptions, only the Nockers use Infusion. Though other kiths potentially could learn it, most do not see the appeal in learning such a strange and specialized Art.
Cantrips Edit
*Harden - Prepares a wild chimera by turning it into a crafted chimera, allowing further applications of Infusion to be used on it.
*Toughen - Adds durability to chimerical materials, including other changelings, granting resistance both to damage and Banality's undoing.
*FUBAR Generation - Creates and enslaves a FUBAR, a chimerical creature that can serve as a Glamour battery.
*Animantis - Produces a golem, a mechanical servant that will serve the Nocker and aid him in his work.
*Gilgul - A terribly dangerous cantrip that, if successful, adds sentient thought to a chimera or animantis, and possibly even a true soul.
Prop is the control and manipulation of all created objects. Clothing, weapons, buildings, and anything else "created" falls under Prop. The more complicated the device the more mastery of the Prop realm is required.
*Ornate Garb - Objects commonly worn, including tattoos.
*Crafted Tool - An item having no moving parts.
*Mechanical Device - Any item with moving parts but that does not require fuel.
*Complex Machine - An item with movable and sometimes electronic components that anyone can understand (toaster, car, etc).
*Arcane Artifact - Any item not covered, usually with complex components.
The Art of Wayfare deals with a changeling's ability to move through space. This involves bouncing and covering far distances, speeding forward on feet that move impossibly fast, and even teleporting from one place to another. The Eshu have a deep connection with this Art, though as it is a common Art, any can learn it. In some holds, the nobility has come to fear the power of Wayfare, and may act to make it somewhat harder to come by.
Cantrips Edit
*Hopscotch - Produce an impossible leap, either up or down, and suffer no damage from the resulting collision.
*Quicksilver - Allows an object to move at an incredibly fast speed.
*Portal Passage - Creates a temporary opening through any barrier, allowing it to be moved through.
Nature is the control of plants, land, and beasts. Anything untouched by creation lends itself to be controlled by the Nature realm.
*Raw Material - Unliving, organic materials: wood, rope, paper, etc.
*Verdant Forest - Living, organic plant material.

== Background ==
== Background ==

Revision as of 07:40, 11 February 2018

Iztaccihuatl Xochitl
Played by: darktrooper501#8924
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 135 lbs
Gender: female
Race: True Fae
Age: 28 (DOB: 10/20/1994)
Place of Birth: Mexico/Kingdom of the Feathered Serpent
Eye Color: red
Hair Color: silver
Figure: Normal, has long pointed ears
Universe of Origin: World of Darkness
Occupation: Computer Technician
Rank / Skill Level: Experienced

An austere loner that likes to inspire creativity in others. Values friends and family above all. After becoming a True Fae she no longer has a human sense of morality, only judging things based on how fun or boring they are to her. Nockers are perfectionists unsatisfied with anything in life.

Special Skills

Trained to maintain and repair most early 21st century computers. Trained in the path of the warrior and can use most eldar weaponry as well as eldar vehicles. Trained in the path of the seer has no chance of being possessed or preyed upon by warp entities.

Special Abilities

As a nocker she can learn how to construct and repair any machine at a far faster rate than an average person. Additionally when she yells she can scare any machine into working via changeling magic (other wise she would have to know how to physically repair the machine), however the machine will only work while she is within 10 feet.

Infusion is the Art that assists Nockers in creating all of their wonderful clockwork and chimerical items. It involves the connection of "FUBARS" and other chimerical entities into physical or chimerical forms. With a few rare exceptions, only the Nockers use Infusion. Though other kiths potentially could learn it, most do not see the appeal in learning such a strange and specialized Art. Cantrips Edit

  • Harden - Prepares a wild chimera by turning it into a crafted chimera, allowing further applications of Infusion to be used on it.
  • Toughen - Adds durability to chimerical materials, including other changelings, granting resistance both to damage and Banality's undoing.
  • FUBAR Generation - Creates and enslaves a FUBAR, a chimerical creature that can serve as a Glamour battery.
  • Animantis - Produces a golem, a mechanical servant that will serve the Nocker and aid him in his work.
  • Gilgul - A terribly dangerous cantrip that, if successful, adds sentient thought to a chimera or animantis, and possibly even a true soul.

Prop is the control and manipulation of all created objects. Clothing, weapons, buildings, and anything else "created" falls under Prop. The more complicated the device the more mastery of the Prop realm is required.

  • Ornate Garb - Objects commonly worn, including tattoos.
  • Crafted Tool - An item having no moving parts.
  • Mechanical Device - Any item with moving parts but that does not require fuel.
  • Complex Machine - An item with movable and sometimes electronic components that anyone can understand (toaster, car, etc).
  • Arcane Artifact - Any item not covered, usually with complex components.

The Art of Wayfare deals with a changeling's ability to move through space. This involves bouncing and covering far distances, speeding forward on feet that move impossibly fast, and even teleporting from one place to another. The Eshu have a deep connection with this Art, though as it is a common Art, any can learn it. In some holds, the nobility has come to fear the power of Wayfare, and may act to make it somewhat harder to come by. Cantrips Edit

  • Hopscotch - Produce an impossible leap, either up or down, and suffer no damage from the resulting collision.
  • Quicksilver - Allows an object to move at an incredibly fast speed.
  • Portal Passage - Creates a temporary opening through any barrier, allowing it to be moved through.

Nature is the control of plants, land, and beasts. Anything untouched by creation lends itself to be controlled by the Nature realm.

  • Raw Material - Unliving, organic materials: wood, rope, paper, etc.
  • Verdant Forest - Living, organic plant material.


Born in Mexico City, Mexico she grew up fairly normally, at 11 her parents moved to the UK as her father found work there. In Britain she found it hard to make friends driving her to become a loner. At the age of twelve she awakened her Fae (beings that gain power from human dreams) side and was introduced to both the Dreaming and the local changeling freehold, Neverwhere. As a changeling nocker she excelled in dealing with machines and so became a computer technician. At the age of 20 she formed a Fae motley with her friends Claude, Philippe, Victoria, and Tayla. When she was spliced in the middle of fighting Wardon the Impotent.

Time After Splice

Apart from participating in a few excursions and building her own ship Itza did not do much of anything worth noting with one exception. A few months after splicing in she led Mastema and Vin to rescue Vladimir from the city of the faeries Arcadia. A week before the Blazing Umbra station was sabotaged she was flung into a different universe notably the one Apollyon was from. She was taken in by the Biel-Tan Eldar and trained to become a farseer. After spending five years there and nearly completing her training she was able to modify a webway portal to send her back to the universe of ST. Despite becoming a potent a powerful warlock in the universe she spliced to upon her return her power lessened dramatically. This is from the fact that her magic is split between her abilities as a warlock and her abilities as a changeling.

Itza in her eldar warlock armor


After the events that took place on the city-ship that is currently Nimbus base she created a chimera for the purpose of combat. After returning to the station she completed it and set about training it as an attack chimera. Unfortunately the chimera turned out to be very timid. She mainly keeps it around as a pet.



The name of the ship is the "Caifan" registerd to Itza as SS-588. The ship is It is 45 meters long by 20 meters wide and 25 meters tall. For armament it has two 30 mm twin cannon turrets used as point defense. Uses a power core similar to those found in CR-90s scaled down. It has a warp drive installed and the on board computer systems would be up to par to ST standards. The controls are mainly mechanical as well as the computers themselves being a mix of mechanical and electrical. A four person crew is necessary for the ship. The inner hull of the ship is made with chimerical metal that slowly repairs and regenerates itself. She built it over the course of a month using scraps and chimeric metal.
