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Kraul the Protector of the Forests
The Kraul
Height: 8'1"
Age: Ancient
Occupation: Protector of the Forest
Status: NPC
Setting: Embers of Soteria

The Kraul is an immortal being, revered as the protector of the forest. It is said that his power is intrinsically tied to the spirits that inhabit the woods. As long as the forests require safeguarding, the Kraul's strength remains undiminished. However, when the time comes when his protection is no longer needed, his power will fade, and the spirits that empower him will find respite. Possessing formidable magic, the Kraul's influence extends over the remnants of the old forests, fostering their growth and vitality. Although rarely seen in recent times, the Kraul's existence is steeped in legends and tales passed down through generations.

Special Abilities

Control of Nature
The Kraul possesses an unparalleled mastery over the forces of nature, allowing it to manipulate and command the elements. It can call upon the trees themselves, bending them to its will and unleashing their power for protection and defense of the forest.
Fierce Arboreal Guardians
The Kraul's deep connection to the trees enables it to awaken the spirits dwelling within the woodland. These spirits transform into formidable guardians, fiercely defending the forest and its sanctity against any who pose a threat.
Vengeance of the Forest
The Kraul is capable of unleashing a devastating onslaught upon those who harm or desecrate its domain. Legends speak of the Kraul leveling entire towns and decimating armies, as the forest itself responds to its call for vengeance.
Shape-shifting and Elusiveness
The Kraul possesses the ability to shift its form, blending seamlessly with the forest and assuming the appearance of various woodland creatures. This shape-shifting capability grants it the element of surprise, making it elusive and difficult to track or anticipate.
Immortality and Regeneration
As an immortal being, the Kraul has the power to rejuvenate and regenerate. It can draw upon the life force of the forest and the spirits that empower it, allowing for the healing of wounds and injuries that would be fatal to ordinary creatures. This immortality ensures its enduring presence and unwavering protection of the forest.


During the tumultuous era preceding the establishment of the Peace of Ages, the forests faced immense devastation. War and conflict ravaged the land, causing vast tracts of woodland to be consumed by flames or chopped down to fuel the war machines. From this period of destruction and chaos, a remarkable event occurred. The forests, saturated with blood and fire, birthed a powerful protector—the Kraul.

Born from the very essence of the decimated forests, the Kraul's emergence represented nature's response to the atrocities committed against it. Legends tell of how the Kraul's magic arose from the pain and resilience of the trees themselves. In the face of Man's relentless assault, the forests fought back by giving birth to a guardian of immense power.

As the war-weary world sought to rebuild and reconcile with the natural realm, Man was compelled to negotiate with the Kraul. In a delicate agreement, the Kraul permitted humans and other races to hunt within his woods. However, this privilege came with conditions. In exchange for access to the forest's resources, individuals were required to make blessings to the Kraul and diligently tend to the woods, ensuring their preservation and growth. The Kraul's fickle and potent nature necessitated adherence to these terms, for he held the power to withdraw his blessings at any moment.

Though the true depths of the Kraul's power remain largely unknown, folklore is replete with tales of his wrath and devastation. Stories recount how he could level entire towns and single-handedly slay armies as they sought to lay claim to his trees. It is whispered that the Kraul possesses an extraordinary connection to nature, capable of commanding trees and animals to heed his call. When the Kraul deems it necessary, he may even manifest in physical form, often resulting in swift and merciless retribution.

While harboring deep resentment towards humanity for their role in the destruction of the forests, the Kraul is said to hold a peculiar fondness for the innocence of youth. According to the legends, if a child becomes lost in his woods and still retains the purity of youth, the trees themselves act as protectors, safeguarding the child from harm. This singular vulnerability amidst his formidable power serves as a testament to the complexity of the Kraul's character and hints at a capacity for compassion within his vengeful heart.

In the realm of the Kraul, a delicate balance exists between the needs of humanity and the imperative to preserve nature's sanctity. His story is one woven into the fabric of the forests, an immortal guardian with a profound connection to the ever-changing cycles of life and the enduring power that resides within the heart of the natural world.