Susan Morana Brennan: Difference between revisions

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* Empathy
* Empathy
* Telepathy
* Telepathy
* Telekinesis
: Her special brand of telekinesis takes its power from the fire of the demon within.  When she uses it, the invisible force manifests as blasts of searing heat, this in and of itself can light things on fire but does not have to do so.  She can control the force in order to use telekinesis without igniting things, if she wants to.  The heat is always present though.
* Curse of Knowledge
* Curse of Knowledge
: She knows things about people and events, the worst things.  She can see the future and the past, this manifests as glimpses for her human self but is far more powerful when she's in her true [[demon]] form.  She cannot choose what to know, it comes at her whether she wants it or not.
: She knows things about people and events, the worst things.  She can see the future and the past, this manifests as glimpses for her human self but is far more powerful when she's in her true [[demon]] form.  She cannot choose what to know, it comes at her whether she wants it or not.

Latest revision as of 17:20, 12 May 2021

Susan Morana Brennan
Susan Morana Brennan
Played by: User:Cyclops
Alias: Freya
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 125 lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Abnormal Human
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 17
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red
Category: 4
Setting: Angelic Sins
Fire Dancer
Full Demon

Susan is a good soul at heart, or at least she seems to be that way. To say there are many facets of Susan is an understatement. She appears to all to have a strong heart with a strong confidence and sense of self. The truth is far more complicated. There is a constant war going on inside her, the part of her the world sees taps back to a nice young woman whose lived a hard life and while is a bit untrusting, is overall trustworthy and open. Behind that is something entirely different, if her exterior is cracked then a deeper self emerges.

Inside Susan is callous, intimidating, and completely bereft of conscience. She retains an incredibly strong sense of self, almost to the point of righteousness. She's careless and obsessive, has no fear of consequences, and believes herself and her own feelings above all others acting out perverse thoughts and fantasies with living people. She keeps this hidden truth away from the outside world, clamping it down, it comes out in times of extreme anger or pain. Once unleashed, this woman becomes unstoppable. Susan, when in this mental state, requires constant stimulation to stave away boredom and when bored retreats inward leaving the sweet exterior girl in her place.

Special Abilities

  • Pyromancy
  • Empathy
  • Telepathy
  • Telekinesis
Her special brand of telekinesis takes its power from the fire of the demon within. When she uses it, the invisible force manifests as blasts of searing heat, this in and of itself can light things on fire but does not have to do so. She can control the force in order to use telekinesis without igniting things, if she wants to. The heat is always present though.
  • Curse of Knowledge
She knows things about people and events, the worst things. She can see the future and the past, this manifests as glimpses for her human self but is far more powerful when she's in her true demon form. She cannot choose what to know, it comes at her whether she wants it or not.
  • Sense Death
She intuitively knows where death will come next if it is anywhere nearby and can sense when someone's life will soon end.
  • Transformation
Her powers and abilities are limited by the state of her psyche, in her normal human state she cannot access them. It takes extreme emotions such as anger or even love to trigger her abilities. To use them she must dissociate and unleash her inner, demonic, self.


Susan has 3 forms, it is key to note here that her different forms are not different things. Her "true demon" and "fire dancer" forms are both her, they are not different personalities. Within Susan her personality is fractured and this allows her human-mind to process the world around her.

  • Human
As a the product of the union between a fallen angel and a demon both in human form she is actually part human and takes this form in day-to-day life. In this form she only has limited access to knowledge and activities which go on in other forms. Her other forms can also purposely hide memories of those forms from her.
  • Fire Dancer
In this form she is a partial fire elemental, since her mother used fire as a source of purity and her father as a source of destruction, she has a direct connection to the elemental plane of fire. In this form she retains much of her human self but her demon-self is powerful and corrupts her natural self. She can wield her powers within extreme limits of her physical body and is entirely immune to fire. This form will revert back to her human self if her powers are too heavily taxed. Another possible outcome of taxing her powers heavily here is that she will lose control and become the true demon.
  • True Demon
In this form she has shed her human-self entirely and her demonic nature is in control. She can wield all of her powers and is aware of her other selves but retains mastery of herself. This form requires a lot of emotional power to retain control and is subject to wild swings of emotion and boredom. If left without intense and enthralling sensation she will revert back to her human-self.


Mark of Anika

Her birthmark / tattoo is known to grow hotter and start to glow the closer she gets to transformation. The image appeared after she started to go through puberty on her right upper thigh. The mark itself is only a few inches tall and appears as if the skin simply grew into the mark like a cross between a birthmark, a scar, and a tattoo. The flames and edges have a slight texture to them. Touching the mark one can almost feel a raging torrent beneath, like an echo of a memory that is easily dismissed. It is the center of her power, located near her Chakra the Seed of Creation. It is a focal point of her need to create / destroy. The source of the image is unknown, it is possible that the image acts as a kind of seal upon her powers, this would explain the bifurcation between her human and demon selves. It is possible that her mother's final prayers were in some way answered, as this kind of phenomena is unique. Without such a seal it is likely the demonic nature of her heritage would rule continuously. As a final clue as to the nature of the mark, if she transforms into her true demon form, the mark vanishes entirely though the entire surface of her skin seems to have a faint glow like a low smoldering fire.

On her chest between her breasts is the mark of Anika Brooke Ebner, it is a dark black tattoo that is slightly textured from scarring. It appeared when Anika claimed her as her slave / pet. The tattoo has some connection to Anika's own power and serves as not only an indicator of ownership / service but is a conduit for their magical connection between the two. It cannot be removed by non-magical means, if cut out it will burn itself into the flesh under it, even down to the bone.

Clothing Style

Susan's style of clothes can best be described as black. She prefers black, very dark blues, and deep reds. Usually she can be found in some combination blacks with other dark colors for highlights. She tends to dress in a simple Victorian black dress, knee high boots, black satin gloves, and a black peacoat. She does wear other things as well, though that look is her signature look. She rarely wears lace and has a pension for good leather. If not in something of this aesthetic, it is probably functional with a particular eye for durable denim jeans and simple t-shirts. She rarely wears tennis shoes and prefers boots, if not her knee high's then rugged combat or hiking boots. She does not have a vast wardrobe, keeping only a few items at a time.


Susan has no idea where she comes from. All she knows is that she was found on the street by a church in Chicago and in the crib with her was a note saying her name and that she must never seek out her parents. The note also asked the church to guard over her, saying she held within her a trapped and ancient evil. The church did the best they could, though some within the church believed the note and were familiar with the supernatural, many were not. The young girl was kept out of the system and was raised by a nice young couple who attended the church regularly. To all of their neighbors they seemed to be nice folk but rumors soon began to crop up about their lives with the mysterious girl. Her adoptive father, Gerald, began to change in the years after she came to live with them. He was first but he was not alone. After a while the mother, Mora, also began to change. They continued to go to church but started to get a reputation for being mean, uncaring, and even paranoid at times. As Susan grew up she developed the form of a flaming skull on her inner thigh. At the age of 14 it was clearly a flaming whose orange and black shame fades into the surrounding skin.

One night at the age of 7 the house caught fire, neighbors heard laughing and screaming as the flames engulfed the house. Not a single person in the house ran from it that night. At least, not that anyone saw. It burned to the ground in flames so hot that when the firefighters tried to put it out, they just made it worse. The fire was white hot and spread to neighboring houses. Eight homes were lost that night and little Susan was presumed dead, body cremated in the home along with her adoptive parents. She has no recollection of that night and simply says she ran away when her daddy started speaking strange words. Multiple police reports describe a woman wearing some kind of costume and horns chanting as houses went up in flames, though no woman or evidence of such a woman was ever found. The woman was described as half naked with horns, flame-red hair, ice-blue eyes, and hands made of fire. Police believe this woman, if real, may have started the fires and caught fire herself from whatever accelerant she used being left on her hands.

About a month later Susan was found wandering the streets begging for food. She was placed into the foster care system. As she became a teenager she was noted as being particularly difficult to reign in, going through 4 foster homes in as many months until finally she was placed in Juvenile Detention for assaulting her foster mother with a kitchen knife. Susan is known to black out at times though doctors are sure it isn't a physical condition but rather a method of psychologically coping. She's been diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder though psychiatrists believe there are other disorders at work as well which remain undiagnosed. One doctor in particular believed she might have dissociative identity disorder but he was taken off of the case when she accused him of trying to touch her inappropriately, an accusation for which the doctor has no memory but is recorded on video. Susan herself does not recall the incident except in flashes.

As a teenager she eventually dropped out of school after escaping from Juvenile Detention. As a runaway she blacks out often, waking up in mid-stride near the Serenity Asylum though she never has any memory of going there. She lives on couches, usually among drug addicts, gang bangers, and prostitutes. Most leave her alone as she has a reputation for extreme violence, something which puts her in a precarious position. If she blows up at the wrong person they will kill her and if she doesn't continue to be seen as innocent they will say no to her.

In 2020 she was living on the streets, essentially. She would black out and attack an unsuspecting man and her demon would come out and destroy the unwitting victim. She would then live in their home and use their money to live off of. On an excursion to move, yet again, when she was captured by Anika Brooke Ebner and Jaden Quakan. The women claimed her over several nights of torture and sex mixed together. The mix of sex and violence appeased her demon enough and the pair used magic to mark her. Now she is a faithful servant of both women. Their power helps her keep the demon under control, for which she is grateful.

Family History

Susan does not know her family or where she came from. She was born in Scotland, the product of a union between a fallen angel and a powerful demon. The demon is an agent of death, cold, calculating, he collects souls and takes them to hell to serve his masters. When on Earth he routinely takes advantage of unsuspecting humans, when they get pregnant the die before the child can come to term. He has fathered a few Broxa over the years, scattered all over the globe. Her father's name is Kostrad, an ancient demon of significant power but mid-level on the hierarchy of the horde. He was punished severely for mating with a fallen angel.

Her mother's name is Eae (pronounced /eɪjɒː/), once an Angel of Virtue. She was cast from the heavens for going against the orders of God. She was told to watch over a town during the Great War (WWI) and maintain order, taking some of the anxiety and pressure away from the town during such a trying time. She came to Earth and walked among them, something she was not supposed to do. For reasons which only Eae herself knows, that night when she set foot on Earth she shunned them and cast them into chaos. God cast her out giving her flesh and blood but cursing her to retain both her knowledge and powers so she could never be part of the humans.

Kostrad found Eae, expecting to take the fallen angel by force, she was willing. They had night after night together in utter passion and commitment unspeakable acts to those around them. They took their pound of flesh from anyone they saw, until finally Kostrad had gathered enough souls to grain true power in hell. While Eae thought she had found love in this demon, she only found betrayal and penance for her acts.

Their powers, virtunes, and sins had fused together into a daughter. Rampaging across Europe she feared the daughter might attract the attention of her father, so she took the baby to the United States and left her at a church, staying away and asking for a last favor from God... That the faithful would care for her daughter and keep the child from giving in to sin and evil the way she had done. Her prayers were denied as the demon in the girl was far too strong to be contained.