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Edan is generally a loving and genuine friend, he can be courageous when he feels he's got the right of things or when he feels like someone has been denied their rights.  He has a strong moral center for how he views the world aligning with somewhat conservative views.  He's shown himself to be highly adaptable and generally appears to be a bit happy-go-lucky all things being equal.  He can be a bit of a crusader though with a ruthless application of values tending toward the view that the ends justify the means.  Socially he can be a bit ill mannered stemming from a tendency to express his emotions somewhat inappropriately, though mostly in personal situations rather than professional ones.  He's slow to change, his conservative values hold back his acceptance of new ideas at times and he has trouble reconciling new ideas that are radically different from his own.  Still, even with his flaws he tries to overcome them and is aware that sometimes people see him as a bit rigid, something he struggles with.
Edan is generally a loving and genuine friend, he can be courageous when he feels he's got the right of things or when he feels like someone has been denied their rights.  He has a strong moral center for how he views the world aligning with somewhat conservative views.  He's shown himself to be highly adaptable and generally appears to be a bit happy-go-lucky all things being equal.  He can be a bit of a crusader though with a ruthless application of values tending toward the view that the ends justify the means.  Socially he can be a bit ill mannered stemming from a tendency to express his emotions somewhat inappropriately, though mostly in personal situations rather than professional ones.  He's slow to change, his conservative values hold back his acceptance of new ideas at times and he has trouble reconciling new ideas that are radically different from his own.  Still, even with his flaws he tries to overcome them and is aware that sometimes people see him as a bit rigid, something he struggles with.

Revision as of 17:52, 26 February 2020

Edcan Odrida
Edan Odrida
Played by: User:Cyclops
Alias: Khor
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 130 lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Betazoid
Age: 32
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Figure: Slender but athletic and well toned.
Organization: Solas Tempus
Occupation: Security Officer on Nimbus Station
Rank / Skill Level: Lt. Commander
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Edan is generally a loving and genuine friend, he can be courageous when he feels he's got the right of things or when he feels like someone has been denied their rights. He has a strong moral center for how he views the world aligning with somewhat conservative views. He's shown himself to be highly adaptable and generally appears to be a bit happy-go-lucky all things being equal. He can be a bit of a crusader though with a ruthless application of values tending toward the view that the ends justify the means. Socially he can be a bit ill mannered stemming from a tendency to express his emotions somewhat inappropriately, though mostly in personal situations rather than professional ones. He's slow to change, his conservative values hold back his acceptance of new ideas at times and he has trouble reconciling new ideas that are radically different from his own. Still, even with his flaws he tries to overcome them and is aware that sometimes people see him as a bit rigid, something he struggles with.

Many of the new ideas aboard the station are alien to him, the racial tensions are especially hard for him to grasp. His conservative upbringing within the Federation runs afoul of ideas that one race is better than another. He also has trouble with some of the traditionally enemy races from his upbringing, Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians, and Breen are peoples that he tries hard to relate to but has trouble with at times. This is especially true of Klingons and Cardassians whose cultural values are most alien to his own, though he truly believes they should be equal he has trouble with motivations that he is not personally familiar with. Edan is, however, completely aware of this shortcoming and struggles to overcome it on a personal level, often feeling that he doesn't have enough friends who are not like him but unsure of how to bridge that gap.

Professionally Edan follows orders well and respects the chain of command. His personality profile within Solas Tempus Security suggests that he might be a good 2nd in command or in another semi-leadership position but that he likely would require supervision. Command doesn't feel that he is ready for his own command due to a few arguments with his commanding officer, though it does note that he can be charismatic and suggests further command training when appropriate.

Special Skills

  • Security Management
  • Security Planning
  • Small Group Security
  • Crowd Control
  • Investigation

Edan uses his telepathic and empathic abilities to read the mood of a crowd or at least the local area. He's noted as being especially good at predicting potential hot-spots where additional security or alternative actions may be needed.

Special Abilities

  • Empathic
  • Telepathic


Edan's parents were both aid workers and medical doctors. They would generally go to where they were needed, sites of illness, war, poverty, and he grew up watching the fallout from a safe distance. Often he was relegated to the ship that brought them or some other safe-zone when he was young. As he grew older he would help his parents and over time he began to teach himself to identify when things were not as safe as they should be. As he grew into a young man his parents generally started to pass on the responsibility of their safety to him.

When he was around 19 years old his father grew very sick and both his parents retired back to their home, a small farming community on the edge of Federation space near the Federation-Cardassian border. Although they stayed out of the political struggles of the area, when his father began to recover they were again doing what they did best -- helping the helpless. Edan worked very closely with Starfleet officers arranging safe passage and security for his parents and many times was offered positions but always turned them down.

After the war was over, his parents again retired. He had met a few Solas Tempus security officers in his time, even made friends with a few of them. He might have joined Starfleet instead but a Solas Tempus vessel was orbiting and a security detail had asked the locals for assistance in keeping some Fleet Admiral safe while there. Signing up for that as a gig he got to know some of them more. When the ship was scheduled to leave, he made the choice, and applied to join. The Fleet Admiral herself shook his hand and welcomed him, something for which Edan was immensely proud. Something about the intensity of her gaze impressed him, he could feel this purpose coming off of her. Graduating from the academy he was stationed on a few starships for a while before being assigned to Nimbus Station.