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Revision as of 21:08, 1 June 2017

Midnight Yasai
Played by: @竜血液 - Ryū Ketsueki [LilacRTL]#1192 on Discord
Height: 5'8" (Not counting the horns)
6'2" (Counting the horns)
Weight: 149 lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Earth Dragon
Age: 25 years old with physical appearance of 17 due to a spell that prevent her from aging
Date of Birth: December 11th, 1018 A.W.
Place of Birth: The Fallen Star
Eye Color: Ruby Red
Hair Color: Red
Skin Color: Brown
Figure: Average/Well Toned
Universe of Origin: Solas Tempus
Occupation: Scientist/Alchemist
Rank / Skill Level: Sorceress
"Those unbelievers... I'll show them what the science can do--OH GOD, PUT IT DOWN!"

Midnight Yasai, also known as Midna by the villagers, is a sorceress that mastered the art of bending the Five Elements (Fire, Wood, Earth, Water and Metal), as well the alchemy, studying better the world that surrounds her, and calling it science. She focus herself to help the people of Whiteridge, as well trying to understand why suddenly people are just popping from nowhere, and who are they.

Combat Type
Offensive, Ranged (Bending), Melee (Swords), Heavy (Bending), Precise (Swords)
Character personality
Demure, gentle, caring, determined, friendly, emotive, genious, crazy on the good side.
Her name is Midnight because she reacted to this word when found as baby by Kan Stuzez.
Character Power rating
Character Defensive rating
Character Offensive rating
Character Speed rating


Midna is a determined, but caring Earth Dragon. Refusing to abandon an experiment if it fails, she is able to "find the rainbow in the middle of the storm" and keep going with her optimism and determination. She also have a very strong maternal instinct, worrying too much about the ones she take care. She hates when people refers to science as waste of time or when she's laughed at, but never let it throw her down. She's also a skilled swordsman, and almost never fail to protect those she care about. If angry, it's not rare feel the ground shake a bit, or things start freezing because the extension of her powers.

If very angry, apologizes won't work and she won't stop until make the one who made her very angry, pay for what they did, unless the problem is solved almost immediately or if her source of control over the Matrixzes, the Blazing Ruby, be destroyed. But make her very angry is a tough work and very rare to happen.

Special Abilities

Innate Abilities

  • 2 of 7 Matrixz Control: Midna can focus her energy and control the Matrixzes of Zeal and Gaia. This allows her to bend the five elements (Fire, Wood, Earth, Water and Metal), and control the nature, such as environment, wind, rain, snow, storm and even earthquake. But her powers are limited, though very big for a sorceress. She does not use then very often, as excuse to not "root on such abilities and forget who you are"
  • Casting Magic: Immediately identified as having a pechant for magic when found as baby, Midna can cast magic either using the Blazing Ruby on her pendant, or through alchemy inventions.
  • Dragon Racial Abilities: As an Earth Dragon, Midna has the physiology and abilities of a dragon.

Dragon Abilities

  • Superhuman Strength: Midna possesses a high degree of superhuman strength. She is strong enough to crash through metal, wood, and stone with relative ease. This was also what allowed her to defend her people on dark times.
    • Superhuman Durability: She is vastly resistant to physical damage. She can survive falls from great heights, intense pressure, strikes from beings with superhuman strength, energy blasts, and extreme heat without sustaining injury. However, she is not invulnerable, and can be pierced through her body with a sword or spear with relative ease, and die helplessly.
  • Superhuman Speed: She can move, think, and re-act at supernatural speeds. Midna can run faster than horses and even hold a giant dragon from taking flight.
  • Superhuman Endurance: Midna can preform intense physical activity for long periods of time without suffering fatigue.
  • Tail: Midna has a long tail, that she oftenly uses like an extra hand of hers.

Acquired Abilities

  • Eternal Youth of Body: As benefit of alchemy, she casted a spell that prevent her to die from aging, keeping her physical appearance of 17 years old eternally.

Special Skills

  • Indomitable Will: Midna has a very strong force of will, and a powerful determination completely free from any evil or temptation. She refuses to give up in any situation
  • Leadership: Midna is a naturally born leader, able to inspire others with her charisma, adore, and idealism. She is even capable of turning total strangers, even enemies, into comrades with just her words alone. Which is ironic, because she can't make anyone believe on her when she talk about science.
  • Intelligence: Midna is a genious researcher, able to understand and explain almost anything.
  • Counseling: With her ador, charisma and idealism, she can inspire, guide and cheer up anyone depending of the situation.
  • Melee Combat (Swords): Required for when she's almost depleted of energy to cast magic, Matrixz Control or when she need to perform a quick response, she is a skilled swordsman.



People saw a star fall from the sky, with the size of a watermelon. The star fell in a place only known as Crash Site, near the far edge of Erast Forest. Kan Stuzez went to the crash site, and discovered that the fallen star, is actually a Glowing Metal Sphere. After finding it, the Metal Sphere opened, revealing a baby inside, with a long tail. At first he thought it could be a new kind of monkey, but with intelligence like a human, immediately identified as having a pechant for magic. This day was then considered her birthday, not knowing her real birthday. He carried the baby to his home and took care of her like was his own child. But as the baby has grown, becoming a child and then a youth and beautiful girl, her horns started to grow, as well her superhuman abilities of a dragon, her magic powers and her control over the Matrixzes of Zeal and Gaia.

Sorceress and Scientist

Listening tales about magic, Sorcerers and giant and terrible dragons during her childhood, Midna identified herself with them and started to toy with her abilities, and discovered she could be at the same time a Sorceress and a Dragon, due to the similarities of her abilities with them, as well the horns that was giving the first signals of appear on her head. She started to learn about alchemy with 8 years old and make her own experiments with 10. Kan found her experiments funny and cute for her age, but became big and problematic as the years passed, with sometimes they ending in a big explosion of smoke or making the neighbors very upset, causing Kan punish her more severely. All those problems during her childhood and later, in adolescence, made the villagers see her as a reason of joke, nobody believing on her, when she actually succeeded on an experiment or trying to explain the Umbral Passages. That took away from her all the credit when one of her inventions work and did help the people.

The Fallen Star

After completing 17 years old, she discovered that she might not live long to study everything this world have. Said that, she casted a spell on herself that prevent her die from aging, being stuck on the 17 years old look forever. Now focusing her efforts to discover the secrets of before being found, she study the Metal Sphere from where she came, or "Fallen Star" as was called by her father and the rest of the village. Nothing much could be discovered, other than a crystal on it that ressembles a Ruby, but has an incredible amount of energy inside. She also discovered that this Ruby can amplify her powers and since then, she started to use it in a pendant, and called the Jewel as Blazing Ruby. Now Midna is more close than ever, to prove everyone that the science, how she calls her experiments now, can be trusted. But the path to achieve it is more harder than she thought.