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m (Added some detail about when they are drained.)
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== Life Cycle ==
== Life Cycle ==
The life expectancy of an Eldritch Doll is closely tied to the integrity of its glass vessel. If the vessel is breached, the contained energy becomes unstable, leading to potential explosion or energy bleed-out, resulting in the doll's death. However, the vessel is magically strengthened and can self-regenerate by forming ice over damages, which eventually turns back into glass. If the vessel is completely drained of its essence, the doll is considered dead. Yet, as long as the glass remains intact, the energy of the bound will remains tethered to the vessel. It can be reawakened by feeding it magical energy, a process that can occur naturally over time due to the doll's inherent ability to absorb ambient magic. This unique characteristic ensures that, under the right conditions, an Eldritch Doll could potentially exist indefinitely, as long as its vessel remains unharmed and can continue to absorb magical energy.
The life expectancy of an Eldritch Doll is closely tied to the integrity of its glass vessel. If breached, the contained energy becomes unstable, potentially leading to explosion or energy bleed-out and the doll's demise. The vessel, magically strengthened, can self-regenerate by forming ice over damage, reverting to glass over time. If completely drained of essence, the doll becomes like a glass statue, rigid and inanimate yet retaining its durability. In this state, while inert, it's not truly 'dead' as long as the glass is intact. The bound energy remains tethered and can be reactivated by absorbing magical energy, either naturally over time or through direct infusion. This characteristic allows an Eldritch Doll to potentially exist indefinitely, provided its vessel remains unharmed and capable of absorbing magic.

== Behavior ==
== Behavior ==

Latest revision as of 23:12, 24 November 2023

True Glass Vessel of the Eldritch Doll

Eldritch Dolls are magical constructs with a range of abilities and behaviors, depending on their creation. Crafted from a glass vessel imbued with Aether and blood, these dolls can range from simple automatons to fully autonomous beings with a true will, especially if bound with a living soul. They possess abilities like shapeshifting, magical absorption, and elemental manipulation. Their lifespan is linked to the integrity of their glass body, which can self-regenerate. While capable of absorbing ambient magic to sustain themselves, a breached vessel can lead to their demise. These unique beings represent a blend of arcane craftsmanship and the ethereal essence of life, existing on a spectrum from servitude to independent consciousness.

Life Cycle

The life expectancy of an Eldritch Doll is closely tied to the integrity of its glass vessel. If breached, the contained energy becomes unstable, potentially leading to explosion or energy bleed-out and the doll's demise. The vessel, magically strengthened, can self-regenerate by forming ice over damage, reverting to glass over time. If completely drained of essence, the doll becomes like a glass statue, rigid and inanimate yet retaining its durability. In this state, while inert, it's not truly 'dead' as long as the glass is intact. The bound energy remains tethered and can be reactivated by absorbing magical energy, either naturally over time or through direct infusion. This characteristic allows an Eldritch Doll to potentially exist indefinitely, provided its vessel remains unharmed and capable of absorbing magic.


The behavioral spectrum of Eldritch Dolls spans from simple automatons to entities with full personhood. At the basic level, a doll with a simple mind performs tasks as directed, responding to commands with limited deviation. Capable of basic speech, they can answer simple questions but lack the depth for meaningful conversation. When idle, these dolls remain inactive, awaiting instruction. Conversely, at the other end of the spectrum, a doll imbued with a soul and significant magical power behaves with complete autonomy, possessing its own will and agency. This endows them with a full range of emotions, thoughts, and the ability to make independent decisions. Between these extremes lies a vast array of intermediate behaviors, where varying degrees of intelligence and autonomy are exhibited based on the intricacies of their creation and the nature of the soul or consciousness within.

Willpower and Intelligence

The intelligence and understanding of an Eldritch Doll like Alaric can vary widely, depending on its creation and the nature of the soul or consciousness it harbors. At one end of the spectrum, a doll with a simple constructed mind, designed solely by magical means, may possess basic problem-solving skills and the ability to follow commands, but lacks deeper understanding or emotional depth. On the other end, a doll bound to a living soul – especially one of significant cognitive and emotional complexity – can exhibit a rich tapestry of thoughts, emotions, and an understanding of the world that rivals that of any sentient being. This binding imbues the doll with the soul's memories, personality, and moral compass, allowing for a more nuanced interaction with its environment and a profound connection with its creator.

Freeing the Doll

The essence of an Eldritch Doll's sentience lies in the intricate blend of the quality and quantity of blood used in its creation, the power and amount of Aether infused, and the presence of an actual soul within its construct. If all these components are exceptionally potent and skillfully combined, the doll can develop a true will and intent, mirroring the cognitive and emotional depth of a sentient being. In rare cases, an Eldritch Doll with this profound amalgamation of elements and sufficient power might break free from its bindings or be released by its master, evolving into an independent entity with its own consciousness and agency.

Special Abilities

With their prominent abilities of magical absorption and shapeshifting, Eldritch Dolls exhibit unique behavior patterns. Constantly absorbing latent magical energy from their surroundings, they grow increasingly powerful with age. The more energy they absorb, the more potent their abilities become. However, this energy reservoir is finite, necessitating periodic recharging at a well of magical energy for rapid replenishment, or through a slow, steady process of absorbing ambient magic over time. This continuous energy absorption not only fuels their shapeshifting prowess but also enhances their other magical capabilities, making them adaptable and formidable entities.

The doll possesses the ability to transform into any shape or form required by its master, adapting to various situations or tasks.
Arcane Bond
Much like a wizard's familiar, the doll shares a deep, mystical bond with its master, allowing them to communicate telepathically and sense each other's presence and well-being.
Elemental Manipulation
Drawing from the elemental magic used in its creation, the doll can control and manipulate basic elements like fire, water, earth, and air.
Magical Durability
Due to its magically-enhanced glass construction, the doll is remarkably durable and resistant to physical damage.
Magical Absorption
The doll can absorb magical energies directed at it, using them to heal itself or to power its own abilities.
Ethereal Sight
The doll has the ability to see into other planes of existence and detect magical auras or hidden enchantments.
It can teleport short distances, especially useful in evading attacks or quickly reaching its master.
Energy Projection
The doll can project various forms of energy, be it for attack or defense.
Memory Archive
It possesses an extensive memory archive, storing knowledge and secrets that it has encountered throughout its existence.
Empathic Link
Beyond the arcane bond, the doll can sense and, to some extent, influence the emotions of those around it, especially its master.


In the shadowed chambers of an ancient atelier, where the whispers of arcane knowledge echo through time, the creation of an Eldritch Doll begins, a ritual as old as the forgotten gods themselves. Under the pale light of a crescent moon, the master crafter calls upon the ancient art of Magnimancy, melding earth's foundation with fire's fierce spirit. Into this molten blend, a few sacred drops of blood from a sentient being are mingled, weaving a bond between life and unlife.

As the glass cools, forming a translucent shell, the air is thick with anticipation. The master, a figure of both awe and dread, begins the meticulous task of inscribing runes upon the glass. Each rune, a Litaurmantic sigil, is etched with precision, their arcane essence shimmering faintly. These are not mere markings but words of power, tales of creation and destruction, whispered into being by the lips of the divine.

With the body shaped and runes set, the heart of the ritual commences. The master invokes the ancient energies of Aether, the life force that dances in the space between stars. This ethereal essence is guided into the glass vessel, infusing it with a breath of life, a whisper of consciousness.

Now comes the most perilous step, the binding of a soul. Invoking the somber art of Necromancy, the master either summons a nascent mind from the ether or binds an existing soul, willing or otherwise, to the doll. This soul, trapped between worlds, becomes the doll's guiding will, its silent guardian.

As the final act, the master calls upon the power of Cryomancy. The doll, encased in a sheath of ice, becomes a frozen tableau, a moment captured for eternity. The last runes are carved into this icy tomb, sealing the magic within. The air grows still, the runes glow brighter, and then, in the silence of the chamber, the doll stirs. Eyes flickering with the light of distant stars, the Eldritch Doll awakens. Its form, now a perfect union of glass and magic, moves with a grace that belies its origins.


Lady Eirwen, a figure of captivating beauty and unparalleled genius, stood alone in a world she scarcely understood. Her mind, a labyrinth of arcane knowledge, was unmatched, but her heart remained a closed book, unable to forge meaningful connections with those around her. Her brilliance was as isolating as it was magnificent, casting her in a solitary light.

Alaric, her creation, was the embodiment of heroism and bravery. Crafted in the likeness of a legendary warrior, he never wavered in his loyalty to Eirwen. Even as his existence drew to a close, his steadfast presence remained by her side, a silent guardian until his final moments. In him, Eirwen found not only a protector but a companion who, despite the unnatural circumstances of his creation, provided a semblance of the connection she had long eluded. Yet, as her health and emotional capacity dwindled, so too did the fleeting warmth of this bond, leaving behind a poignant echo of what could have been.