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The Realm of Dusnain sits to the East of Thaentis, generally speaking the border is considered to be the Bighy Riber and the [[Erast Forest]] but it varies from time to time.  The two powers are at peace and there is free trade between them.  Dusnain is a much harsher area, filling with mountains and foothills.
The Realm of Dusnain is a vast and diverse kingdom located in Elder [[Soteria]], known for its rich history and unique political structure. It has witnessed significant events such as the [[War of the False Prophets]] and the [[Peace of Ages]], which have shaped its cultural and political landscape.

== Political Structure ==
== Important Locations ==
; Prime Minister : Arden Goldsmith
- **[[Erast Forest]]**: A mystical and ancient forest, home to various magical creatures and the site of the Peace of Ages treaty.
- [Other locations can be added as more information is gathered.]

While once a monarchy Dusnain has moved to a representative republic with the Prime Minister overseeing justice and contact with other powers the Council of Lords manages internal affairs such as levying taxes, passing laws, and setting internal policy. There is still a royal family that retains the title of King and Queen but they are mostly symbolic and have very little real power under the law. The main source of their power is in their ability to swing public opinion.
== Culture and Society ==
The society of Dusnain is deeply rooted in tradition and spirituality. With a unique blend of divine guidance and feudal governance, the kingdom values stoicism, duty, and resilience.
=== Values ===
- Stoicism
- Duty to the kingdom
- Spiritual alignment
=== Love and Courtship ===
[This section requires more specific information about Dusnain's views on love and courtship.]
=== Family ===
In Dusnain, families play a pivotal role in societal structure, with traditions and values passed down through generations. [More details can be added with further information.]

== Economy ==
== Economy ==
Since the climate within Dusnain is a harsh one, they trade a great deal of more refined goods and services. One of their biggest exports is in builders, known throughout the [[10 Kingdoms]] as excellent stone masons. Other than that they trade coffee and tea for which they grow in abundance to import many of the things they cannot make themselves, particularly timber which they have little of. In addition Dusnain is becoming known as a place which produces fine spirits, though some kinds of mead mostly strong spirits such as Vodka, Gin, and Whiskey.
The kingdom's economy thrives on the export of precious metals and tropical produce. Trade and commerce play a significant role in sustaining the kingdom's prosperity.
=== Currency and Trade Dynamics ===
[This section requires more specific information about Dusnain's currency and trade dynamics.]
=== Exports ===
- Precious metals
- Tropical produce
=== Imports ===
- Essential commodities like meat and textiles
== Politics ==
Dusnain boasts a unique political structure with the Council of the Chosen at its helm. The Stoikrez Trials and the Iron Edict are significant events that have shaped the kingdom's leadership and governance.
=== Justice and Law ===
[This section requires more specific information about Dusnain's justice system and laws.]
== Religious and Spiritual Beliefs ==
Spirituality plays a central role in Dusnain's culture, with divine reverence permeating every facet of life.
=== Religious Values ===
- Divine reverence
- Spiritual alignment
=== Important Holidays ===
[This section requires more specific information about Dusnain's religious holidays.]
=== Important Rituals ===
[This section requires more specific information about Dusnain's religious rituals.]
== History ==
=== Fate's Creation ===
In the primordial dawn of time, when the vast cosmos was a maelstrom of intertwining destinies, the three Fates, Discord, Harmony, and Timbre, convened in a celestial confluence. Their ethereal energies intertwined, weaving the fabric of a new realm. From their divine loom, Dusnain emerged, a realm untouched, a canvas awaiting its destiny. As their creation took form, the Fates, their purpose fulfilled, receded into the cosmic shadows, leaving Dusnain to chart its own course.
From the penumbra of ancient deities, Aelia, the Goddess of Work, emerged. Burdened by the weight of her lineage's shadows and seeking redemption, she was drawn to the nascent realm of Dusnain. With gentle hands and a heart full of purpose, she breathed life into its vast expanse. Majestic mountains rose, deep valleys carved their paths, and rivers meandered with purpose. Under Aelia's benevolent gaze, Dusnain transformed, blossoming into a land of beauty, hope, and second chances.
Recognizing the souls' eternal quest for solace and guidance, Aelia sought to aid [[Osyn]], the protector of the dead and dying. Deep within Dusnain's mightiest mountain range, she carved a sacred passage. This was no mere corridor; it was Osyn's Passage, a bridge between the realms of the living and the departed. Crafted with love and reverence, it eased Osyn's burdens, guiding wandering souls on their final journey. As eons passed, the legend of this passage spread, drawing souls to Dusnain, the land where redemption was but a passage away.
=== War to End all Wars ===
In the peaceful era preceding the War of the False Prophets, Dusnain stood as a beacon of hope and redemption in [[Elder Soteria]]. Its majestic landscapes, shaped by Aelia's touch, and the spiritual guidance of Osyn's Passage drew souls from far and wide. The realm, under the protective gaze of its deities, flourished both culturally and economically. However, as whispers of dissent and religious unrest began to spread across the lands, Dusnain, with its deep spiritual roots, found itself at the crossroads of emerging conflicts.
As the War of the False Prophets erupted, Dusnain's position as a spiritual epicenter made it a prime target for the false prophets. These self-proclaimed messengers sought to manipulate the realm's spiritual significance, aiming to control the masses and gain unparalleled power. The once serene landscapes of Dusnain became battlegrounds, with its sacred sites desecrated by the prophets' followers. The kingdom's leaders, recognizing the gravity of the threat, rallied their forces, preparing to defend their land and its sacred legacy.
The war's climax saw some of the fiercest battles on Dusnain's soil. The false prophets, wielding dark magic and deceit, clashed with Dusnain's defenders, who were bolstered by their unwavering faith and the realm's divine blessings. Osyn's Passage played a pivotal role, with many believing that the souls of the departed aided Dusnain's warriors in their darkest hours. The battles raged on, with neither side willing to yield, each driven by their convictions and the weight of destiny.
In the wake of the war's devastation, Dusnain lay scarred but unbroken. The false prophets' influence had been purged, but the cost was immense. The once pristine landscapes bore the marks of battle, and many sacred sites needed restoration. However, the spirit of Dusnain remained indomitable. The people, drawing strength from their shared trials and the realm's divine legacy, embarked on a journey of rebuilding. Unity and resilience became the guiding principles, as Dusnain sought to heal its wounds and reclaim its spiritual significance.
=== The Blessings of the Peace of Ages ===
In the years that followed the grievous War of the False Prophets, Dusnain found itself on the cusp of a new dawn. The realm's noble leaders, bearing the weight of past transgressions, sought to mend the shattered tapestry of their kingdom. Osyn's Passage, a hallowed sanctuary, once more shone as a beacon of hope, guiding lost souls and offering solace to the weary. The scars of battle, though deep, served as a constant reminder of the realm's fortitude and the sacred duty to protect its legacy.
With the sealing of the Peace of Ages, Dusnain stood at the heart of a divine reckoning. This sacred accord, which quelled the raging fires of war, was hailed by Dusnain's folk as a gift from the heavens. With peace restored, the kingdom, renowned for its spiritual heritage, became the very cornerstone of unity and brotherhood. As emissaries from distant realms journeyed to Dusnain's hallowed grounds, the kingdom blossomed into a crucible of traditions and wisdom. No longer confined by its borders, Dusnain welcomed trade, diplomacy, and the rich tapestry of foreign cultures, all under the protective mantle of the Peace of Ages.
=== The Rise of Enlightenment ===
In the wake of such peace, a fervor for knowledge and enlightenment swept through Dusnain. Monastic schools, a blend of spiritual sanctuaries and centers of learning, sprouted across the realm. Within their ancient stone walls, scholars and monks delved into the mysteries of the world, kindling the flames of philosophy, reminiscent of the great thinkers of times long past. The pursuit of knowledge became paramount, with every child, noble or common, granted the right to education. As the winds of change rustled through Dusnain's forests, whispers of a new governance took root. Inspired by their newfound enlightenment, visionaries within the kingdom began to sow the seeds of democracy. Though these ideas grew slowly, nurtured by the wisdom of scholars and the patience of time, they promised a future where the voice of every Dusnainian would be heard.
=== Path to Democracy ===
As the Peace of Ages settled over the lands and the fervor for knowledge and enlightenment grew, so too did the whispers of change. The seeds of democracy, sown by visionaries and scholars, began to take root in the hearts and minds of Dusnainians. The monarchy, which had stood as a pillar of stability for centuries, found itself at the crossroads of history. In 207 AW, a historic moment dawned upon Dusnain. The realm witnessed its first elections, a testament to its commitment to the ideals of democracy. However, this monumental shift was not without its challenges. The absence of the monarch's guiding hand led to a lack of political stability. Power struggles emerged, factions vied for control, and the once-unified realm teetered on the brink of chaos.

== Masons Guild ==
As Dusnain transitioned to democracy, the protective gaze of the monarchy waned, allowing corruption to infiltrate the new government. The allure of unchecked power swayed many former champions of democracy, leading the nascent government to stumble in its decisions. This instability, coupled with a wary political climate, stymied the once-thriving economy, resulting in job losses and widespread hardships. However, Dusnain's unwavering spirit, bolstered by sagacious leaders and the united resolve of its people, charted a path to stability. Through pivotal reforms, the establishment of robust institutions, and dedicated efforts, the realm gradually reclaimed its economic and social equilibrium.
The Masons Guild of Dusnain is a secretive organization that trains builders who oversee construction throughout the 10 Kingdoms.  They pay homage to the Council of Lords and to the Prime Minister and are entitled to significant political and economic privileges at home. They are known to be experts at construction and have taken part in the design, construction, upkeep, and repair of castles and citadels throughout the 10 Kingdoms.

== People ==
By the dawn of the 300s AW, Dusnain had transformed. The monarchy, though now a symbolic entity, remained a cherished part of the realm's history. The democracy, once a fledgling dream, stood strong, guiding Dusnain into a future of hope and prosperity. The road had been long and fraught with challenges, but Dusnain emerged, not just as a realm of peace and knowledge, but as a beacon of democratic ideals.
The people of Dusnain are hearty and primarily focus on strength, courage, and honesty. They believe strongly in a good days labor, the larger the better. They live generally simple lives but are known to be able to withstand great deals of hardship and are exceptionally good problem solvers as a whole.

[[Category:Embers of Soteria]]

Revision as of 19:43, 9 September 2023

The Realm of Dusnain is a vast and diverse kingdom located in Elder Soteria, known for its rich history and unique political structure. It has witnessed significant events such as the War of the False Prophets and the Peace of Ages, which have shaped its cultural and political landscape.

Important Locations

- **Erast Forest**: A mystical and ancient forest, home to various magical creatures and the site of the Peace of Ages treaty. - [Other locations can be added as more information is gathered.]

Culture and Society

The society of Dusnain is deeply rooted in tradition and spirituality. With a unique blend of divine guidance and feudal governance, the kingdom values stoicism, duty, and resilience.


- Stoicism - Duty to the kingdom - Spiritual alignment

Love and Courtship

[This section requires more specific information about Dusnain's views on love and courtship.]


In Dusnain, families play a pivotal role in societal structure, with traditions and values passed down through generations. [More details can be added with further information.]


The kingdom's economy thrives on the export of precious metals and tropical produce. Trade and commerce play a significant role in sustaining the kingdom's prosperity.

Currency and Trade Dynamics

[This section requires more specific information about Dusnain's currency and trade dynamics.]


- Precious metals - Tropical produce


- Essential commodities like meat and textiles


Dusnain boasts a unique political structure with the Council of the Chosen at its helm. The Stoikrez Trials and the Iron Edict are significant events that have shaped the kingdom's leadership and governance.

Justice and Law

[This section requires more specific information about Dusnain's justice system and laws.]

Religious and Spiritual Beliefs

Spirituality plays a central role in Dusnain's culture, with divine reverence permeating every facet of life.

Religious Values

- Divine reverence - Spiritual alignment

Important Holidays

[This section requires more specific information about Dusnain's religious holidays.]

Important Rituals

[This section requires more specific information about Dusnain's religious rituals.]


Fate's Creation

In the primordial dawn of time, when the vast cosmos was a maelstrom of intertwining destinies, the three Fates, Discord, Harmony, and Timbre, convened in a celestial confluence. Their ethereal energies intertwined, weaving the fabric of a new realm. From their divine loom, Dusnain emerged, a realm untouched, a canvas awaiting its destiny. As their creation took form, the Fates, their purpose fulfilled, receded into the cosmic shadows, leaving Dusnain to chart its own course.

From the penumbra of ancient deities, Aelia, the Goddess of Work, emerged. Burdened by the weight of her lineage's shadows and seeking redemption, she was drawn to the nascent realm of Dusnain. With gentle hands and a heart full of purpose, she breathed life into its vast expanse. Majestic mountains rose, deep valleys carved their paths, and rivers meandered with purpose. Under Aelia's benevolent gaze, Dusnain transformed, blossoming into a land of beauty, hope, and second chances.

Recognizing the souls' eternal quest for solace and guidance, Aelia sought to aid Osyn, the protector of the dead and dying. Deep within Dusnain's mightiest mountain range, she carved a sacred passage. This was no mere corridor; it was Osyn's Passage, a bridge between the realms of the living and the departed. Crafted with love and reverence, it eased Osyn's burdens, guiding wandering souls on their final journey. As eons passed, the legend of this passage spread, drawing souls to Dusnain, the land where redemption was but a passage away.

War to End all Wars

In the peaceful era preceding the War of the False Prophets, Dusnain stood as a beacon of hope and redemption in Elder Soteria. Its majestic landscapes, shaped by Aelia's touch, and the spiritual guidance of Osyn's Passage drew souls from far and wide. The realm, under the protective gaze of its deities, flourished both culturally and economically. However, as whispers of dissent and religious unrest began to spread across the lands, Dusnain, with its deep spiritual roots, found itself at the crossroads of emerging conflicts.

As the War of the False Prophets erupted, Dusnain's position as a spiritual epicenter made it a prime target for the false prophets. These self-proclaimed messengers sought to manipulate the realm's spiritual significance, aiming to control the masses and gain unparalleled power. The once serene landscapes of Dusnain became battlegrounds, with its sacred sites desecrated by the prophets' followers. The kingdom's leaders, recognizing the gravity of the threat, rallied their forces, preparing to defend their land and its sacred legacy.

The war's climax saw some of the fiercest battles on Dusnain's soil. The false prophets, wielding dark magic and deceit, clashed with Dusnain's defenders, who were bolstered by their unwavering faith and the realm's divine blessings. Osyn's Passage played a pivotal role, with many believing that the souls of the departed aided Dusnain's warriors in their darkest hours. The battles raged on, with neither side willing to yield, each driven by their convictions and the weight of destiny.

In the wake of the war's devastation, Dusnain lay scarred but unbroken. The false prophets' influence had been purged, but the cost was immense. The once pristine landscapes bore the marks of battle, and many sacred sites needed restoration. However, the spirit of Dusnain remained indomitable. The people, drawing strength from their shared trials and the realm's divine legacy, embarked on a journey of rebuilding. Unity and resilience became the guiding principles, as Dusnain sought to heal its wounds and reclaim its spiritual significance.

The Blessings of the Peace of Ages

In the years that followed the grievous War of the False Prophets, Dusnain found itself on the cusp of a new dawn. The realm's noble leaders, bearing the weight of past transgressions, sought to mend the shattered tapestry of their kingdom. Osyn's Passage, a hallowed sanctuary, once more shone as a beacon of hope, guiding lost souls and offering solace to the weary. The scars of battle, though deep, served as a constant reminder of the realm's fortitude and the sacred duty to protect its legacy.

With the sealing of the Peace of Ages, Dusnain stood at the heart of a divine reckoning. This sacred accord, which quelled the raging fires of war, was hailed by Dusnain's folk as a gift from the heavens. With peace restored, the kingdom, renowned for its spiritual heritage, became the very cornerstone of unity and brotherhood. As emissaries from distant realms journeyed to Dusnain's hallowed grounds, the kingdom blossomed into a crucible of traditions and wisdom. No longer confined by its borders, Dusnain welcomed trade, diplomacy, and the rich tapestry of foreign cultures, all under the protective mantle of the Peace of Ages.

The Rise of Enlightenment

In the wake of such peace, a fervor for knowledge and enlightenment swept through Dusnain. Monastic schools, a blend of spiritual sanctuaries and centers of learning, sprouted across the realm. Within their ancient stone walls, scholars and monks delved into the mysteries of the world, kindling the flames of philosophy, reminiscent of the great thinkers of times long past. The pursuit of knowledge became paramount, with every child, noble or common, granted the right to education. As the winds of change rustled through Dusnain's forests, whispers of a new governance took root. Inspired by their newfound enlightenment, visionaries within the kingdom began to sow the seeds of democracy. Though these ideas grew slowly, nurtured by the wisdom of scholars and the patience of time, they promised a future where the voice of every Dusnainian would be heard.

Path to Democracy

As the Peace of Ages settled over the lands and the fervor for knowledge and enlightenment grew, so too did the whispers of change. The seeds of democracy, sown by visionaries and scholars, began to take root in the hearts and minds of Dusnainians. The monarchy, which had stood as a pillar of stability for centuries, found itself at the crossroads of history. In 207 AW, a historic moment dawned upon Dusnain. The realm witnessed its first elections, a testament to its commitment to the ideals of democracy. However, this monumental shift was not without its challenges. The absence of the monarch's guiding hand led to a lack of political stability. Power struggles emerged, factions vied for control, and the once-unified realm teetered on the brink of chaos.

As Dusnain transitioned to democracy, the protective gaze of the monarchy waned, allowing corruption to infiltrate the new government. The allure of unchecked power swayed many former champions of democracy, leading the nascent government to stumble in its decisions. This instability, coupled with a wary political climate, stymied the once-thriving economy, resulting in job losses and widespread hardships. However, Dusnain's unwavering spirit, bolstered by sagacious leaders and the united resolve of its people, charted a path to stability. Through pivotal reforms, the establishment of robust institutions, and dedicated efforts, the realm gradually reclaimed its economic and social equilibrium.

By the dawn of the 300s AW, Dusnain had transformed. The monarchy, though now a symbolic entity, remained a cherished part of the realm's history. The democracy, once a fledgling dream, stood strong, guiding Dusnain into a future of hope and prosperity. The road had been long and fraught with challenges, but Dusnain emerged, not just as a realm of peace and knowledge, but as a beacon of democratic ideals.