Osyn the Protector of the Dead and Dying

From Solas Tempus DB
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Osyn Protector of the Dead and Dying
Height: 6'2"
Gender: Female
Race: Deity
Figure: Smooth skinned and curvy but muscular and powerful.
Category: 5
Status: NPC
Setting: Embers of Soteria

Osyn embodies a sense of duty and unwavering commitment to her role, ensuring that the souls in her charge find peace and transition smoothly to the afterlife. Yet, beneath her somber exterior lies a deep empathy for the struggles of mortals, as she understands the intricate complexities of life and death. Her presence is both comforting and resolute, radiating a quiet strength that brings solace to those facing their inevitable end and offering hope amidst the veil of mortality.

Special Abilities

Soul Judgment
Osyn possesses the ability to discern the true nature and essence of departing souls, weighing their deeds, intentions, and emotional state to determine the appropriate path for their afterlife journey.
Soul Guidance
Once the judgment is made, Osyn can guide souls, ensuring they find their way to the Ocean of Dreams or the Severed Realm, depending on their moral and emotional disposition.
Protective Aura
Osyn emits a powerful protective aura that shields the dead and the dying from malevolent forces, safeguarding them during their transition to the afterlife.
Balance Manipulation
As the guardian of the equilibrium between life and death, Osyn has the power to manipulate and maintain the delicate balance between these realms, preventing disruptions that could harm both the living and the dead.
Interdimensional Travel
Osyn can effortlessly traverse realms and dimensions, enabling her to escort souls to their respective destinations, transcending the boundaries between life and death.
Empathy and Comfort
Alongside her supernatural abilities, Osyn possesses a deep empathy for the struggles and emotions of the dead and the dying, providing comfort, solace, and reassurance during their transition.


In the annals of mythical history, the origins of Osyn, the revered Protector of the Dead and Dying, reveal a tale of destiny, estrangement, and divine purpose. Deep within the realms of the Old Gods, a fateful union unfolded, shaping the course of Osyn's existence and her ultimate role as the guardian between life and death.

Osyn's lineage traces back to the union of Eruer and Aelia, an ill-fated pairing wrought with turmoil. Aelia, the daughter of Udona and Eruer himself, was an embodiment of steadfastness and unwavering focus. Her parents, unaware of the unintended consequence of their coupling, unwittingly brought forth the conception of Osyn. When Aelia's pregnancy came to fruition, she was kept ignorant of her divine heritage, and instead, her life was entwined with mortals, toiling alongside them without knowledge of her true nature.

It was during this period of unknowing labor that the divine work of the world suffered. Aelia's frustration and rage manifested in harsh judgments upon the mortal realm, declaring widespread laziness and subjecting countless individuals to punishing retribution. Many lives were lost, and the world languished under the weight of her anger.

The arrival of Osyn into the world was a catalyst for change. Recognizing Aelia's unsuitability and cruelty as a mother, Eruer, in a decision tinged with sorrow and necessity, took Osyn from her birth mother's care. This separation would become a defining moment, as it shaped Osyn's path and granted her the purpose she would come to fulfill.

Raised under the tutelage of her father, Eruer, Osyn was groomed to become the protector of those in the transition between life and death. Eruer, the god of care and neglect, understood the delicate balance required to maintain the harmony between mortal existence and the realm beyond. He recognized that mortals needed a guardian who could navigate this delicate equilibrium, shielding both the living and the dead from mutual harm.

Osyn's divine duty encompassed the judgment of souls, ensuring their passage to the afterlife while protecting the living from the vengeful spirits of the departed. Prior to Osyn's intervention, ghosts roamed freely, inflicting harm upon the living in their quest for retribution. However, with Osyn's emergence, a new era dawned, wherein the dead could find peace, their anger and pain assuaged, as they were led towards their rightful destination.

Legend speaks of Osyn's tireless vigilance, her unwavering commitment to her duty. She guards the souls who have departed or stand on the precipice of death, escorting them to either the Ocean of Dreams or the Severed Realm, depending on the nature of their existence. The Ocean of Dreams offers solace to those who embrace their fate and release their anger and resentment, granting them the opportunity to watch over their loved ones from the ethereal realm. Meanwhile, the Severed Realm awaits souls steeped in bitterness, anger, and violence—a realm that forever separates them from the mortal world.

Osyn's journey is intertwined with the estrangement of her mother, Aelia, who never desired to bring forth a child. Aelia's unwavering focus and single-mindedness rendered her unable to grasp the larger picture, often fixating on places where mortals toiled relentlessly. Her appearances among mortals were rare, yet when she did reveal herself, mortals were offered a glimpse of the swiftest path to their desires. However, these paths required dedication and resolve beyond the reach of most mortals.