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== Parallel Realities & The Multiverse ==
== Parallel Realities & The Multiverse ==
There are infinite realities encapsulating every potential divergence, choice, or outcome of any given event.  Each potential outcome occurs within its own continuity or timeline.  Each timeline continuity can be thought of as its own reality where a unique set of circumstances (composed of choices and event outcomes) which set it apart from neighboring realities.  Within the multiverse realities are "grouped" by similarity, those realities "closest" to our own have the most similar outcomesBy closest of grouping, it is not literal, but rather their ''Divergence Factor'' (the relative magnitude of differences between realities) can be conceptually thought of as being "closer" to a given reality.
There are infinite realities encapsulating every potential divergence, choice, or outcome of any given event.  Each potential outcome occurs within its own continuity or timeline and obeys the physical laws and properties of the subspace domain it exists inEvents within a subspace domain branch off with each possible outcome, those outcomes are influenced by the properties of the domain creating a kind of unique grouping of timelines which all share the physical laws and properties of the domain they are inThe divergence of each timeline within a domain is measured by a ''Divergence Factor'' which measures the magnitude of differences of one timeline to another.
In scientific terms, each reality is connected by a variety of factors to each other reality.  Most notably connected via layers of subspace, the depth into subspace from one reality to another grows proportionally to the Divergence Factor from one reality to another.  The higher the Divergence Factor the more energy / power is required to breech the subspace barrier from one reality to another.  These subspace barriers are breeched naturally when anomalies in two separate realities align and cause a [[Splice]] or what in antiquity was called an [[Umbral Passage]].  Other names for this kind of anomaly exist, but there are areas of instability which can connect two otherwise distant realities momentarily and allow passage.

=== 7th Dimension - Nonlinear Time (Anticontinua) ===
=== 7th Dimension - Nonlinear Time (Anticontinua) ===
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=== Subspace Domains ===
=== Subspace Domains ===
The layers of subspace which make up our unperceived reality are divided into an infinite number of subspace domains.  Each domain, also called a subspace manifold, is a different reality until itself all coexisting within the same space and the same time but on different energy levels.  The change in energy levels helps to define all the divergent qualities of different realities.  There is no central ''prime'' reality from which all other realities branch.  Our universe is only one such reality and thus the multiple subspace domains which make up all of the parallel realities coexisting with ours is called the ''Multiverse''.  Each subspace domain has a unique energy level and thus subspace frequency.
The layers of subspace which make up our unperceived reality are divided into an infinite number of subspace domains.  Each domain, also called a subspace manifold, is a different reality until itself all coexisting within the same space and the same time but on different energy levels.  The change in energy levels helps to define all the divergent qualities of different realities.  There is no central ''prime'' reality from which all other realities branch.  Our universe is only one such reality and thus the multiple subspace domains which make up all of the parallel realities coexisting with ours is called the ''Multiverse''.  Each subspace domain has a unique energy level and thus subspace frequency.  The divergence between one domain and another is measured by the ''Codivergence Factor'' which measures not a difference of events but rather the difference in physical laws and properties from one domain to another.

Each subspace domain contains all of the possible timeline branches within that domain.  Every domain is defined by the physical laws and properties which define that reality.  In theory, when a reality begins (i.e. a big bang or other event) the physical laws and properties of that domain guide and change the path of events which diverge from that singular event.  This also accounts for how divergent the physical laws of a given domain can be from one another.  The properties of a subspace domain encompass the behavior of the fundamental forces of that domain.
Each subspace domain contains all of the possible timeline branches within that domain.  Every domain is defined by the physical laws and properties which define that reality.  In theory, when a reality begins (i.e. a big bang or other event) the physical laws and properties of that domain guide and change the path of events which diverge from that singular event.  This also accounts for how divergent the physical laws of a given domain can be from one another.  The properties of a subspace domain encompass the behavior of the fundamental forces of that domain.
Every domain (reality) is connected by a variety of factors to each other reality.  Most notably connected via layers of subspace, the depth into subspace from one reality to another grows proportionally to the Codivergence Factor from one domain to another.  The higher the Codivergence Factor the more energy / power is required to breech the subspace barrier from one reality to another.  These subspace barriers are breeched naturally when anomalies in two separate realities align and cause a [[Splice]] or what in antiquity was called an [[Umbral Passage]].  Other names for this kind of anomaly exist, but there are areas of instability which can connect two otherwise distant realities momentarily and allow passage.

Each subspace domain can have physical laws nearly identical to ours or radically different physical laws which change the very nature of reality.  [[Hyperspace]] (including [[Hyperspace, Lantean|Lantean]]) zones are considered to be a natural subspace domains.  Zones like [[Void Space]] or Folded Space used by the [[Dimensional Fold Drive]] are artificially created subspace domains.  In each of these cases the very nature of reality in these domains is radically different from ours.  The properties of these domains are exploited to allow faster than light travel or other fantastical events and technologies to exist.  In each of these cases, traveling to such a domain requires generation of a portal, window, or gateway through a subspace rupture.  There are both naturally occurring ruptures and artificial ruptures.
Each subspace domain can have physical laws nearly identical to ours or radically different physical laws which change the very nature of reality.  [[Hyperspace]] (including [[Hyperspace, Lantean|Lantean]]) zones are considered to be a natural subspace domains.  Zones like [[Void Space]] or Folded Space used by the [[Dimensional Fold Drive]] are artificially created subspace domains.  In each of these cases the very nature of reality in these domains is radically different from ours.  The properties of these domains are exploited to allow faster than light travel or other fantastical events and technologies to exist.  In each of these cases, traveling to such a domain requires generation of a portal, window, or gateway through a subspace rupture.  There are both naturally occurring ruptures and artificial ruptures.

Latest revision as of 01:17, 25 November 2021

Reality itself can be thought of as our particular flow of energy in our own temporal continuity. That is, our reality can be defined as our path through time and all the energy (and thus matter) which flows along times arrow from the past into the future. This continuity contains all of the conventional energy and matter native to our timeline. In line with the Laws of Thermodynamics and Laws of Conservation of Energy and Matter, our continuity (i.e. our timeline). Since time and energy are interchangeable, references to an object also hold true for energy unless otherwise noted.

Conventional Space and Time

Conventional mapping within space-time contains some mapping of 3 dimensions, either relative to an origin (as in where an object is mapping to where an object would like to be) or relative to some fixed point (i.e. some predefined fixed point in space-time). Either definition has an object and a measure of length, width, and depth relative to some origin. There are a variety of coordinate systems available (spherical, cylindrical, cartesian). All of these coordinate systems allow the mapping of objects in 3 dimensional space. To better understand the dimensional mechanics at play in the conventional 3D world, here are the basic 3 dimensions of space defined as well as the 4th dimension of time.

1st Dimension - Length (Line)

This point can be connected to another point, forming a line. This line exists in the 1st dimension and has length, but no other attribute. The first dimension connects two points.

2nd Dimension - Width (Branch)

If one then wishes to branch off to a third point, one cannot do so within the 1st dimension. For this the branch from the 1-dimensional line to a 3rd point must have another dimension, width.

3rd Dimension - Depth (Fold)

Now if one would like to travel from the 2nd dimensional space formed by our line and its branch, one could traverse the line back to the origin and then along the branch. This is the long way there, the other way would be to fold the 2nd dimensional object from one point to another. This would require the existence of a 3rd dimension, Depth.

4th Dimension - Time (Temporal)

Similar to our initial concept of a 0-Dimension existing as a point. Within the 4th dimension, all possible 3D space is contained within a singular point. Each of the possible points contains the state of the universe at a given point in time. Time exists in a continuity, we are anchored to a timeline and move through time at a constant rate, which cannot be changed through conventional means within the 4 dimensions of space-time.

Time Dimension

Movement in our 3D world requires some way to measure duration. We do that through the 4th dimension of time. Once again, relative to an origin point time moves conventionally in a single direction from the past to the future. Adding this 4th dimensional measure one can map not only the position of an object, a direction and distance to another object or location but also the speed an object travels. As conventional space-time shows time as a constant, coordinates in conventional space-time usually 4 values. There are 3 coordinates and a 4th value representing the time duration for transit (representing speed or velocity in the form of departure time and expected arrival time) from point A to point B. Any point in space-time can be fixed to be a point measured in length, width, depth, and duration from an origin point.

We cannot directly perceive changes in time (or the timeline / our temporal continuity). We can only perceive the effects changes in time have on the 3D space which we can perceive. High energy particle physics gives us partials which are produced by the curvature of time interacting with the curvature of space, such as chronotons and tachyons. We can use these particles which are perceptible to measure that which we cannot perceive.

Temporal Anchor

Any object within our conventional reality exists at a particular point in space and time simultaneously and cannot exist in two places at the same. Conversely, an object can exist at the same place at two times, that is because an object in 3D space has freedom of movement within space (3 dimensions) but not time. So while moving along the stream of time we can visit any part of 3D space as often as we like, but cannot visit any time at any point. We are anchored to time and this gives us freedom within space.

This temporal anchor means that all we are able to perceive directly is a 3D cross-section of a larger reality as we pass through time.

Space-Time Warping

Knowing that space and time are bound together as we perceive them we unify this concept. Space-time covers our conventional world and how we move through it. Conventional movement through space-time follows the rules of relativity, that is there is a maximum theoretical velocity any object of mass can travel and it must be less than the speed of light in a vacuum. By changing the shape of space-time itself, in this way a vessel traveling at warp velocities can go around relativity. The space around a vessel is actually what is moving allowing the vessel to move with it, but the relative velocity of the vessel to surrounding space is lower than the speed of light, space itself is able to move faster than the speed of light. This is the basic premise of Warp Drive and it uses a subspace field to alter the shape of space-time. The Warp Factor measures how distorted space-time becomes in the presence of the subspace field (called a Warp Field) which is directly correlating to the intensity of that field.

By warping space-time one can not only travel faster than light via Warp Drive but also bridge the divide between two points, curving the space back into itself. This is the method used in the Gravitational Displacement Drive, where two points of space-time are anchored together via folding space-time onto itself. In this method the relative temporal differential is null and thus the two points exist as the same point for only a finite moment in time (i.e. the space does not move through time for that moment and instead travels between two points in space).

5th Dimension - Linear Time (Continua)

The beginning of the Multiverse is at the 5th dimension. If the time dimension has a point which represents the entire universe of 3D space at a specific time, then the 5th dimension would encompass the path from one moment in time to another. This path from one time to another is what we experience as the flow of time. The essence of the 5th dimension is the directionality of time flowing at a constant rate from one 4th dimensional point to another as time moves.

6th Dimension - Divergent Time (Discontinua)

The state of the universe (space) at a given point in time is connected to the next point in linear times branches off into all the possible outcomes which could potentially happen. The 6th dimension connects all possible outcomes of every possible event to each other in a linear progression from cause to effect. Within the 6th dimension each potential outcome is only connected to the events which preceded it and the possible outcomes which follow. In this perspective while there are multiple possible timelines they are all connected linearly.

Time Travel

Breaking an object's temporal anchor does not automatically result in time travel. If a temporal anchor is broken it results in an object becoming unstuck in the timeline violates the principle of Temporal Rigidity, and can have disastrous effects. The temporal anchor is what allows an object to remain tied to its own position in time (i.e. the position in space-time it belongs to). To travel through time one must manipulate the 5th dimension to bend space-time into a shape that allows transit from one point in time to another point in time retaining the continuity of being within the same subspace domain. Since the 5th dimension is linear time, by bending it we can artificially travel from one point to another point alone the same temporal path (i.e. series of events).

Successfully moving through time requires that an object remains anchored to its origin time. This retained anchor allows an object to return to the time it originated from. There is some amount of physiological stress created by the anchor and the natural pull that anchor has to return an object to it's native point in time. This is why Temporal Operatives return home from a message not to the exact point in time they left from but rather from their origin point in time plus the amount of time they spent in the past. This resolve the physiological stress caused the stretching of the temporal anchor. The stress caused can manifest in a variety of ways and is why many of those who travel through time get momentarily disoriented or feel somehow off or strange compared to how they normally feel. This is their body and mind perceiving the pull of their temporal anchor.

The Time Displacement Engine

With the TDE space-time is folded back in on itself to create a temporary bridge from one point in space-time to another. Since it does not involve any region of normal space and crosses from one point to another directly, the physiological stresses are extreme. Once space-time is folded the vessel is literally pushed into the destination point in space-time all at once. The instant pull of the temporal anchor causes high levels of physiological and psychological stress as the body must adapt all at once and it can cause temporal narcosis and other nasty side effects. The TDE operates exclusively within the 5th dimension, looping time back on itself within maintaining the same continuity.

Parallel Realities & The Multiverse

There are infinite realities encapsulating every potential divergence, choice, or outcome of any given event. Each potential outcome occurs within its own continuity or timeline and obeys the physical laws and properties of the subspace domain it exists in. Events within a subspace domain branch off with each possible outcome, those outcomes are influenced by the properties of the domain creating a kind of unique grouping of timelines which all share the physical laws and properties of the domain they are in. The divergence of each timeline within a domain is measured by a Divergence Factor which measures the magnitude of differences of one timeline to another.

7th Dimension - Nonlinear Time (Anticontinua)

Under conventional physics, times arrow dictates that within linear time (5th and 6th dimensions) there is no method for move from one point in linear time backward along that path. By manipulating the 6th dimension the Time Displacement Engine (TDE) can accomplish travel back through time in a linear way. The TDE works by looping time back onto itself diverting the path a region of space moves through time backward to a previous point in time. Doing this still maintains the local flow of time going in a unified singular direction. This is why a vessel utilizing the TDE is pushed by the flow of time from its point of origin to its destination. The flow of time remains unchanged and constant, simply diverted.

The Dimension Fold Drive

By manipulating the 7th dimension, one is able to fold the path of time back onto itself and change the direction which time flows in a local area of space. With the Dimensional Fold Drive, a vessel creates an artificial subspace manifold out of a pocket of normal space. Occupants of the vessel retain their anchor to their native time but as the ship moves through time the physiological stresses involved are significantly lessened by the fact that they are in a pocket of space-time which is also anchored to their origin time. Folded Space acts as a kind of temporal buffer to allow the body to adapt to the pull of the temporal anchor. This kind of time travel utilizes non-linear time to fold a branch of the multiverse back upon itself and travel to a previous state of the universe.

Subspace & Reality

Subspace itself is composed of the adjacent layers of reality beyond our 3 dimensions of perception and the 4th dimension of time, which we are anchored to and moving along. Subspace is not navigated as we navigate normal space-time, rather subspace exists as layers of reality each infinite in its own right as they coexist within the same space as we do. If one is to make an analogy to navigating space-time, one can consider that different directions one can move in subspace diverging from our space-time move through the ways parallel realities diverge from our own either in the laws of physics and constants which define the shape and properties of our universe, the events which define the continuity of our universe, or both. Subspace is made up of an infinite number of domains.

Subspace Fields

A subspace field is a manipulation of space-time created by strong electro-magnetic, gravitational, or fields created by other fundamental forces. These fields alter the shape of normal space-time as they radiate from their source or move through space-time. A subspace field is a function of fundamental forces interacting with space-time. The dividing line between a subspace field and a magnetic or gravitational field is the intensity and combination, a highly cohesive magneto-gravimetric field is required to create a subspace field. Subspace fields can also be created using other fundamental particles such as gluons or bosons.

Subspace fields are measured by their intensity based on the potential differential from one point in subspace (usually normal space-time) to another point in subspace beyond what we can normally perceive. This energy potential can be expressed as an occupation frequency, different frequencies of subspace fields at different energy levels create different subspace particles, these particles can be detected by their effect on the physical world. Usually measures in Electron Volts (eV), the different subspace layers each have a different frequency or energy level. A subspace field's potential energy differential travels not across space-time but from the same location in space-time at a different energy level of subspace.

Subspace Communications

Subspace can be used for communication, by broadcasting a signal through modulating a small subspace field similar to how conventional ratio modulates an electro-magnetic field to transmit information. Subspace waves travel from their origin point and a certain depth in subspace to normal space. A subspace signal begins it's life traveling faster than light and as it moves through subspace the signal slows down and eventually travels at light speed the way conventional radio does as the signal moves through the subspace layers closer and closer to normal space. Subspace relays are used to, in effect, push a modulated signal back into subspace and retain the transmission speed so greater distances can be travelled by the signal at superluminal speeds. Modulated subspace signals have an incredible range, even traveling at space-normal speed (or light speed) they can travel for 100's or 1000's of lightyears without degrading.

8th Dimension - Realia (Dominium)

Within the 8th dimension, all possible branches of a timeline are contained in a single point. Each point thus contains an entire reality as defined by the possible events and outcomes within that reality.

9th Dimension - Corealia (Dominia)

Within the 9th dimension, all possible realities are connected to each other coexisting in the space time, at the same time, but in an infinite number of parallel realities all connected to each other. The Trans-Dimensional Beacon works by broadcasting a signal across realities through the connections present in the 9th dimension. This is why it can take so long to locate a particular subspace domain or reality, currently the only way of searching for an origin reality is either to find a signal that can be traced through subspace to its origin (i.e. with the beacon) or by scanning along the connections between subspace domains until the correct signature is found.

10th Dimension - Interrealia (Infinity)

Each subspace domain is connected to every other subspace domain within the 9th dimension, thus there is a path through each point in the 9th dimension to every other point. Within the 10th dimension it is possible to fold the 9th dimension back onto itself to directly jump from one reality to another. This is how the Trans-Dimensional Supergate works as well as any individual Hermod Gate bridging the gaps between realities by folding the 9th dimension back onto itself.

Subspace Domains

The layers of subspace which make up our unperceived reality are divided into an infinite number of subspace domains. Each domain, also called a subspace manifold, is a different reality until itself all coexisting within the same space and the same time but on different energy levels. The change in energy levels helps to define all the divergent qualities of different realities. There is no central prime reality from which all other realities branch. Our universe is only one such reality and thus the multiple subspace domains which make up all of the parallel realities coexisting with ours is called the Multiverse. Each subspace domain has a unique energy level and thus subspace frequency. The divergence between one domain and another is measured by the Codivergence Factor which measures not a difference of events but rather the difference in physical laws and properties from one domain to another.

Each subspace domain contains all of the possible timeline branches within that domain. Every domain is defined by the physical laws and properties which define that reality. In theory, when a reality begins (i.e. a big bang or other event) the physical laws and properties of that domain guide and change the path of events which diverge from that singular event. This also accounts for how divergent the physical laws of a given domain can be from one another. The properties of a subspace domain encompass the behavior of the fundamental forces of that domain.

Every domain (reality) is connected by a variety of factors to each other reality. Most notably connected via layers of subspace, the depth into subspace from one reality to another grows proportionally to the Codivergence Factor from one domain to another. The higher the Codivergence Factor the more energy / power is required to breech the subspace barrier from one reality to another. These subspace barriers are breeched naturally when anomalies in two separate realities align and cause a Splice or what in antiquity was called an Umbral Passage. Other names for this kind of anomaly exist, but there are areas of instability which can connect two otherwise distant realities momentarily and allow passage.

Each subspace domain can have physical laws nearly identical to ours or radically different physical laws which change the very nature of reality. Hyperspace (including Lantean) zones are considered to be a natural subspace domains. Zones like Void Space or Folded Space used by the Dimensional Fold Drive are artificially created subspace domains. In each of these cases the very nature of reality in these domains is radically different from ours. The properties of these domains are exploited to allow faster than light travel or other fantastical events and technologies to exist. In each of these cases, traveling to such a domain requires generation of a portal, window, or gateway through a subspace rupture. There are both naturally occurring ruptures and artificial ruptures.

Domain Anchor

Travel across domains reveals the existence of a 2nd kind of anchor, the Domain Anchor. The domain anchor is what ties an object to the reality it originated in, the anchor can be detected by reading the quantum signature of an object. All objects (and energy) have a unique quantum signature that cannot be changed through any known means, it is the signature of the reality that object originated in. When an object crosses the boundaries from one subspace domain (reality) to another, that signature remains unchanged.

The displacement of a living being from its native subspace domain does not influence the physiological state of the body as much as a temporal anchor. Often those who have traversed realities feel an innate sense of otherness from where they are. No two subspace domains are alike, though some can be very similar. The more different a subspace domain is from the origin domain, the more sense of otherness will commonly be felt.

Realities, Universes, and Timelines

Since there are an infinite number of subspace domains, a given subspace domain corresponds to a particular reality. This indicates the group of possible universes given the physical laws common to that group of universes. Within a subspace domain, a given universe / timeline represents a specific path of events leading from the beginning of that universe (i.e. the big bang) following the laws and properties which govern that domain. Each domain contains all of the alternate timelines from the origin onward, each of these is called a universe or a particular timeline.

The Cuil - Warping Reality

A measure of alterations to the current reality within its own continuum, though not a measure of Divergence Factor. At Cuil 0, reality is normal and unchanged. The Cuil measures warping or alteration of the prime material plane in layers of abstraction. In a very real sense, the Cuil Factor measures how far the natural laws of a given reality diverge from the normal for that reality. This is not to be confused with a measure of Oswalds or other measures of Aether, though they are related. Aether itself can alter the nature of reality and thus can be used to cause warping an alteration which would register on the Cuil scale. As the Cuil Factor increases the very physical laws which govern existence change with it, which can cause wondrous and disastrous effects.

Conventional drive systems which rely on the warping of space-time also could be measured with a Cuil Factor. Scientifically the application of subspace fields to a given area of space-time alter the physical laws which govern that region. A warp field can be used to change the gravitational constant of a given region or cause even more exotic effects. These are not _true_ reality manipulations but accomplish similar effects. A true manipulation alters the physical laws by drawing energy from Cuil Realms deeper within our own continuity's subspace domain.

Beryllium Bronze is a unique alloy which can channel, focus, and manipulate Cuil Energy which in turn manipulates reality.

Cuil Realms

Cuil Realms correspond to tertiary subspace domains which have radically different configurations, physical laws, and properties to our own reality. They have very high Divergence Factors. Energy from these domains when exposed to our space-time can warp and distort it in incredible and unexpected ways, even changing the nature of matter and space-time which it comes in contact with.

Aether & Reality

Since Aether is the fabric of life within the universe, it is thus connected to all other life across subspace domains. The nature of Aether within a given domain changes based on how Aether effects and is effected by the unique properties of a given subspace domain / reality. This is also the case with the planes of existence. Though all planes are self-contained to a given subspace domain, there are some domains which conditions more suited to crossing the boundary between realities.