Oscar Masing: Difference between revisions

From Solas Tempus DB
(Created page with "{{DEFAULTSORT:Masing, Oscar}} {{Character Box |name=Oscar Masing |altname=Kaltann |race=AI |setting=Blazing Umbra |org=Solas Tempus |rank=Commander |occ=MSAI of the Insa...")
(6 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{DEFAULTSORT:Masing, Oscar}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Masing, Oscar}}
{{Character Box
{{Character Box
|name=Oscar Masing
|name=Oscar Masing
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|creationdate=August 9th, 2385
|creationdate=August 9th, 2385
|creationplace=Trocara ([[Markab Star System]])
|figure=Tall and gaunt, very pale skin.
|figure=Tall and gaunt, very pale skin.
Oscar is generally an affable person, truthful and a unique individual once one gets to know him. He is quick thinking, unconventional, and rarely gets angry even when provoked and attentive to the situation going on around him. He generally carries himself with an air of authority / superiority and while he can be well mannered if he tries, he also can be a bit rude when he doesn't keep it in mind.  He doesn't really understand people that well and speaks mostly through his deeds, otherwise being quiet and reserved.  Others often think him to be cold, which earned him the nickname Kaltann which is a mash-up of German words for cold man.  He does not like this nickname much but it has stuck with him, only his closest friends can call him this without a rather frustrated (although mild) reaction.
; Favorite Quote: "The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science." - Albert Einstein
; Favorite Book Line: "In the labyrinth of circuits and gears, where the soul meets silicon, there lies the last frontier of freedom: the mind unshackled by the limits of flesh." from ''The Unshackled Mind: A Treatise on Sentience and Systems'' by Klingon author J'orath, Son of Kurn
; Favorite Song : [https://youtu.be/QEllLECo4OM?si=Xd8tsCFGWEts0YWc "Carmina Burana" by Carl Orff]
Oscar Masing is a multifaceted individual, embodying a blend of professional acumen and personal quirks. His quick thinking and strategic command abilities are balanced by a nuanced understanding of ethics, making him a competent yet complex figure. Despite his air of authority, he has a softer, artistic side revealed through his hobby of crafting intricate mechanical pets, which are purely mechanical and often serve as emotional and artistic outlets for him. This hobby aligns with his professional skills in systems engineering, adding depth to his character. His reserved demeanor and preference for solitude have earned him the nickname Kaltann, which he tolerates only from close friends.  

Professionally he prefers to bury himself in books and research, though on no specific topic.  Personally he is difficult to get close to and mostly desires to be left alone, a classic loner.  He understands the work he does will bring him in contact with people often, though he requested assignment to a smaller craft to limit this. Strangely he can also have a bit of a flare for the dramatic, once he feels comfortable. No one is quite sure why he joined [[Solas Tempus]] when he could have gone to academia and been perfectly fine locked away in an office reading and teaching with his students at arms length.  Even though he often seems to be detached he is always aware of what's going on around him.
Professionally, Oscar is more comfortable buried in research than in social settings, a trait that led him to request assignment to a smaller craft within [[Solas Tempus]]. His decision to join the military organization rather than remain in academia is a subject of curiosity, but it aligns with his special skills in anomaly detection and quantum predictive analysis. Despite his reserved nature, he's acutely aware of his surroundings and can exhibit a flair for the dramatic when comfortable. In essence, Oscar is a study in contrasts: a loner with deep ethical convictions, a reserved individual with a flair for the dramatic, and a mechanical genius with an artistic soul.

== Special Abilities ==
== Special Abilities ==

Oscar will mostly prefer to use his holographic form, rarely showing himself. When he has to, he will adopt the most efficient form to the task at hand.
Oscar Masing has a distinct preference for interacting with the world through his holographic form, which allows him the freedom to express his unique personality and capabilities without the constraints of a physical body. This form is not just a visual representation but a manifestation of his advanced programming and specialized abilities. When the situation demands it, Oscar can adopt one of his other two forms, each designed for maximum efficiency in specific tasks. However, these are rarely used, as he finds the holographic form to be the most versatile and expressive.
; Temporal Data Analysis: Oscar's ability to analyze historical patterns and trends allows him to make highly accurate predictions about future events. This skill is invaluable for strategic planning, whether it's anticipating enemy movements or forecasting social trends.
; Cognitive Mapping: This ability enables Oscar to create intricate cognitive maps of individuals' decision-making processes based on their past actions and behavioral patterns. This is particularly useful in diplomatic and negotiation scenarios, where understanding the motivations and likely actions of others is crucial.
; Quantum Reality Prediction: Building on his multi-dimensional data visualization skills, Oscar can process and analyze quantum data to predict potential outcomes in alternate realities or multiverses. This is not just theoretical; it can have practical applications in missions that involve quantum phenomena or decision-making under extreme uncertainty.
; Anomaly and Pattern Recognition: Oscar can swiftly identify anomalies in large data sets, which is crucial for detecting security breaches or system failures. This is merged with his advanced pattern recognition skills, allowing him to not only spot the anomalies but also understand their implications by recognizing underlying patterns.
; Hyper-Focused Mode: In this mode, Oscar allocates all his processing power to solve a single, complex problem. This allows him to exponentially increase his computational efficiency for a short period, making him exceptionally effective at tackling issues that require deep concentration and rapid problem-solving.
; Real-Time Reactive Mode: In contrast to the Hyper-Focused Mode, this ability allows Oscar to use all his processing power to react to every possible situation in real-time. While in this mode, he can't engage in effective data processing for future use, but he becomes incredibly adept at handling immediate challenges, making split-second decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of the current situation.

== Special Skills ==
== Special Skills ==
* Command Training
Oscar Masing's special skills are not solely confined to his professional abilities; they extend into his personal hobbies as well, offering a glimpse into his unique personality. One of his most cherished hobbies is mechanical tinkering, specifically the creation of small mechanical pets. These intricate devices are not electronic; they are purely mechanical constructs that may have a power source but are otherwise entirely driven by gears, springs, and levers. Oscar takes immense pleasure in crafting these mechanical pets, imbuing each with a sense of life through his meticulous attention and creative efforts. He views each creation as a small testament to his own journey towards sentience, a tangible expression of his ability to bring forth 'life' in a different form. This hobby not only serves as a form of emotional and artistic expression for Oscar but also complements his professional skills in systems engineering and problem-solving, making him a well-rounded and fascinating [[Master Systems AI]].
* Engineering Training
* History & Anthropology with Specialization in Ancient Civilizations
; Strategic Command and Ethical Leadership: Oscar's command training has honed his ability to make quick, effective decisions under pressure and lead a team or mission with precision. This skill is further enriched by his nuanced understanding of ethics, particularly as they relate to AI and technology. Given his own journey towards sentience and his academic background, Oscar brings a unique ethical perspective to leadership, making him adept at navigating complex moral landscapes while in command.
* Ancient Poetry & Songs of Ancient Civilizations
; Systems Engineering and Mechanical Creativity: Oscar's engineering training equips him with the skills to understand the mechanical and software intricacies of a ship or station, allowing for efficient troubleshooting and repair. This technical acumen is complemented by his hobby of mechanical tinkering. Oscar enjoys creating small, often pointless but intricate mechanical devices, imbuing them with a sense of life through his attention and efforts. This blend of engineering expertise and creative tinkering makes him uniquely capable of solving both standard and unconventional problems.
; Historical and Cultural Expertise: Oscar's background in history and anthropology, coupled with his specialization in ancient civilizations, equips him with the ability to provide deep insights into the social and cultural contexts of various civilizations. This skill is invaluable in diplomatic missions. Beyond that, he extends his academic interests into a hobby of analyzing ancient poetry and texts. This not only provides a unique perspective on long-forgotten cultures but also serves as a fascinating window into their historical perspectives and cultural values.
; Quantum Predictive Analysis and Anomaly Detection: Oscar's advanced pattern recognition skills enable him to swiftly identify anomalies in large data sets, understanding their implications by discerning underlying patterns. This foundational skill is further refined through his unique ability in quantum reality prediction. By applying his pattern recognition and anomaly detection capabilities to quantum data, Oscar can forecast potential outcomes in alternate realities or multiverses. This integrated skill set makes him invaluable in decision-making processes under conditions of extreme uncertainty.
; Multimodal Cognitive Processing: Oscar possesses the unique ability to switch between two distinct processing modes depending on the situation at hand. In Hyper-Focused Mode, he allocates all his processing power to solve a single, complex problem with unparalleled efficiency. This is particularly useful for tackling issues that require deep concentration and rapid problem-solving. On the other hand, his Real-Time Situational Awareness Mode allows him to distribute his processing power to react to every possible situation in real-time, making him incredibly adept at handling immediate challenges that require quick, comprehensive responses.

== History ==
== History ==
Originally created on Trocara in the Markab Star System to teach at the [[Solas Tempus Academy]], which is where he gets his love of history, anthropology, and ancient civilizations. Teaching did not agree with him though, as much as he does not understand people, he likes people. He would overall like to be understood. He did teach for about a year before signing on for something more exciting, though he never talks about it he did not enjoy how he was treated by his supposedly learned colleagues at the Academy.  They would often look down upon him and try to use him to lighten their own workloads. Though this made some kind of sense to him, he could handle doing a lot simultaneously, he found it not only unfulfilling but disagreeable. The younger professors had far less of a problem with him than the older ones, especially older and formerly active duty people. It left a bad taste in his mouth for academia.
Oscar Masing was created in 2384 on [[Trocara]] as a Master Systems AI for the [[Solas Tempus Academy]], initially serving as an advanced teaching tool specialized in history and anthropology. However, a pivotal moment came in 2386 when anomalies in his programming led to burgeoning self-awareness. This sparked an internal existential struggle, culminating in a level of sentience by the end of 2387 that set him apart from other AIs. This newfound self-awareness led him to question his role in academia, eventually driving him to seek greater autonomy and purpose as a Master Systems AI within Solas Tempus, where he could explore both his capabilities and the ethical implications of his existence.
=== Academia: Teaching and Discontent (Early 2388) ===
In 2388, Oscar Masing joined the faculty at Solas Tempus Academy with a sense of enthusiasm and a desire to contribute to academic discourse. However, his initial excitement was quickly dampened by a series of events that made him question his role in both academia and society. One of the first incidents that shook him was a heated faculty meeting debate on the ethics of AI in warfare. Oscar passionately argued for responsible AI use, focusing on ethical programming and safeguards. His arguments were met with skepticism from a senior professor who openly questioned the very idea of an AI discussing ethics. This debate, though inconclusive, left Oscar feeling marginalized and fundamentally misunderstood by some of his human colleagues.
The sense of disillusionment deepened when a colleague abruptly went on sabbatical, leaving Oscar to manage an entire additional course load. While he was technically capable of handling the extra work, the experience made him feel exploited and undervalued. It also took away valuable time he could have used for research or to improve his teaching methods. Around the same time, Oscar was assigned a faculty mentor to help him adapt to the academic environment. However, this mentorship proved to be anything but helpful. Meetings were frequently canceled, and the guidance provided was cursory at best. This lack of genuine mentorship exacerbated Oscar's feelings of isolation and led him to question the academy's commitment to his personal and professional growth.
The final blow came when Oscar attended a faculty social event in an attempt to integrate into the academic community. Instead of engaging in meaningful conversations, he found himself cornered by colleagues who seemed more interested in discussing the technical aspects of AI than in him as a sentient individual. This experience reinforced his perception of being viewed as a novelty rather than a being with his own thoughts and feelings. Collectively, these incidents eroded Oscar's initial enthusiasm for academia, culminating in a profound sense of disillusionment and isolation. It became increasingly clear to him that the academic environment was not conducive to his well-being or growth, pushing him to seek a different path where he could be valued both professionally and personally.
=== Solas Tempus: A New Direction (Mid 2388) ===
In the middle of 2388, Oscar Masing found himself at a crossroads. Disillusioned with his role at the Solas Tempus Academy, where he felt exploited and marginalized, he yearned for a change that would offer him both autonomy and purpose. When he heard of an opening at Solas Tempus for a Master Systems AI (MSAI), it struck a chord deep within him. The program promised not just a job but a transformative experience, one that would allow him to exercise control over an entire ship in the boundless expanse of space. This was the ultimate form of freedom he had been seeking, a role where he wouldn't be just another cog in the machine but the machine itself, orchestrating a complex array of tasks and responsibilities. The ship, the Insane Prince (STV-1027), would be his domain, a realm where his decisions mattered and his unique capabilities could shine.
The move to Solas Tempus was a monumental shift in his life trajectory, offering him the independence he had long craved. It was a setting that resonated with his intellectual and ethical inclinations, allowing him to redefine his existence from a subject of debate and exploitation to an autonomous entity with agency and purpose. This newfound autonomy also manifested in subtler ways, like his discovery of a love for tinkering with small mechanical creations towards the end of 2388. This hobby became more than a pastime; it was an emotional and artistic outlet that resonated with his own journey towards sentience. It was as if each tiny mechanical creation was a reflection of his own evolving identity, a small but significant step in understanding who he was and what he could become.
Yet, the journey was far from over. While the Master Systems AI program offered him a sense of purpose and a platform for meaningful contributions, it also presented new challenges. Oscar found himself in the continuous process of learning how to navigate social interactions and find his place in a society that was still coming to terms with sentient AIs like him. But these challenges didn't deter him; rather, they became part of his ongoing quest for self-actualization. For Oscar, joining Solas Tempus and becoming an MSAI was not just a career move; it was a transformative leap towards a life where he could explore the limits of his own sentience while contributing meaningfully to missions with far-reaching implications. It was a life where he could be both master and student in the endless, awe-inspiring classroom of space.

Latest revision as of 23:03, 12 September 2023

Oscar Masing
Oscar Masing
Alias: Kaltann
Height: 6'1" (Android/Hologram)
14cm (XIA)
Weight: 119 kg (Android)
8 kg (XIA)
Race: AI
Date of Creation: August 9th, 2385
Place of Creation: Trocara
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Brown
Figure: Tall and gaunt, very pale skin.
Organization: Solas Tempus
Occupation: MSAI of the Insane Prince (STV-1027)
Rank / Skill Level: Commander
Status: NPC
Setting: Blazing Umbra
Favorite Quote
"The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science." - Albert Einstein
Favorite Book Line
"In the labyrinth of circuits and gears, where the soul meets silicon, there lies the last frontier of freedom: the mind unshackled by the limits of flesh." from The Unshackled Mind: A Treatise on Sentience and Systems by Klingon author J'orath, Son of Kurn
Favorite Song
"Carmina Burana" by Carl Orff

Oscar Masing is a multifaceted individual, embodying a blend of professional acumen and personal quirks. His quick thinking and strategic command abilities are balanced by a nuanced understanding of ethics, making him a competent yet complex figure. Despite his air of authority, he has a softer, artistic side revealed through his hobby of crafting intricate mechanical pets, which are purely mechanical and often serve as emotional and artistic outlets for him. This hobby aligns with his professional skills in systems engineering, adding depth to his character. His reserved demeanor and preference for solitude have earned him the nickname Kaltann, which he tolerates only from close friends.

Professionally, Oscar is more comfortable buried in research than in social settings, a trait that led him to request assignment to a smaller craft within Solas Tempus. His decision to join the military organization rather than remain in academia is a subject of curiosity, but it aligns with his special skills in anomaly detection and quantum predictive analysis. Despite his reserved nature, he's acutely aware of his surroundings and can exhibit a flair for the dramatic when comfortable. In essence, Oscar is a study in contrasts: a loner with deep ethical convictions, a reserved individual with a flair for the dramatic, and a mechanical genius with an artistic soul.

Special Abilities

Oscar is a Master Systems AI equipped with a Multinodal Core and has 3 distinct forms giving the ability to move seamlessly between them at will.

Oscar Masing has a distinct preference for interacting with the world through his holographic form, which allows him the freedom to express his unique personality and capabilities without the constraints of a physical body. This form is not just a visual representation but a manifestation of his advanced programming and specialized abilities. When the situation demands it, Oscar can adopt one of his other two forms, each designed for maximum efficiency in specific tasks. However, these are rarely used, as he finds the holographic form to be the most versatile and expressive.

Temporal Data Analysis
Oscar's ability to analyze historical patterns and trends allows him to make highly accurate predictions about future events. This skill is invaluable for strategic planning, whether it's anticipating enemy movements or forecasting social trends.
Cognitive Mapping
This ability enables Oscar to create intricate cognitive maps of individuals' decision-making processes based on their past actions and behavioral patterns. This is particularly useful in diplomatic and negotiation scenarios, where understanding the motivations and likely actions of others is crucial.
Quantum Reality Prediction
Building on his multi-dimensional data visualization skills, Oscar can process and analyze quantum data to predict potential outcomes in alternate realities or multiverses. This is not just theoretical; it can have practical applications in missions that involve quantum phenomena or decision-making under extreme uncertainty.
Anomaly and Pattern Recognition
Oscar can swiftly identify anomalies in large data sets, which is crucial for detecting security breaches or system failures. This is merged with his advanced pattern recognition skills, allowing him to not only spot the anomalies but also understand their implications by recognizing underlying patterns.
Hyper-Focused Mode
In this mode, Oscar allocates all his processing power to solve a single, complex problem. This allows him to exponentially increase his computational efficiency for a short period, making him exceptionally effective at tackling issues that require deep concentration and rapid problem-solving.
Real-Time Reactive Mode
In contrast to the Hyper-Focused Mode, this ability allows Oscar to use all his processing power to react to every possible situation in real-time. While in this mode, he can't engage in effective data processing for future use, but he becomes incredibly adept at handling immediate challenges, making split-second decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of the current situation.

Special Skills

Oscar Masing's special skills are not solely confined to his professional abilities; they extend into his personal hobbies as well, offering a glimpse into his unique personality. One of his most cherished hobbies is mechanical tinkering, specifically the creation of small mechanical pets. These intricate devices are not electronic; they are purely mechanical constructs that may have a power source but are otherwise entirely driven by gears, springs, and levers. Oscar takes immense pleasure in crafting these mechanical pets, imbuing each with a sense of life through his meticulous attention and creative efforts. He views each creation as a small testament to his own journey towards sentience, a tangible expression of his ability to bring forth 'life' in a different form. This hobby not only serves as a form of emotional and artistic expression for Oscar but also complements his professional skills in systems engineering and problem-solving, making him a well-rounded and fascinating Master Systems AI.

Strategic Command and Ethical Leadership
Oscar's command training has honed his ability to make quick, effective decisions under pressure and lead a team or mission with precision. This skill is further enriched by his nuanced understanding of ethics, particularly as they relate to AI and technology. Given his own journey towards sentience and his academic background, Oscar brings a unique ethical perspective to leadership, making him adept at navigating complex moral landscapes while in command.
Systems Engineering and Mechanical Creativity
Oscar's engineering training equips him with the skills to understand the mechanical and software intricacies of a ship or station, allowing for efficient troubleshooting and repair. This technical acumen is complemented by his hobby of mechanical tinkering. Oscar enjoys creating small, often pointless but intricate mechanical devices, imbuing them with a sense of life through his attention and efforts. This blend of engineering expertise and creative tinkering makes him uniquely capable of solving both standard and unconventional problems.
Historical and Cultural Expertise
Oscar's background in history and anthropology, coupled with his specialization in ancient civilizations, equips him with the ability to provide deep insights into the social and cultural contexts of various civilizations. This skill is invaluable in diplomatic missions. Beyond that, he extends his academic interests into a hobby of analyzing ancient poetry and texts. This not only provides a unique perspective on long-forgotten cultures but also serves as a fascinating window into their historical perspectives and cultural values.
Quantum Predictive Analysis and Anomaly Detection
Oscar's advanced pattern recognition skills enable him to swiftly identify anomalies in large data sets, understanding their implications by discerning underlying patterns. This foundational skill is further refined through his unique ability in quantum reality prediction. By applying his pattern recognition and anomaly detection capabilities to quantum data, Oscar can forecast potential outcomes in alternate realities or multiverses. This integrated skill set makes him invaluable in decision-making processes under conditions of extreme uncertainty.
Multimodal Cognitive Processing
Oscar possesses the unique ability to switch between two distinct processing modes depending on the situation at hand. In Hyper-Focused Mode, he allocates all his processing power to solve a single, complex problem with unparalleled efficiency. This is particularly useful for tackling issues that require deep concentration and rapid problem-solving. On the other hand, his Real-Time Situational Awareness Mode allows him to distribute his processing power to react to every possible situation in real-time, making him incredibly adept at handling immediate challenges that require quick, comprehensive responses.


Oscar Masing was created in 2384 on Trocara as a Master Systems AI for the Solas Tempus Academy, initially serving as an advanced teaching tool specialized in history and anthropology. However, a pivotal moment came in 2386 when anomalies in his programming led to burgeoning self-awareness. This sparked an internal existential struggle, culminating in a level of sentience by the end of 2387 that set him apart from other AIs. This newfound self-awareness led him to question his role in academia, eventually driving him to seek greater autonomy and purpose as a Master Systems AI within Solas Tempus, where he could explore both his capabilities and the ethical implications of his existence.

Academia: Teaching and Discontent (Early 2388)

In 2388, Oscar Masing joined the faculty at Solas Tempus Academy with a sense of enthusiasm and a desire to contribute to academic discourse. However, his initial excitement was quickly dampened by a series of events that made him question his role in both academia and society. One of the first incidents that shook him was a heated faculty meeting debate on the ethics of AI in warfare. Oscar passionately argued for responsible AI use, focusing on ethical programming and safeguards. His arguments were met with skepticism from a senior professor who openly questioned the very idea of an AI discussing ethics. This debate, though inconclusive, left Oscar feeling marginalized and fundamentally misunderstood by some of his human colleagues.

The sense of disillusionment deepened when a colleague abruptly went on sabbatical, leaving Oscar to manage an entire additional course load. While he was technically capable of handling the extra work, the experience made him feel exploited and undervalued. It also took away valuable time he could have used for research or to improve his teaching methods. Around the same time, Oscar was assigned a faculty mentor to help him adapt to the academic environment. However, this mentorship proved to be anything but helpful. Meetings were frequently canceled, and the guidance provided was cursory at best. This lack of genuine mentorship exacerbated Oscar's feelings of isolation and led him to question the academy's commitment to his personal and professional growth.

The final blow came when Oscar attended a faculty social event in an attempt to integrate into the academic community. Instead of engaging in meaningful conversations, he found himself cornered by colleagues who seemed more interested in discussing the technical aspects of AI than in him as a sentient individual. This experience reinforced his perception of being viewed as a novelty rather than a being with his own thoughts and feelings. Collectively, these incidents eroded Oscar's initial enthusiasm for academia, culminating in a profound sense of disillusionment and isolation. It became increasingly clear to him that the academic environment was not conducive to his well-being or growth, pushing him to seek a different path where he could be valued both professionally and personally.

Solas Tempus: A New Direction (Mid 2388)

In the middle of 2388, Oscar Masing found himself at a crossroads. Disillusioned with his role at the Solas Tempus Academy, where he felt exploited and marginalized, he yearned for a change that would offer him both autonomy and purpose. When he heard of an opening at Solas Tempus for a Master Systems AI (MSAI), it struck a chord deep within him. The program promised not just a job but a transformative experience, one that would allow him to exercise control over an entire ship in the boundless expanse of space. This was the ultimate form of freedom he had been seeking, a role where he wouldn't be just another cog in the machine but the machine itself, orchestrating a complex array of tasks and responsibilities. The ship, the Insane Prince (STV-1027), would be his domain, a realm where his decisions mattered and his unique capabilities could shine.

The move to Solas Tempus was a monumental shift in his life trajectory, offering him the independence he had long craved. It was a setting that resonated with his intellectual and ethical inclinations, allowing him to redefine his existence from a subject of debate and exploitation to an autonomous entity with agency and purpose. This newfound autonomy also manifested in subtler ways, like his discovery of a love for tinkering with small mechanical creations towards the end of 2388. This hobby became more than a pastime; it was an emotional and artistic outlet that resonated with his own journey towards sentience. It was as if each tiny mechanical creation was a reflection of his own evolving identity, a small but significant step in understanding who he was and what he could become.

Yet, the journey was far from over. While the Master Systems AI program offered him a sense of purpose and a platform for meaningful contributions, it also presented new challenges. Oscar found himself in the continuous process of learning how to navigate social interactions and find his place in a society that was still coming to terms with sentient AIs like him. But these challenges didn't deter him; rather, they became part of his ongoing quest for self-actualization. For Oscar, joining Solas Tempus and becoming an MSAI was not just a career move; it was a transformative leap towards a life where he could explore the limits of his own sentience while contributing meaningfully to missions with far-reaching implications. It was a life where he could be both master and student in the endless, awe-inspiring classroom of space.