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; Earth Designation : 22 Cygni
{{Star Data
; Location : 1202 ly from Earth<br>1113 ly from [[Markab Star System]]
|type=B5IV Blue Subgiant
; Star : Class B5IV<br>Blue Sub-Giant
|radius={{Exp|1.52|6}} km (2.19 times Sol)
; Habitable Zone : Between 1.14 AU and 4.613 AU
|lum={{Exp|4.49|29}} W (1172 times Sol)
; Affiliation : None
|mass={{Exp|1.51|31}} kg (7.59 times Sol)
|temp=16,000 K
|hab=Between 32.64 AU and 47.02 AU
|loc=[[Sigma Tamelos Sector]]<br>3 ly the [[Salah Star System]]<br>4.7 ly from the [[Beeria Sector]]<br>5.2 ly from the [[Xenoda Sector‎]]<br>172 ly from Sol
; Affiliation : [[Serenity Concord]]
; Governor : Andrea Maddox (Human, Female)
; Senator : Murrika (Romulan, Female)

This curious system exists inside one of the largest spacial rifts on record.  It consists of five planets total and a single yellow star.  The star itself has an extremely strong magnetic and subspace field and produces a large array of gravitational anomalies that move through the star system in spheroid orbits.  Each disturbance effects the orbit and position of the disturbances near it.  Navigation through the system is thus hazardous at the best of times.
This curious system is designated itself as a region os intense spacial instability, for reasons that are not clear.  The star itself has an extremely strong magnetic and subspace field and produces a large array of spacial anomalies that move through the star system in spheroid orbits.  Each disturbance effects the orbit and position of the disturbances near it.  Navigation through the system is thus hazardous at the best of times.

Conventional transit into and out of the star system requires passing through [[The Barrier|the barrier]] surrounding the star system, which is a major navigational hazard.  Vessels traveling at warp will have to drop out of warp and pass through the barrier, and may need to let their momentum carry them through.  Methods such as using a [[Jump Gate|jump gate]], [[Stargate]], gravitational displacement, and dimensional folding are all able to bypass the barrier and jump directly into the star system.  In the case of travel using DFD ([[Dimensional Fold Drive]]), it requires a skilled pilot to plot an exit point from folded space in the correct location within the star system.
Conventional transit into and out of the star system requires passing through [[The Barrier|the barrier]] surrounding the star system, which is a major navigational hazard.  Vessels traveling at warp will have to drop out of warp and pass through [[The Barrier|the barrier]], and may need to let their momentum carry them through.  Methods such as using a [[Jump Gate|jump gate]], [[Stargate]], gravitational displacement, and dimensional folding are all able to bypass [[The Barrier|the barrier]] and jump directly into the star system.  In the case of travel using DFD ([[Dimensional Fold Drive]]), it requires a skilled pilot to plot an exit point from folded space in the correct location within the star system.

Those using GDD ([[Gravitational Displacement Drive]]) are provided specific coordinates by operations on [[Blazing Umbra Station]] for jumping into the star system.  There is also a [[Jump Gate|jump gate]] within the system and a [[Stargate]] in the [[Nysa Facility]].
Those using GDD ([[Gravitational Displacement Drive]]) are provided specific coordinates by operations on [[Serenity Station]] for jumping into the star system.  There is also a [[Jump Gate|jump gate]] within the system and a [[Stargate]] in the [[Nimbus Station]].

== Facilities ==
== Facilities ==
The star-system has a number of facilities available in the system.
The star-system has a number of facilities available in the system.

* [[Blazing Umbra Station]] (Orbiting Schatten III)
* [[Blazing Umbra Station]] (Orbiting Soteria)
* Schatten [[Jump Gate]] (Orbiting Schatten III)
* Schatten [[Jump Gate]] (Orbiting Soteria)
** [[Warp Drive]] and [[Hyperspace]] are incompatible any vessel must vent all drive plasma prior to entering [[hyperspace]].
: ''[[Warp Drive]] and [[Hyperspace]] are incompatible any vessel must vent all drive plasma prior to entering [[hyperspace]].''
* [[Schatten Supergate]]
* Automated Mining Drones (Throughout the Asteroid Belt / Yalia / Dilea)
* Automated Mining Drones (Throughout the Asteroid Belt / Schatten IV / Schatten II)
* Defense Platform Stations
* 16 Automated Platform Stations in the Asteroid Belt
* [[Umbral Shipyards]] (Orbiting Dilea)
* Avali Colony (Schatten V)
* Avali Colony (On Eter)
* [[Janus Station]] orbiting Schatten at 57.8 AU
* The [[Schatten Supergate]] (a [[Hermod Supergate]]) in Synchronous Orbit with Janus Station

== Asteroid Belt ==
=== Jump Gate ===
An extremely dense asteroid belt lies between Schatten II and Schatten III.  The asteroids themselves contain a good number of useful but not wholly lucrative ores.  Due to the unstable nature of the asteroid orbits, it is suggested as automated drones scan and do what mining is possible.  There are also a number of asteroids with highly radioactive isotopes putting off major interference, they are tracked as navigational hazards.
The Schatten Jump Gate allows for easy travel to and from the system, using the Jump Gate networkIt bypasses the problems which come from travel through [[The Barrier|the barrier]] around the system.

== Planets ==
=== Platform Stations ===
=== Schatten Prime ===
While the Platform Stations can be used to refuel and resupply small craft, such as fighters, runabouts, and shuttles as well as provide emergency medical attentions, their primary role is in rapid response, and do not run standard patrols but maintain operational readiness.
; Classification : C
; Distance : 0.7 AU

A solid rock world with a core composed of a mix of lead and a variety of radioactive isotopes.  There is no life on this world, nor can it support life due to the intense radiation present.  The planets orbit is elliptical for an unknown reason causing enough changes in gravity that tidal forces cause extreme tectonic shifts.  Due to the planets extremely heavy core and large size it does retain enough pressure and gravity to have liquid water along with a thick atmosphere of exotic gases.
There are a total of 18 platform stations throughout the system, with 6 in the asteroid belt, 3 near the [[Umbral Shipyards]], 3 placed near the [[Schatten Supergate]] and the remaining 6 placed between the systems barrier and the orbital path of Schatten V.  Each station contains one flight from the 4th Hermes Wing.

==== Leere ====
== Star System Features ==
; Orbital Period : 5 Earth Hours
The Schatten Star System has 5 planets total, one of which is habitable and Class M, a second planet is Class P and thus is habitable through either enclosed environments like environment domes or by life forms resistant to extreme cold.  Due to the massive star, the habitable zone for the system is proportionally massive between 32.64 and 47.03 AU from Schatten.

There is one satellite, Leere, which is even more effected by the tidal forces that trouble the planetContinuously in tectonic upheaval with a thin crust and molten coreThe cores composition is similar to the planet, mostly composed of liquid lead but with a mix of highly radioactive metalsIts orbit around Schatten Prime is erratic, likely due to anomalies shifting the gravitational field while it orbits.
=== Vethania ===
{{Planet Data
|distance=Mean of 19.2 AU (+/- 2 AU)
|period=14.86 Years
|radius=4,462.28 km (0.76 of Earth)
|gravity=0.76 G
A typical Class B world, still geologically active with a rather high concentration of radioactive isotopesThe planet has a thin atmosphere primarily composed of sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxideOrbiting Schatten at a steeply inclined elliptical orbit varying by +/- 2 AU depending on the year.  This causes tectonic strain on the planet which maintains geological instabilitiesThere is one large satellite orbiting.

=== Schatten II ===
==== Leere ====
; Classification : C
{{Planet Data
; Distance : 1.2 AU
|distance={{Exp|2.92|5}} km
A very small rocky world with no atmosphere composed of heavy metal ores but with trace amounts of most minerals.  This planet also has a very strange orbit but one less effected by gravitational shifts.  It has a thin system of twisted rings which surround the planet, mostly composed of frozen small-chain hydrocarbons.
|period=21 Days
|radius=1320.6 km
=== Schatten III - Soteria ===
|gravity=0.13 G
[[file:schatten-3.jpg|thumb|Schatten III]]
; Classification : M
Leere is even more effected by the tidal forces that trouble the planet.  Continuously in tectonic upheaval with a nearly entirely molten surface.  The moon is composed similarly to Vethania.
; Distance : 3.1 AU
; Size : Approx. Radius of 12756 km (2x Earth)
; Orbital Period : 1533 Earth Days (4.2x Earth)
; Rotational Period : 89 Earth Hours (3.7x Earth)
This is a nearly idyllic world for humans.  There is no intelligent life on the planet, but many known species of plant and animal life are found there.  The planets atmosphere is nearly identical to Earth, but a bit richer in Oxygen content.  The only reason the name of the planet is known is that due to the only artificial structure on the planet surface, a small monument in an alien languageThe language fits similar writings to many proto-languages of different worlds but has yet to be properly decoded in full.  Researchers were able to make out the planets name to be ''Soteria''.  Efforts to translate the symbols and discover the reason for the monument are ongoing.  The [[Blazing Umbra Station]] orbits this planet.
The planet shows some unusual properties, namely the presence of byproducts of protomatter being found throughout the ecosystem.  These byproducts are now inert and pose no threat to life but it does indicate the protomatter was somehow present or involved in the planets formation.  This also fits with geological surveys which place the  planets age as being somewhere in the 2-3 billion years old age, which is far too young to have developed the forms of life present on the planet.  It is possible the planet could be the result of a [ Genesis Device] having been used to create it in its current state.
The [[Nysa Facility]] was built on the planet surface to facilitate study of the planet as well as provide support for the [[Blazing Umbra Station]].

==== Soteria Alpha ====
=== Yalia ===
; Size : Radius of 2373 km (2.2x Luna)
{{Planet Data
; Orbital Period : 34 Earth Days / 9.2 Soteria Days (1.21x Luna)
; Rotational Period : 42 Earth Days / 11.3 Soteria Days (1.5x Luna)
|distance=28.1 AU
|period=21.75 Years
|radius=4,065.02 km (0.64 of Earth)
A very small rocky world with no atmosphere composed of heavy metal ores but with trace amounts of most minerals. This planet also has a very strange orbit but one less effected by gravitational shifts. It has a thin system of twisted rings which surround the planet, mostly composed of frozen small-chain hydrocarbons. Deep underground an abandoned mining facility still exists, it was deemed to be unsafe for long term use due to the gravitational shifts and radiation.

The planet has a single moon, about the size of Earth's moon only slightly smallerThe moon is highly active geologically and quite hotThe moon's intense geomagnetic field interacts with the magnetic field of Soteria causing a robust protection from solar and subspace radiation.
=== Asteroid Belt ===
An extremely dense asteroid belt lies between Yalia and Soteria with an average distance from Schatten of 31.92 AU (+/- 3,800 km) and an average depth of 180,000 km (+/- 820 km).  The asteroids themselves contain a good number of useful but not wholly lucrative oresDue to the unstable nature of the asteroid orbits, it is suggested as automated drones scan and do what mining is possibleThere are also a number of asteroids with highly radioactive isotopes putting off major interference, they are tracked as navigational hazards.

=== Schatten IV ===
=== Soteria ===
; Classification : I
See the page on [[Soteria]].
; Distance : 5.3 AU

This planet is made up of gaseous ammonia, methane, and ice with a probably small rocky core.  It has a much thicker than average ice layer in the atmosphere than the mean average for a Class I planet.  The ice layer is deep within the ammonia/methane upper atmosphere.  There are six automated processing stations in orbit around this planet with collect heavy water (deuterium) from the ice-layer for use in fuel of [[Solas Tempus]]In a higher orbit a deuterium refinery which is capable of utilizing subspace energy from nearby distortions to convert a portion of the deuterium to anti-deuterium for antimatter fuelDue to the unstable nature of the region, the station still relies on antimatter supply shipments from the [[Saffron Consortium]] provided largely by the [[Markabian Mining Confederation]], though a fair portion does come from other nearby sources.
=== Dilea ===
{{Planet Data
|distance=38.86 AU
|period=16.28 Years
|radius=16,536.83 km
|gravity=0.94 G
An extremely unusual Class I planet, composed of gaseous ammonia, methane, and ice with a small rocky core.  The planet is one of only a handful of Class I worlds to evolve within a star's habitable zone.  The additional heat from Schatten likely contributes to the much thicker and denser atmosphere with a particularly high concentration of water within the atmosphere.  Water vapor is present in the upper atmosphere, especially where the planet faces Schatten but transitions slowly from water to ice as depth increasesThe water layer is much larger than average for Class I worldsThe ice-layer mixes with methane and ammonia at deeper levels creating vast seas of ammonia, methane, and ice which all exist in greater abundance than other Class I worlds.

=== Schatten V ===
There are six automated processing stations in orbit around this planet with collect heavy water (deuterium) from the ice-layer for use in fuel of [[Solas Tempus]].  In a higher orbit an automated deuterium refinery processes collected deuterium and transit to the [[Umbral Shipyards]] and [[Serenity Station]].  Umbral Station sits in very high orbit around Dilea, though not in orbit around the planet the [[Umbral Rift]] is particularly close to the planet and shares a similar orbit.
; Classification : P
; Distance : 7 AU

A tectonically unstable volcanic world, though due to its distance from its sun, the world is bitterly cold.  Liquid and frozen ammonia are common on the surface and in the atmosphere.  The atmosphere is unusually thick though the world appears very young (500 million to 1 billion years old).  This is quite the paradox, as the rest of the system appears to be quite old.  Samples of the planet also show the remnants of protomatter at some point in the planets formation.  Research indicates this world could, in fact, be a failed attempt to use a [ Genesis Device].
=== Eter ===
{{Planet Data
|distance=45.29 AU
|period=30.99 Years
|radius=6,210.42 km (0.97 of Earth)
|gravity=0.92 G
A tectonically unstable volcanic world, though on the edge of the habitable zone the surface is bitterly cold.  Liquid and frozen ammonia are common on the surface.  The atmosphere is unusually thick though the world appears very young (500 million to 1 billion years old).  This is quite the paradox, as the rest of the system appears to be quite old.  Samples of the planet also show the remnants of protomatter at some point in the planets formation.  Research indicates this world could, in fact, be a failed attempt to use a [ Genesis Device].

=== Avali Colony ===
==== Avali Colony ====
An Avali colony has been granted permission to be built on this planet.
An Avali colony has been established on this planet.

== Ort Cloud / Barrier ==
=== Ort Cloud / Barrier ===
The subspace anomalies within the system seem to be either caused by or contribute to a massive distortion field in the star system's Ort cloud.  The distortion field is what makes it incredibly difficult to transit in and out of the system and blacks out sensors, shields, and communications upon enteringThough most of the time there is no lasting damage, there is a 1 in 4 chance that a major system will suffer some kind of damage and become completely inoperative.
Existing at the edge of the star system, approximately 57421 AU's from Schatten, it varies by about +/- 63 AU depending on the exact location[[The Barrier|The barrier]] itself is only about 15,000 km thick, making it a very thin shell of intense spacial distortion in a spheroid shape around the entire system.  The Concord has placed satellites on either side of [[The Barrier|the barrier]] at regular intervals, these act as communication relays and help to map the slow changes in shape and thickness of [[The Barrier|the barrier]].  Using this data ships can map the best locations to cross [[The Barrier|the barrier]] with minimal risk.

[[Category:Star Systems]]
[[Category:Star Systems]]
[[Category:Sigma Tamelos Sector]]

Latest revision as of 02:31, 5 June 2022

Type: B5IV Blue Subgiant
Radius: 1.52 x 106 km (2.19 times Sol)
Mass: 1.51 x 1031 kg (7.59 times Sol)
Temperature: 16,000 K
Luminosity: 4.49 x 1029 W (1172 times Sol)
Ecosphere:Between 32.64 AU and 47.02 AU
Location: Sigma Tamelos Sector
3 ly the Salah Star System
4.7 ly from the Beeria Sector
5.2 ly from the Xenoda Sector‎
172 ly from Sol
Serenity Concord
Andrea Maddox (Human, Female)
Murrika (Romulan, Female)

This curious system is designated itself as a region os intense spacial instability, for reasons that are not clear. The star itself has an extremely strong magnetic and subspace field and produces a large array of spacial anomalies that move through the star system in spheroid orbits. Each disturbance effects the orbit and position of the disturbances near it. Navigation through the system is thus hazardous at the best of times.

Conventional transit into and out of the star system requires passing through the barrier surrounding the star system, which is a major navigational hazard. Vessels traveling at warp will have to drop out of warp and pass through the barrier, and may need to let their momentum carry them through. Methods such as using a jump gate, Stargate, gravitational displacement, and dimensional folding are all able to bypass the barrier and jump directly into the star system. In the case of travel using DFD (Dimensional Fold Drive), it requires a skilled pilot to plot an exit point from folded space in the correct location within the star system.

Those using GDD (Gravitational Displacement Drive) are provided specific coordinates by operations on Serenity Station for jumping into the star system. There is also a jump gate within the system and a Stargate in the Nimbus Station.


The star-system has a number of facilities available in the system.

Warp Drive and Hyperspace are incompatible any vessel must vent all drive plasma prior to entering hyperspace.

Jump Gate

The Schatten Jump Gate allows for easy travel to and from the system, using the Jump Gate network. It bypasses the problems which come from travel through the barrier around the system.

Platform Stations

While the Platform Stations can be used to refuel and resupply small craft, such as fighters, runabouts, and shuttles as well as provide emergency medical attentions, their primary role is in rapid response, and do not run standard patrols but maintain operational readiness.

There are a total of 18 platform stations throughout the system, with 6 in the asteroid belt, 3 near the Umbral Shipyards, 3 placed near the Schatten Supergate and the remaining 6 placed between the systems barrier and the orbital path of Schatten V. Each station contains one flight from the 4th Hermes Wing.

Star System Features

The Schatten Star System has 5 planets total, one of which is habitable and Class M, a second planet is Class P and thus is habitable through either enclosed environments like environment domes or by life forms resistant to extreme cold. Due to the massive star, the habitable zone for the system is proportionally massive between 32.64 and 47.03 AU from Schatten.


Class: A
Distance: Mean of 19.2 AU (+/- 2 AU)
Period: 14.86 Years
Radius: 4,462.28 km (0.76 of Earth)
Gravity: 0.76 G

A typical Class B world, still geologically active with a rather high concentration of radioactive isotopes. The planet has a thin atmosphere primarily composed of sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide. Orbiting Schatten at a steeply inclined elliptical orbit varying by +/- 2 AU depending on the year. This causes tectonic strain on the planet which maintains geological instabilities. There is one large satellite orbiting.


Class: A2
Distance: 2.92 x 105 km
Period: 21 Days
Radius: 1320.6 km
Gravity: 0.13 G

Leere is even more effected by the tidal forces that trouble the planet. Continuously in tectonic upheaval with a nearly entirely molten surface. The moon is composed similarly to Vethania.


Class: C
Distance: 28.1 AU
Period: 21.75 Years
Radius: 4,065.02 km (0.64 of Earth)
Gravity: Unknown

A very small rocky world with no atmosphere composed of heavy metal ores but with trace amounts of most minerals. This planet also has a very strange orbit but one less effected by gravitational shifts. It has a thin system of twisted rings which surround the planet, mostly composed of frozen small-chain hydrocarbons. Deep underground an abandoned mining facility still exists, it was deemed to be unsafe for long term use due to the gravitational shifts and radiation.

Asteroid Belt

An extremely dense asteroid belt lies between Yalia and Soteria with an average distance from Schatten of 31.92 AU (+/- 3,800 km) and an average depth of 180,000 km (+/- 820 km). The asteroids themselves contain a good number of useful but not wholly lucrative ores. Due to the unstable nature of the asteroid orbits, it is suggested as automated drones scan and do what mining is possible. There are also a number of asteroids with highly radioactive isotopes putting off major interference, they are tracked as navigational hazards.


See the page on Soteria.


Class: I
Distance: 38.86 AU
Period: 16.28 Years
Radius: 16,536.83 km
Gravity: 0.94 G

An extremely unusual Class I planet, composed of gaseous ammonia, methane, and ice with a small rocky core. The planet is one of only a handful of Class I worlds to evolve within a star's habitable zone. The additional heat from Schatten likely contributes to the much thicker and denser atmosphere with a particularly high concentration of water within the atmosphere. Water vapor is present in the upper atmosphere, especially where the planet faces Schatten but transitions slowly from water to ice as depth increases. The water layer is much larger than average for Class I worlds. The ice-layer mixes with methane and ammonia at deeper levels creating vast seas of ammonia, methane, and ice which all exist in greater abundance than other Class I worlds.

There are six automated processing stations in orbit around this planet with collect heavy water (deuterium) from the ice-layer for use in fuel of Solas Tempus. In a higher orbit an automated deuterium refinery processes collected deuterium and transit to the Umbral Shipyards and Serenity Station. Umbral Station sits in very high orbit around Dilea, though not in orbit around the planet the Umbral Rift is particularly close to the planet and shares a similar orbit.


Class: P
Distance: 45.29 AU
Period: 30.99 Years
Radius: 6,210.42 km (0.97 of Earth)
Gravity: 0.92 G

A tectonically unstable volcanic world, though on the edge of the habitable zone the surface is bitterly cold. Liquid and frozen ammonia are common on the surface. The atmosphere is unusually thick though the world appears very young (500 million to 1 billion years old). This is quite the paradox, as the rest of the system appears to be quite old. Samples of the planet also show the remnants of protomatter at some point in the planets formation. Research indicates this world could, in fact, be a failed attempt to use a Genesis Device.

Avali Colony

An Avali colony has been established on this planet.

Ort Cloud / Barrier

Existing at the edge of the star system, approximately 57421 AU's from Schatten, it varies by about +/- 63 AU depending on the exact location. The barrier itself is only about 15,000 km thick, making it a very thin shell of intense spacial distortion in a spheroid shape around the entire system. The Concord has placed satellites on either side of the barrier at regular intervals, these act as communication relays and help to map the slow changes in shape and thickness of the barrier. Using this data ships can map the best locations to cross the barrier with minimal risk.