Yua Dia

From Solas Tempus DB
Yua Dia
Played by: User:necahual
Alias: Yuelan
Height: 7’5
Weight: 250 lbs
Gender: Feminine
Race: Thisitaz
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 50
Place of Creation: Harkay 4
Hair Color: Green
Figure: Biped with four arms, wing like leafy protrusions from the back and a blank “face” that has a similar texture and color to a porcelain mask
Universe of Origin: Original
Organization: Thisitaz Organism
Occupation: Emissary Drone
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Methodical and careful, she is well spoken. She is open to learning from others and empathetic. She is unlike the other drones, capable of fully independent thought.

Special Abilities

Psionic Beacon
Like all members of her species she can maintain a psionic link with other individuals. Unlike most other drones, she is capable of acting as a local node for the greater hive mind. Can partially affect psionically inclined individuals with low psionic defenses, manifesting as charm or charisma.
Plant Manipulation
She is capable of using her psionic abilities to stimulate increased cellular function and resiliency from all forms of plants and many forms of fungi. Effectively accelerating their growth and allowing the organism to prosper in harsh climates.
Linguistic Mimicry
She is able to manipulate internal vocal cavities to mimic nearly any spoken language.

Special Skills

Cunning Linguist
Her education focused intensely on linguistic patterns that best allow for articulate expression. As such she has intensely studied many languages common in her universe.


Yua was spawned on the Gaia world of Harkay 4. Like other members of her species she was allowed to develop outside of the Thisitaz hive mind until she came of age. However she was educated during such time and even her phenotype was genetically selected before she was born. Like other emissary drones she was designed to look and speak in a generally feminine manner. Life on the Gaia world was idyllic and free of strife though accommodations for anything more than basic living standards was not an option. Still the sheer natural beauty was more than enough for her. Soon she would come of age and would be linked with the rest of the hive mind.

By the time she was partially integrated with the hive mind they were beset by a militant empire known as the Yus-Vruni. Owing to the Yus-Vruni’s advanced technology world after world fell. Soon Yua and her local hive cluster were on the run from a Vruni invasion. They loaded onto hundreds of ships of all types and set off to the small pockets of Thisitaz space that were left in the galaxy. Yua and her local hive cluster loaded onto a retrofitted cruiser and started along their exodus from the Harkay system.