XR 209458

From Solas Tempus DB
Type: M4D Red Dwarf Star
Radius: 23,220.71 km
Mass: 1.40 x 1029 kg (7.0% of Sol)
Temperature: 3100 K
Luminosity: 3.55 x 1022 W (0.0093% of Sol)
Ecosphere:Between 0.00919 and 0.01324 AU
Location: Unknown

There are 2 stellar objects in the system.


Class: G
Distance: 5.3 x 106 km (0.035 AU)
Period: 2 days 9 hours and 58 minutes
Radius: 7,195.3 km
Gravity: 1.1 g

Atmospheric Conditions are an average of 1.1 kPa, which is nearly non-existent and an average surface temperature of -122.2 degrees C. Carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen Rocky, barren, simple life Silicon, iron, magnesium


Class: C
Distance: 1.6 x 107 km (0.11 AU)
Period: 13 days 7 hours and 41 minutes
Radius: 8,980.5 km
Gravity: 1.24 g

There is no atmosphere and the surface has an average temperature of -198.5 degrees C. Dead worlds, no atmosphere Anthracite, basalt, hydrocarbons