
From Solas Tempus DB
With Arms
With Cargo
4.11 x 1.92 x 1.90 m
Crew Capacity
1 Pilot
Cruising Speed
< 100 m/s
Maximum Speed
1500 m/s
Burst Speed
1750 m/s for 30 seconds
Power Source
Fusion Reactor
Maneuvering Thrusters

The workpod is a simple auxiliary craft used to work with and manipulate space-bourne materials using arms, it is also capable of transporting cargo containers between close-range facilities or space craft, it has a maximum capacity of a single pilot.


The Workbee can either have arms for cargo behind the craft, designed to tow large amounts of cargo short distances in space or be equipped with manipulator arms for use in repairs, construction, or other such duties.