Umbra Porta

From Solas Tempus DB
Diagram of the magical pattern used in the Umbra Porta spell.
Ink made from the ashes of a burned willow.
An unlocking motion with the hands, starting with fingertips together and then rotating the hands around each other.
The incantation "Iter per umbram," meaning "Journey through the shadow."

The "Umbra Porta" spell demands not only precise execution but also a vivid and clear mental visualization of the destination. When entering the portal, the caster must hold a detailed image of their intended exit location in their mind. The clarity and accuracy of this mental picture directly influence the spell's effectiveness, dictating the precision of the exit portal's materialization in the physical world. A well-defined and focused mental image ensures that the portal's exit aligns closely with the caster's desired destination, minimizing the risk of dislocation and the potential dangers that come with emerging in an unintended or hazardous location. This aspect of the spell highlights the intricate interplay between the caster's mental discipline and magical prowess, underscoring the importance of concentration and clarity of intent in the successful practice of such advanced magic.


  1. Begin by obtaining a drop of ink made from the ashes of a burned willow, symbolizing the connection between the physical and shadow realms.
  2. Place the drop of ink in the palm of one hand and press the hands together so palms touch.
  3. Bring your fingertips together and rotate your hands around each other in an unlocking motion, symbolizing the opening of a portal.
  4. While performing the hand motion, softly murmur the incantation Iter per umbram.
  5. As you complete the incantation, visualize the magical pattern and focus on the ink expanding and forming the gateway.

Skipping Dimmvidir

The spell's unique execution lies in its creation of paired portals, an entrance and an exit, which are linked together by Dimmvidir. When cast correctly, these portals serve as mere passageways, allowing the user to bypass the shadowy realm of Dimmvidir entirely. The individual casting the spell does not physically enter or linger within Dimmvidir; instead, they transition from the entrance portal to the exit portal in a mere instant, effectively sidestepping the myriad dangers and disorienting effects of the shadow plane.

Potential Dangers

The casting of Umbra Porta requires precise control, as even minor deviations in the spell's execution could have significant consequences. Incorrectly casting this spell could lead to the caster becoming disoriented within the shadowy realm of Dimmvidir, unable to properly form a gateway out. This risk is compounded by the inherently disorienting nature of Dimmvidir, a place shrouded in mists, darkness, and cold, where one's sense of direction and memory can easily become warped.


With diligent practice and mastery over the nuances of shadow magic, a skilled practitioner can simplify the "Umbra Porta" spellcasting process by internalizing its magical pattern. This advanced technique allows the caster to channel their own energy and force directly into the spell's pattern, bypassing the need for physical components. While this method significantly reduces the preparation time and allows for quicker casting, it demands a considerable amount of effort and concentration from the caster. The absence of tangible components means that the spell's energy is drawn entirely from the caster, making the process more taxing and the resulting portal potentially less precise. The lack of physical anchors, such as the ink made from the ashes of a burned willow, can lead to variations in the portal's stability and exact destination within Dimmvidir. Therefore, while this approach offers speed and convenience, it carries inherent risks, particularly in the precision and control of the portal's manifestation.