Thorrfen Vilkas

From Solas Tempus DB
Thorrfen Vilkas
Played by: Wolf626
Alias: Howling Hunter
Height: 183 cm / 275 cm
Weight: 77 kg / 300 kg
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Type: Genetically modified
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 26
Place of Birth: Adamis
Eye Color: ice green
Hair Color: Brown
Figure: A slim yet muscular man, standing at 183 cm and weighing 77 kg, his brown hair is medium-length, whilst his body is covered in scars. His eyes are bright green. For clothing, he favours the colors green and red. When able to, he prefers to wear longcoats with armoured lining.

As a Therion, Thorrfen's shift form is that of a brown furred 9 feet tall bipedal monster.

Universe of Origin: Original
Organization: Order of the Astral Tree
Occupation: Knight Errant/Mercenary
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Thorrfen is a seemingly nonchalant, indifferent, and lazy character with a penchant for dry wit and slight awkwardness. A voracious devourer of knowledge and food, he can never say no to a good book or a hot meal. Armed with a vicious temper and intense dislike of injustice, he's also prone to pick a fight, no matter the odds. Despite his self-imposed exile, he's an extroverted who enjoys the company of others and his prone to long fits of brooding and melancholy when left alone.​

Special Abilities

Special Skills

  • Swordsmanship
  • Marksmanship
  • Survival
  • Tracking
  • Rudimentary Engineering and maintenance skills

Special Equipment

  • Vellichor - Enchanted greatsword, exceptional durability and cutting power
  • HC.MA-Madus - Electromagnetic hand cannon chambered in 12.7x55mm rounds


Born heir to one of the noble houses of Melion, capital of the Blaidd Kingdom, the beating heart of civilization. Growing up, there was nothing he wished more than to be a Knight, serving with honor, justice and kindness. And at the age of 16, he became one. But all changed when the Gurth Empire attacked. Powered by their monstrous magicks and advanced cybernetics, they destroyed Thorrfen’s entire planet, his friends and family. As one of the last Knights of the Astral Tree alive, Thorrfen became a fierce thorn on the empire’s side, fighting a one man war against the abominations, helping the remnants of his people survive. However, as the years went on, and the empire grew, Thorrfen, in his desperation turned towards forbidden genetic therapies and accepted a gift of power in the form of a werewolf serum. Ever since then he has become the greatest enemy to injustice in the galaxy.