The Unutterable

From Solas Tempus DB
Sketch of the Unutterable

The Unutterable, a being of unimaginable power, is not only shrouded in mystery but also veiled by the very nature of its name. No mortal, living or dead, can dare to speak or even think its name without invoking unspeakable madness. The syllables that form its true identity hold a corrosive force that corrodes sanity, unraveling the fragile threads of the mind with each attempt to comprehend or utter its forbidden name. It is a name lost to the annals of existence, buried deep within the collective unconsciousness, for even the mere thought of it can birth grotesque manifestations of insanity. The Unutterable's namelessness further solidifies its status as an entity beyond human understanding, forever eluding the grasp of language and thought, ensuring that the enigma surrounding its true nature remains forever unbroken.


A creature like the Unutterable, born from the darkest recesses of existence and trapped within the realms of the Dark Aether, defies easy description. Its form transcends conventional perception, existing as an amalgamation of shapeless malevolence and eldritch energy.

In its presence, one might witness an ever-shifting entity, constantly morphing and contorting in an unsettling display of otherworldly fluidity. Swirling shadows and ethereal tendrils writhe around its essence, coalescing and dissolving in an eternal dance of darkness. The Unutterable's form appears ephemeral, as if glimpsed through a haze of nightmares, with an unsettling mix of incorporeal and tangible aspects.

At the core of this enigmatic entity, a focal point of sinister power, lies a void where its countenance should be. Within this void, a malevolent crimson glow emanates, casting an eerie light upon its surroundings. It is as if the very essence of its being is cloaked in darkness, a manifestation of the abyssal depths from which it emerged.

While the Unutterable's physical appearance may elude definitive description, its presence is unmistakably suffused with an overwhelming aura of dread and malevolence. Encounter with this entity instills a profound sense of unease, as if one is witnessing a force that defies comprehension—a creature forged from the primordial chaos, forever yearning for release and perpetuating suffering in its wake.

Known Sketch

In the annals of the Unutterable's lore, there exists a chilling tale of an artist known as Alistair Verlac, who became consumed by an all-consuming obsession with the legend of this eldritch entity. Alistair, known for his unparalleled talent and propensity for delving into the macabre, was captivated by the enigma surrounding the Unutterable. Obsessed with uncovering its true form and essence, Alistair devoted countless hours to studying the ancient texts and forbidden tomes that whispered of its existence.

As his fixation deepened, Alistair's mind became a breeding ground for thoughts upon thoughts, the weight of the Unutterable's name pressing upon his psyche. He dared to tread where others feared to go, contemplating the forbidden name of the entity, seeking to unveil its secrets. The relentless influx of thoughts, visions, and dreams of the Unutterable consumed him, blurring the boundaries between the tangible and the ethereal.

Trapped within the labyrinth of his own obsession, Alistair Verlac's fragile sanity fractured, inch by agonizing inch, until it could no longer bear the weight of his tormented mind. On that fateful day of August 12, 1988, Alistair reached the precipice of his despair, the apex of his descent into madness. In a final act of desperation, he flung himself from the top of the towering edifice known as the Glimore Building in New York, succumbing to the depths of the unknown, forever lost to the clutches of the Unutterable's influence.


The Unutterable possesses a ravenous and insatiable hunger, particularly for the life force of those unfortunate souls trapped within the Dark Aether. It feeds upon them, slowly draining their vitality and replacing it with its own dark energy. Each time it claims a life within the abyssal realm, not only is their life force consumed, but their very essence and nature are gradually eroded, lost to the eternal hunger of the Unutterable.

As the Unutterable perpetually thirsts for more, its insidious influence causes a slow decay of the victims' being, fragmenting their identity and diminishing their existence. With each death experienced within the Dark Aether, the individuals lose a piece of themselves, succumbing to the relentless consumption of their life force and the corrupting influence of the Unutterable's dark energy.

This power of the Unutterable embodies a haunting and oppressive force, perpetuating the themes of loss, decay, and the eternal hunger for sustenance. The slow drain of life force, coupled with the erosion of one's nature, adds a sense of dread and inevitability to those trapped within its grasp. The Unutterable's relentless appetite and its transformative effect on its victims serve as a testament to its power and the unending cycle of suffering it perpetuates within the Dark Aether.


In the time before time, when the void was shrouded in malevolence and darkness, a remarkable convergence occurred within the depths of the Dark Aether, giving rise to the Unutterable. Drawn together by the magnetic pull of the Aether's malefic essence, the scattered fragments of darkness coalesced, forming a sinister amalgamation of otherworldly power. As it seeped into the fabric of the Aether, the Unutterable began to feed upon the dark energy that permeated the realm, growing in strength and insatiable hunger.

However, the Aether's well of darkness proved finite, unable to satiate the boundless appetite of the Unutterable. Seeking to consume more, it set its sights on realms beyond its grasp, desiring to spread its influence and devour the essence of existence itself. The gods, aware of this impending threat, rose against the Unutterable in a titanic clash of cosmic forces. With their combined might, they struck it down and sealed it within the confines of the Dark Aether, a prison of eternal darkness.

To ensure its containment, the gods stripped the Unutterable of its true name, silencing it to prevent any being, living or dead, from ever uttering it in its entirety. The stolen sound became a void, a symbol of its entrapment and a barrier against its release. Bound within the depths of the Dark Aether, the Unutterable remains a malevolent force, forever yearning for release and the opportunity to spread its tendrils of darkness once more.