The Famculum

From Solas Tempus DB

The Famculi are aberrant predators who prey on anything through reflective surfaces; Mirrors and stale water are prominent examples.


Famculi are worm-like. They feature a tubular, round mouth lined with teeth of varying size. Claws extend about 30cm beyond the mouth to pull in their prey. Their body is also that of a worm, but scaled.

Hunting Tactic

They haunt mirrors and wait for their prey to look into it; From this point on, the prey experiences a deep hypnosis, while the mirror image of them warps into this of the demon. Once it is fully formed, the demon rises from the mirror, sucks and claws the prey into their tubular mouths and drags them into the mirror.

Famculums are extensions of a larger body which resides in the Severed Realm. They do not digest their prey directly but daze it and transport it through the body to the main body, where the prey is digested.


Althought a coincidental Famculum investation is much more probable to occur, they can be summoned. No matter their origin, a reflective surface works as a magically charged anchor.


A Famculum may be hurt, or even separated from the main body through force. However, this puts a halt to the infestation only temporarily. To permanently cleanse the area, the anchor (the surface through which they enter the material plane) has to be destroyed.