Temperance and Sustenance

From Solas Tempus DB

A naturalist and agricultural group that lobbies for development of farming communities which are self sustaining on worlds which rely heavily on imports. The group is a non-profit organization which is committed to a return to agricultural ways with an eye towards being ecologically friendly methods. While many farming colonies and settlement focus on planing known and at times alien crops on a new world this group instead focuses on using the flora already on the planet in order to build a sustainable and contributing farming community. They help administer dozens of such colonies on a number of worlds and their methods are used by hundreds of settlements.

Settlements on Trocara

This is a list of the primary farming communities on the planet Trocara (Markab Prime) in the Markab Star System.

  • Borealis Fields
  • Eaglecrest Orchard
  • Serenity Ranch
  • Lucky Star Grange

Settlements on Soteria

This is a list of the primary farming communities on the planet Soteria (Schatten III) in the Schatten Star System.

  • New Morning Fields
  • Moonshadow Gardens