Talva Bantutlis Star System

From Solas Tempus DB

The Talva Bantutlis system is a small star system off the main trade routes. The central star, Talva Bantutlis, is an M1V Red Dwarf Star with a mean radius of 299.25 km approximately 0.32 solas masses, with a temperature of 3200 K and luminosity of 2% that of Sol. There are 5 planets in the star system.

Adara Sector
3.9ly from the Vlilt Star System
5.2 Lightyears away from Beeria Sector

Talva Bantutlis Prime

A Class C planet, rocky with no atmosphere to speak of. The surface is dominated by heavy volcanic activity and tectonic instability. Multiple deep craters indicate the planet has been the victim of some large scale impacts. In one of the craters on the Southern Hemisphere there is the wreckage of a crashed ship. The orbital period of 0.14 years, it is roughly the same size and gravity as Earth.

Talva Bantutlis 2

A Class B planet, rocky with a thin Oxygen-Hydrogen atmosphere. The surface temperatures stay at a temperature of over 800 degrees Celsius on the day side going as low was -81 degrees Celsius on the night side. It has an orbit of about 0.27 years and is 1.5 times the size of Earth.

Talva Bantutlis 3

A Class C planet, rocky with no atmosphere at all. The surface is cold and barren, containing unremarkable ores. This planet is pock marked with craters showing significant impacts of smaller asteroids. The planet has a single moon, about twice the size of Earth's moon labeled as Talva Bantitlis 3A, at some point in time a small ship crashed on the surface of the moon, the wreckage is still there in the Norther hemisphere. The planet's orbital period is 0.45 years and it is about 80% the size of Earth.

Talva Bantutlis 4 (Paragon)

A Class P word, small, similar to the size of Earth. This planet has an Oxygen-Nitrogen atmosphere, while suitable to support some life, it is not thick enough for life to thrive. The planet has several kinds of moss and algae that grow in sparse patches across the planets liquid water and in some places of the surface along with various single celled bacteria and protozoa. Lacking the gravity to hold onto enough of an atmosphere to allow more complicated life to evolve, it is otherwise barren. It has an orbital period of 0.78 years.

There is a Hermod Outpost on the planet called Paragon Terminal.

Talva Bantutlis 5

A Class I world, about the size of Neptune in the Sol System. The atmosphere is mostly Hydrogen, Helium, with trace amounts of Oxygen, Argon, and Radon. The atmosphere is particularly rich in Radon-220 also called Thoron. It has an orbital period of about 1.27 years.