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Cyclops (talk) 07:32, 31 July 2021 (PDT) The similarities between this and the SCP are not an accident. While this isn’t meant to be a clone of SCP, there are natural similarities. The conspiracy to eradicate and discredit all knowledge of supernatural / magical phenomena is their primary goal. This is meant to give an in-game rationale for why all the things that go bump in the night are thought to be myth and legend even in the time of Blazing Umbra. The tongue-and-cheek comedy of SCP entries is meant to be replaced by a darker feeling of ‘’the folly of mankind’’.
Cyclops (talk) 19:20, 18 May 2020 (PDT) I will also eventually have to deal with how the supernatural leadership control the group. I figure it is a circular issue where the group influences the supernatural community through what they think are covert ways. The supernatural community then influences the group through what they think are covert ways. This allows both parties to be engaged in what is a government-oriented secret society cluster fuck. I think that's the best way to allow both sides to be as wrong and bizarre as needed for future things.
Cyclops (talk) 19:12, 18 May 2020 (PDT) This is created as part of the general idea that during WWIII the supernatural community on Earth is largely wiped out by being exploited by the military. This is the organization that spearheads that effort in the 20th and 21st centuries. This is also in the end who Lance Thomas reports to, if he reports to anyone. Rather they pull the strings. At this point I'm leaning toward him being aware of them but that hasn't been decided yet.