Talk:Spacial Variance Reactor

Discussion page of Spacial Variance Reactor

Movement & Detection

Since the reactor draws energy by virtual particles to and from subspace it could, in theory, leave a trail as it moves through normal space. Areas where there is a residual signature of subspace particle flux (to use technobabble from Star Trek). In terms of how this works in game, it should be possible to detect the movement of anything that has an SVR. This should be moderated in game play, it would not be easy to do but also be in the realm of possibility. For the most part players can behave as if the reactors cannot be readily tracked but anyone running a story can also keep this in their bag of tricks in case needed.

Another side effect of how the reactors work is that they can deplete the local area of subspace particles with which to draw power. It is assumed, for the purposes of game play, that an area regenerates the subspace particles needed at some rate. So long as the reactor moves or draws power at a lower rate than it can be regenerated, there is no issue. Anyone running a game should be aware of this potential weakness should devices powered by the SVR become problematic for the story.

Cyclops (talk) 15:37, 5 December 2020 (PST)