Talk:Seldonis IV Convention

Discussion page of Seldonis IV Convention

Cyclops (talk) 13:46, 16 May 2020 (PDT) This page is mostly just a placeholder in the Wiki so one can search for the Star Trek equivalent to the Geneva Convention is. This is entirely canon though as mentioned by Commander Riker is Star Trek the Next Generation episode Chain of Command Part II.

"Gul Lemec shows Captain Jellico, Commander Riker, and Counselor Troi a PADD showing Captain Picard's original, more civilized interrogation. Jellico denies Picard was acting under his orders, and Lemec suggests they will execute him. Riker reminds Gul about the Seldonis IV Convention, but Lemec notes that acknowledging this would be almost like a declaration of war. Lemec alternately offers to release Picard in exchange for a Federation withdrawal from the sector. Jellico agrees to discuss the proposal with Admiral Alynna Nechayev. After Lemec and his aides leave, Jellico says that he's going to recommend against agreeing to Lemec's proposal, essentially abandoning Picard. Riker becomes upset at this, demanding that Jellico acknowledge that the mission was under Federation orders, thus Picard would be protected under the Seldonis IV Convention. Jellico sharply rebukes him stating it would show weakness on the Federation's part by playing right into Lemec's hands. Riker sharply objects to the captain's plan stating that one of the roles of a first officer is to point out mistakes by his or her commanding officer. Jellico will not have any of it and relieves Riker of duty, with an added threat of confinement to quarters."
—Exerpt from Episode Synopsis on Memory Alpha
Seldonis IV Convention
Chain of Command Part II