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Yes, the initial image for this is a Microsoft Surface Duo in a gaming configuration. I would have liked to use a different image, but this was the best one I could find that wasn't blatantly out of a Star Trek game and not blatantly a Nokia Phone or PSP or some such. I will be changing the image once I find a suitable replacement.
We can also assume, for continuity purposes, that this scanner has been around long enough so that people are familiar with it. I've never liked the tiny display on the Federation tricorder and even scanners of other races or the scanner used in Enterprise. All of them have unbelievably small displays. Thus, I made this, it has a larger screen and is a bit of a hybrid device being somewhere between a PADD and a tricorder. One can assume that some people call them tricorders too, since that term is ubiquitous within Star Trek after the Enterprise era for a handheld scanner.