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Cyclops (talk) 22:07, 11 June 2020 (PDT) Originally the application was for an approximate age of 27. Following the standards of Elves from the d20 SRD under age, it describes a human as being of "Venerable" age as being 70 years and an Elf reaches that point at 350 years. Using some math 27 in terms of maturity for a human is roughly equivalent to 135 as Elf. I did the same with the age in the description, it stated in the application she healed people until the age of 19 and it was updated to the age of 95. This would make her still a "teenager" in Elvish terms, they are not considered to be adults until 110 but then most 19 years olds are barely considered adults in real life except in legal terms. I believe this works. Any comments from the player are welcome.