Sydney Class Starship

From Solas Tempus DB
235 x 149 x 49 m
Crew Capacity
125 Passengers, 60 Crew
Cruising Speed
Warp 4
Maximum Speed
Warp 7
Burst Speed
Warp 9 for 10 minutes
Power Source
Fusion Reactors & Matter/antimatter Reactor
Impulse Drive & Warp Drive

The Sydney Class is a transport design in use by both Starfleet and civilians in the 23rd and 24th centuries.

There is also a military transport variant which removes creature comforts (such as the holodecks and arboretum) as well as changing the state-rooms into multi-person bunks, which can transport 530 passengers / 40 crew. In addition, there is a medical transport variation which holds 250 passengers, 50 doctors and staff, and 60 crew. The medical variant also lacks holodecks and an arboretum to make room for science labs and medical bays.

Offensive Systems


Defensive Systems

Deflector Shields
