Sirah Abrim | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Sirah Abrim | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sirah is your average Bajoran free trader. Going from site to site, trading, salvaging, and scarping together a living while having as little to do with the outside world as possible. This is common among those who left Bajor after the occupation. He has a ship, the USS Cochrane, and while he purchased an AI from a Ferengi he would not say he owns the AI but rather, she is his friend, most of the time. Her name is A-Ko Quinn, though the pronoun her isn't entirely accurate.
He is light, fun loving, and prone to not having a plan of any kind. He is a kind of person who goes where the wind takes him and enjoys that way of life. He is known among his friends for leaving with little or no word with a huge grin on his face and never looking back. He is charming and has a way of appearing just vulnerable enough to show his softer side without compromising the rough and tumble exterior. The best and most true description of him would be a rouge. He does what he wants, doesn't look back, and tries to treat people with respect along the way.
He looked into the Orb of Prophecy with his father when he was a boy, in secret, during the occupation. The experience was both exhilarating and terrifying for him. What he saw made no sense to him at the time and he barely is beginning to understand it now, he keeps it to himself and tells very few people about it.
He adapts, that is possibly his greatest strength other than genuinely being able to be happy with just the clothes on his back and someone to point him at an opportunity, even a shady one.
A complete lack of planning or desire to plan. His idea of a plan is plan something later, usually after he's already gotten into trouble for not having a plan.
Enjoyment and experience. Money helps too.
Hobbies and Interests
He has an affinity for card games or really any game of chance. He isn't a compulsive gambler though and while he enjoys a good game and enjoys winning any good game, he can walk away at any time that the mood strike shim.
Bajoran, Terran, Klingon, Cardassian - especially swear words or other colloquial expressions
His mother was killed during the occupation and that broke his father when he was only a young teenager. After taking care of his father for years, finally... With the help of a few cousins, he was able to arrange care for his increasingly reclusive and anti-social father to leave Bajor and seek his fortunes elsewhere. It should not be misunderstood... He will take a good game about family being unimportant, or that things were his fathers fault, etc... This is a ploy, he feels no small measure of guilt for leaving, but it had to be done as staying would have killed his spirit. Something for which his extended family agreed.
The occupation took up most of his young life. He was born into it and was already a grown man when it ended. He was a member of a resistance cell, but did not aspire to great heights there but he did participate to the best of his ability. He was glad when it was over - not only for Bajor but because he has seen enough violence to last him a lifetime.
Once the occupation was over, his father became increasingly difficult to deal with until finally he would respond to his own son with nothing but suspicion and anger. He couldn't take it anymore and arranged care through other family members on Bajor. Using what little money he saved he was able to buy passage to Deep Space 9 where he then signed on a freighter crew. This work seemed to suit him, through some personal deals of a less than legal nature regarding liquors selling to Quark's Bar on Deep Space 9 he found rather than a simple case of Romulan Ale labeled as a case of "Self Sealing Stem Bolts" there were instead a treasure trove of highly illegal Tallonian Crystal's. Using his usual roguish charm he was able to sell these not to Quark directly but illicit a sale to a third party, a female freighter captain whom he had known for some time. Once that was done he doubled his profit by providing Quark with her as a contact and getting a substantial finders fee.
Finally, he purchased himself a ship from a Federation shipyard. The master of the yard had several Nova Class Starships available but one in particular caught his eye. It had been used in propulsion experimental testing during its tour of service and was the fastest ship of its type and the only one that fast within his price range.
He purchased the ship and over the last few years has made modifications as needed.