Sergey Kozlov

From Solas Tempus DB
Sergey Kozlov
Sergey Kozlov
Played by: Timot1066
Height: 6'
Weight: 90kg
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: 52
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Grey Black
Figure: Large, stocky, slight beer belly.
Universe of Origin: Unique
Occupation: Mercenary / Arms Dealer
Rank / Skill Level: Retired Lieutenant (Former Soviet Military)
Major Equivalent in Mercenary Group
Approved By: User:Cyclops
Status: Approved
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Largely apathetic to the shifting sands of authority in the world. While he may be motivated in his work by the promise of riches and a retirement, he genuinely cares for the welfare of his comrades in his industry. However the years have made him numb to the death.

Special Skills

  • Military Training
Along with many years of on the ground experience in urban and desert warfare, insurgency and counter insurgency.
  • Business Skills
Focused on criminal dealings and supply lines / logistics.


Born in 1968 into a standard soviet family, by 17 he was sent to Afghanistan for his military service in which he witnessed many a war crime and numbing him to violence. After the fall of the Soviet Union in the 90s he became involved with the mafia and illegal arms trade, selling weapons bought from corrupt officials. By the 2010s he frequented between Syria and Libya both selling arms and working closely with Russian mercenaries in the areas, with long stints of time fighting with them.