
From Solas Tempus DB
An artist's rendition of a Sekhmara

The Sekhmara are ethereal predators bound by an unbreakable magical bargain with humans, obligating them to provide transportation upon being summoned. Coupled with their capacity to transition between tangible and intangible states, they navigate the physical and spectral realms with unparalleled finesse. Their intellectual acumen operates on a plane incomprehensible to human understanding, making them enigmatic yet formidable beings.

Physically, the Sekhmara bear a striking resemblance to average felines, albeit on a grander scale. Standing at six feet tall from the ground to the base of their neck, their imposing stature is both awe-inspiring and intimidating. Their fur exhibits the diverse range of colors and patterns commonly found in domestic cats, from tabby and calico to solid black, white, or orange. However, these colors and patterns are not static; they shift subtly over time and in response to the Sekhmara's emotional state. This ever-changing tapestry of hues and designs adds another layer of complexity to these already enigmatic creatures, making them a subject of both fascination and caution.

The Bargain

The ancient bargain between humans and Sekhmara is a magical oath that binds both parties in an unbreakable contract. Under the terms of this agreement, humans are forbidden from attempting to own or capture a Sekhmara, ensuring the creature's freedom and sovereignty. In return, the Sekhmara are obligated to answer a human's call when summoned through the prescribed ritual, and to transport that human to any location they desire. While the bargain specifies these particular obligations, it does not restrict any other actions by either party. This means that beyond the act of summoning and transportation, all other interactions are governed by the individual choices and circumstances of the moment, making each encounter a unique and potentially perilous experience.


To summon a Sekhmara, a human must perform a ritual that combines both a blood offering and a specific sonic frequency. A drop of the caller's blood is placed in a ceremonial bowl to invoke the ancient bargain between humans and Sekhmara. Simultaneously, the human must hum a specific melody at a particular frequency, which serves as a call that resonates with the Sekhmara's magical essence. This dual invocation summons the nearest Sekhmara to fulfill its obligation under the terms of the ancient bargain.

It's important to note that the Sekhmara do not appreciate this enforced servitude; they consider the bargain a curse. While they are bound to honor the agreement, their disdain for it means that interactions with humans are fraught with peril. Under normal circumstances, a Sekhmara would prefer to quickly fulfill its obligation and depart. However, there are instances where humans have been eaten, especially if they tease or provoke the Sekhmara. Some humans offer ritual praise to the Sekhmara upon its arrival, and legends suggest that this act of respect makes the creature less likely to harm the summoner. Nonetheless, it is strongly advised to treat the Sekhmara with the utmost respect and caution, as failure to do so could result in a gruesome fate.

Travel with Sekhmara

Traveling with a Sekhmara is a unique experience that requires a keen understanding of their preferences and boundaries. Once summoned, a Sekhmara will typically lower itself to the ground to allow the human to climb onto its back. In certain instances, the creature may opt to lift the human by their clothing using its teeth, although this method is generally not favored by either party. If requested, a Sekhmara is willing to carry a human in its teeth, much like it would carry one of its own offspring, by gripping onto a sturdy piece of clothing.

Sekhmara vehemently reject the notion of being saddled and consider it the human's responsibility to maintain their balance during the journey. Falling off is not the Sekhmara's concern. The most secure position for travel is situated between the creature's shoulder blades, gripping its fur tightly with both hands. It is crucial to avoid holding onto the Sekhmara's ears or whiskers, as this causes them immense pain and will almost certainly result in the traveler being devoured.

While it is generally uncommon, there have been instances where a Sekhmara agrees to carry multiple passengers. However, this is a risky endeavor that should be approached with extreme caution, given the creature's natural inclinations and the precarious nature of such travel arrangements.


In general, the Sekhmara exhibit behaviors reminiscent of felines, but with a level of self-awareness and intelligence that sets them apart. They are solitary, highly territorial creatures who prefer to keep to themselves. Their movements are graceful and calculated, and they are highly curious, exploring their environment with keen eyes and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Their innate magical abilities allow them to interact with their surroundings in ways beyond the capabilities of ordinary animals, making them formidable predators and elusive entities. Importantly, they are not inherently violent but can become so if threatened or bored.

When interacting with each other, Sekhmara maintain a complex, fluid social structure that is also hierarchical. They establish territories and respect others' boundaries, but they also form temporary alliances for mutual benefit. These alliances are often facilitated through intricate rituals and silent communication, which involve subtle body language and pheromones. While they do not form long-term social bonds as humans do, their interactions are governed by a set of unspoken rules and traditions, deeply rooted in ancestral wisdom and instinctual morality.

Towards humans, fae, and other intelligent races, the Sekhmara are generally aloof and cautious. Their relationship with humans is particularly complex; they find humans to be short-lived and thus less worthy of their time, viewing them as mere talking apes. Their long-standing, albeit begrudging, bargain with humans has led to a cooperative yet tense relationship. In contrast, they hold a certain respect for fae and other magical beings, considering them beautiful and worthy of respect due to their magical affinities and longer lifespans. However, their primary allegiance is always to their own kind, and they approach all interactions with calculated wariness, ever mindful of their own interests and the balance of power.

Cultural Values

In Sekhmara society, the emphasis on individual sovereignty manifests in fluid, temporary alliances that serve immediate needs, reinforcing their territorial nature and solitary lifestyle. This individualism is balanced by a profound respect for ancestral wisdom and an instinctual moral compass, which guide their decision-making processes and ethical considerations. These key cultural aspects interlock to form a complex but harmonious worldview, influencing everything from their social interactions to their economic and artistic practices.

Sovereign Alliances
The Sekhmara place a high value on individual sovereignty and territoriality. They form alliances that are as fluid as they are temporary, meeting immediate needs before dissolving without lingering social obligations.
Ritualistic Expression
Sekhmara culture deeply embeds rituals in both communication and hunting. They employ a nuanced language of body movements and pheromones for communication, while hunting is a sacred act that serves as a tribute to the natural world.
Ancestral Wisdom and Instinctive Ethics
The Sekhmara operate on an ethical framework that combines ancestral reverence with instinctual morality. They consult the wisdom of their forebears as if guided by an unseen council, and their moral compass is rooted in deep-seated instincts.
Ethereal Aesthetics and Trade
Sekhmara culture is deeply invested in the sensory and the ethereal. Their art forms are intricate arrangements of scents, textures, and temperatures, while their economy operates on the trade of intangible qualities like magical resonance and emotional states.
Timeless Knowledge
The Sekhmara have a nonlinear perception of time and serve as nomadic repositories of knowledge. They view past, present, and future as interconnected facets of existence and carry their collective wisdom in memory, rather than in written form.

Special Abilities

The Sekhmara are endowed with a range of extraordinary abilities that make them formidable beings in both the physical and magical realms. Their power to phase-shift between tangible and intangible states allows them to evade physical attacks and pass through solid objects, becoming visible and tangible only when they choose to strike. Coupled with their mastery over shadows, they can manipulate these dark forms for various magical effects, including concealment and offense. Their familiarity with Kenamereht, a spectral dimension, enables them to travel instantaneously to any location across different realities. As natural warriors with sharp claws and keen senses, their predatory instincts are heightened by their magical abilities, making them incredibly stealthy and efficient hunters. Additionally, their superior intelligence and innate magical prowess allow them to perform complex spells effortlessly, further elevating their status as beings of immense power and cunning.

Phase Shifting
The Sekhmara have the power to transition between tangible and intangible states. This unique ability allows them to pass through solid objects and evade physical attacks. When they choose to attack, they become both visible and tangible, making their strikes all the more sudden and lethal.
Mastery Over Shadows
Sekhmara can manipulate and control shadows for various magical effects. They can use shadows to hide, extend their reach, or weaponize them to ensnare or harm their enemies.
Travel Through Kenamereht
Sekhmara are well-acquainted with Kenamereht, a spectral dimension that serves as an interdimensional nexus. They can use this realm to travel within minutes to any location, moving instantaneously between different realities.
Warrior Instincts
Like all felines, Sekhmara are carnivorous creatures equipped with sharp claws and keen senses. Their predatory instincts are heightened by their magical abilities, making them incredibly stealthy and efficient hunters.
Superior Intelligence
The Sekhmara are believed to possess intelligence far surpassing that of humans. Their thought processes are so radically different that humans find it difficult to recognize the patterns in their reasoning. While some skeptics argue that their apparent intelligence is a facade, such claims rarely survive scrutiny, as encounters with the Sekhmara often prove fatal.
Innate Magic Users
The Sekhmara are adept in the use of magic, possessing an innate ability that requires no formal training. Their magical prowess is as natural to them as breathing, allowing them to perform complex spells and incantations effortlessly.


In an era shrouded by the mists of forgotten wars, a fateful encounter transpired between the Sekhmara and humankind, forever altering the cosmic balance between the two races. Zephyrix, a Sekhmara of deep wisdom, found its life unexpectedly spared by Ealdred, a human warrior who bore the brunt of a lethal strike meant for the creature. Contrary to the violent tendencies attributed to its kind, Zephyrix harbored no ill will toward the warring humans and sought only to remain an elusive observer.

Bound by an ancient code of honor and indebtedness, Zephyrix entered into intricate negotiations with Ealdred. The human warrior, driven by ambitions of conquest, envisioned Zephyrix as a formidable asset in battle. Sensing the gravity of the situation, Zephyrix cunningly proposed a pact: it would lend its ethereal abilities for transport when summoned, but only if granted the freedom to roam unshackled. Ealdred, intrigued by the challenge of deciphering the enigmatic call of the Sekhmara, consented, and the two parted ways, each believing they had secured the upper hand.

Yet, unbeknownst to Zephyrix, Ealdred wove an unbreakable spell into the fabric of their agreement, ensnaring not just Zephyrix but the entire Sekhmara lineage in this irrevocable pact. The weight of this eternal bond soon dawned upon Zephyrix, compelling the Sekhmara to guard this perilous secret with zealous vigilance for generations to come.

The wheel of destiny, however, is ever-turning. Thalios, a human wizard steeped in arcane knowledge, unraveled the cryptic incantations and successfully beckoned a Sekhmara. From that moment, the Sekhmara found themselves ensnared in a reluctant servitude, bound to transport any human who could master the elusive summoning ritual. Yet, this yoke of obligation carries a dire warning: the Sekhmara loathe their indentured existence and are not constrained from exacting a deadly toll once their mandated service is rendered.

In the present age, the Sekhmara persist in honoring this age-old covenant, though with palpable resentment. They serve as unwilling couriers for those audacious enough to invoke their presence, transporting them to realms beyond human comprehension. But let it be known: to trifle with a Sekhmara is to dance on the edge of a celestial abyss, for while they are bound by the terms of the ancient pact, they are not fettered from meting out their own brand of cosmic retribution.