Samual Hawthorn

From Solas Tempus DB
Samuel Hawthorn
Samual Hawthorn
Played by: User:Dasfier
Height: 6'
Weight: 200 lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 25
Place of Birth: Washington
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black
Figure: Medium build, long black slicked back hair, black mustache
Universe of Origin: Fallout
Organization: Astral Wardens
Occupation: Astral Warden, Partner of Pip-Girl, CO of the STV Elysium Astaeus
Rank / Skill Level: Guardian
Category: 2
Approved By: User:Cyclops
Status: Approved
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Samual is direct and to the point. He has a strong sense of Justice and he is not afraid to voice his opinion, he also tends to do things his way, which makes him a bit of a loner in some cases, but if you earn his trust and loyalty then he's found to be pretty easy going. He's tactical and is likely to do his best to find ways either through or around problems. Wherever he goes He's often called 'the Raven' as running across him can be seen as a sign of bad luck, especially for bad people.

He likes to listen to music on the radio, particularly folk / western style songs. He also spends time cleaning his weapons, or playing various card games.

Special Skills

  • Marksmanship
  • Stealth
  • Gunslinging
  • Blades

Special Abilities

Raven following
Wherever he goes he always seems to attract ravens there, before or the very moment he arrives. It's particularly active when he's after someone.
Rapid Healing Factor
Due to living in irradiated areas in the past, his body has adapted to naturally regenerate quickly, most minor injuries would heal almost instantly, more critical injuries may take a few days but they can heal quickly and easily.
Deathclaw form
on rare occasions he can become a large mutated monster glowing green with radiation and devastating claws.


  • Ranger Big Iron (Colt.45)
  • Dual colt .45s
  • Sniper rifle
  • Over-under double barrel shotgun
  • 40mm grenade launcher
  • Reinforced Machete
  • NCR veteran armor and helmet
  • Black hat
  • Black duster
  • Pip-Boy


Born in the Wildlands of Washington after the fallout of civilization and the bombs dropping, he grew up hunting, and fighting every day to survive. Growing up there wasn't a day that passed by when some outlaw, bandit group or what have you, would try to make a name for themselves and take over the various settlements in the area, raiding and pillaging, even recruiting people into their gangs. He grew up seeing these injustices and wanting more than anything to right these wrongs. Over time he trained himself how to fight, shoot, sneak around, do whatever was necessary to chase bring an end to the bad people that kept ruining the region. When he was around 18 or 19 years of age, he saw a strange man enter the settlement, this man wore in addition to normal cloths, a brown hat, a duster, and on his hip was a Ranger revolver pistol. The man walked into the center of the settlement, called out the gang leader that was at the time reigning as a pretended king over this and another settlement. That's when the shooting started, bandits attempted to rush the man and were gunned down just as quickly. The man stopped to reload, taking cover, when it was clear to Samuel that no one was going to help the man, he stepped up with a hunting rifle and shotgun, and began helping.

After the firefight was over and the bandits chased off and paid for their crimes, the stranger turned to him, and offered him a job. Turns out the man was part of a group in the North Western Frontier known as the Marshals, a faction of men and women who went around helping others, dispensing justice as they went. The older man was named John Mikeles and he became Samuel's tutor and mentor, introducing him to the Marshals, how they operated and worked.

He went on several journeys with his mentor after that day, to several different places in the frontier, and a few places beyond to expand their regions. He had grown into a skilled gunslinger and fighter. He made quite a name for himself as far as marshals were concerned, being a sign for bad luck for any criminal unfortunate enough to cross his path. Some even called him the Immortal Marshal, because no matter how bad things got, he still walked out alive. At some point ravens began following him around, further cementing his reputation as "the Raven" one particular raven seemed to almost always be with him, which he affectionately called Onyx.

Eventually in a meeting with other marshals a discussion came for what to do with the New Vegas / Nevada area. The area was a powder keg waiting to go off, a war on both sides, and was recently a death zone for marshals to so, it was getting to the point where people were saying that marshals went there to die. Samuel however volunteered to go, and go he went.

After some time He made it to the area, he signed up as a courier, to help him to get into the city of New Vegas, crime city. That didn't work out so well, and he should have died. However He pretty soon got back on track in a small town called GoodSprings. He set up a small outpost and began instead slowly making his way towards New Vegas, ridding the area of criminals, outlaws, and overall bad people. Soon he encountered a young woman named Willow, who turned out to have had her things stolen from her, he helped her and she continued traveling with him. The pair also found a sniper named Boon. Together the three of them continued their journey to bring justice to the region. After a long time, they accomplished their mission, and brought stability to the region, allowing for the end of war in the region and the more just faction to take control. Since then they've been in GoodSprings, Boon as an official member of the Marshals, and Willow in training to be a Marshal. Samuel has been remaining in the area to help facilitate job opportunities for those seeking to aid and possibly join the Marshals, manage supplies and keep the lights on in their little outpost.

After bringing the Mojave wasteland into a new era of peace and establishing a Marshal foothold there, he and his team continued patrolling the area. It was one day when He and Willow his apprentice were out patrolling that they slipped into some kind of portal and entered a new world, still earth but a clearly different timeline, Samual survived the trip fine, Willow on the other hand was badly injured, since then He's been hiding out and doing what he could to survive and help tend to her wounds.