Sakurai Kazuma

From Solas Tempus DB
Sakurai Kazuma
Played by: Bubbleteagod
Height: 5'5”
Weight: 123 lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Esper
Age: 17
Date of Birth: February 8th
Place of Birth: Shinjuku
Eye Color: black
Hair Color: Brown
Figure: B
Universe of Origin: mob psycho 100
Status: Approved
Setting: Blazing Umbra

kind, and a bit naive

Special Skills

works well with hands and can make a multitude of things from scratch without use of powers.

Special Abilities

  • Telekinesis, maximum range of 20 meters, most powerful at 10 meters and below.
  • Barrier creation
  • Minor cognition manipulation
  • Enhanced speed (through telekinetic means)
  • Electrokinesis (about 300 k volts maximum)
  • Mental energy projection
  • Resistance to other mind altering powersany daemonettes she summons when in that form. In addition she can summon a magical bow from which she can fire an arrow of pure energy than self divides to hit all the attackers Anadresh wants to hit.


born as an Esper with psychic abilities, Kazuma grew up and knew that he shouldn't use his powers for his own status, rather to help people... But he soon found out that it was just another trait, like getting natural rippling muscles. Because of his natural kindness, he never had to use his powers, though he constantly cultivated it in order to be strong when one day he would need the powers, for self defence and defending others.