SS Carnifex Ferry (NAR-592)

From Solas Tempus DB
Carnifex Ferry
SS Carnifex Ferry (NAR-592)
Class: Saladin Class Starship
Affiliation: Starfleet
Commanding Officer: Captain Greg Maddox
Executive Officer: Commander Gwendolyn Archer
Quote: "I may be a lost cause, but I thought if you loved me, it needn't matter." - John Osborne, Look Back in Anger
Status: Missing

The Carnifex Ferry was a science vessel commissioned in 2262 it was designed as a long range survey vessel. Her primary role was in sending probes to various regions and flagging possible star systems which might need further exploration and making preliminary maps to guide later missions. After that the vessel served in a number of roles but finally was classified as mission when her destruction could not be confirmed after all hands abandoned ship in 2273.

Service History

Commissioned and assigned to Captain Berron, a Vulcan, and given a primarily Vulcan crew.
Began official survey of the Beta Quadrant, maps made here would later be used to originate the mission of the USS Excelsior under the command of Captain Hikaru Sulu.
Captain Berron takes a leave of absence from Starfleet to pursue a position at the Vulcan Science Academy, Captain Greg Maddox takes command. Later this same year the ship's executive officer, Commander Tren, is promoted to Captain and given his own command. Captain Maddox takes on Commander Gwendolyn Archer as his new executive officer.
The vessel undergoes a minor refit and is assigned as a medical transport vessel. Her primary role is then to provide medical support personnel and supplies for stations and outposts near the Federation border. During this time period, the vessel encounters numerous volatile situations and makes several allies.
The vessel receives another minor refit and Captain Maddox and crew are assigned to patrol the border with the Orions. The vessel, still equipped for use as a medical transport, also filled a unique role to free traders still doing business with the Orions providing medical care and occasional diplomatic assistance.
A conflict with a Orion slave transport occurs and the vessel is abandoned, believed to have been destroyed.
The Carnifex Ferry is discovered as a derelict not far from the Schatten Star System.