
From Solas Tempus DB
(Redirected from Quickjaw)
Played by: User:Left4Cake
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 120 lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Kineceleran
Age: 22 years old
Place of Birth: Kinet
Figure: thin peteiet
Universe of Origin: Ben 10
Occupation: Vigalanty
Rank / Skill Level: Quick Reflexes but Reckless
Status: Approved
Setting: Blazing Umbra
  • sometimes act without thinking
  • quick to judge
  • rash

special skills

  • Maximum speed for race: 500 mph
  • Max acceleration: 3g
  • Can't run on non solid ground of any kind what so ever.
  • Doesn't actually “run” but rather skates or skies with ball like feet.
  • Is not immuned to newtons laws.


Speed his life on the strees, fights crime but it's only for the thrills of it. He has been arrested quite a few times for accidently letting criminals get away and interfering with poilice.