Oberth Class Starship

From Solas Tempus DB

The Oberth Class vessel is a very small and compact scout vessel used by the Starfleet in the 23rd and 24th centuries.

150m x 78m x 46m
Maximum Crew
80 people
Standard Crew
73 people
Minimal Crew
5 people
Cruising Speed
Warp 6.2 / Fold 4.9
Max Speed
Warp 7.31 / Fold 6.25
Emergency Speed
Warp 8.5 / Fold 7 for 30 minutes
Power Source
Fusion Reactors & Matter/Antimatter Reactor
Impulse Engines
Enhanced Warp Drive
Dimensional Fold Drive (Weapons and shields are forced to be offline while operating)
Gravitational Displacement Drive
Deck Plans
Oberth Class Deck Plans

Offensive Systems

  • 4 Phaser Banks (2 Emitters Each)
  • 1 Photon Torpedo Launcher

Weapons systems and shields are given extensive upgades, when the reactor is power running even at warp speeds after being refit the ships shields and weapons allow for a bomber-support role in combat. The ship is less maneuverable than the Refit NX Class, but can take more punishment in combat. The ship only possesses a rear torpedo launcher which it uses to launch low-speed high yield warheads at targets as the ship passes at warp velocities.

Defensive Systems

Auxiliary Spacecraft / Bays

  • 1 Shuttle Craft
  • 1 Main Shuttle Bay
  • 2 Cargo Access Bays

Exterior Views

Master Systems Display

Bridge Layout