Oasis Station

From Solas Tempus DB
Oasis Station
Oasis Station
Class: Asteroid Complex
Affiliation: Independent
Commanding Officer: Greana Elkik
Executive Officer: Rikar Soren
Operations Officer: Jaya Mehta
Chief Engineer: Dr. Tolan Kree
Chief Medical Officer: Dr. Lenara Vos
MSAI: Orion Plex
A commercial and lodging center within in a crater for Oasis Station
A landing and docking facility in a crater for Oasis Station
A private landing and access facility in a crater for Oasis Station

Oasis Station, nestled within the Omicron Asteroid Field, represents a remarkable journey over 50 years. Constructed from assorted parts, it has evolved from a simple way station into a complex entity managed by Oasis Consolidated Holdings. While initially serving as a refueling and transfer point, the station has expanded into a commercial hub, balancing legal services like trade, repairs, and accommodations with covert operations including smuggling and information brokering. Its rich history of technological advancements, political maneuvering, and the interplay of diverse crew dynamics has positioned it as a pivotal outpost in the sector.

Station Services

Commercial and Living Quarters area of Oasis Station
Cargo Storage and Transport Area of Oasis Station
Mining and Refinery Area of Oasis Station

Oasis Station, a hub of activity in the Omicron Asteroid Field, balances a fine line between legality and the clandestine. Officially, it provides essential services like fueling, repairs, trade, lodging, and medical care, catering to the needs of travelers and merchants. It also serves as a cultural and recreational oasis in the vastness of space. However, beneath this veneer of legitimacy, the station covertly engages in activities like smuggling, black market dealings, and information brokering. These illicit services, though unadvertised, are an open secret among those traversing the sector.

Legal Services

  • Fueling and Docking Facilities
  • Repair and Maintenance Services
  • Trade and Commerce Centers
  • Accommodation and Lodging
  • Cultural and Recreational Facilities
  • Medical and Health Services
  • Scientific Research and Development

Illicit Services (Covertly Managed)

  • Smuggling and Black Market Trading
  • Information Brokering and Espionage
  • Unofficial Gambling Dens
  • Undocumented Cargo Storage
  • Covert Meeting Points for Diplomatic Backchannels
  • Safe Havens for Fugitives (Under Strict Conditions)
  • Unregulated Experimental Technology Testing

Command Crew

The crew of Oasis Station, led by Greana Elkik, functions as a cohesive unit, drawing strength from their diverse backgrounds and experiences. Greana's strategic foresight, combined with Rikar Soren's logical deliberation and Jaya Mehta's tactical acumen, fosters a robust decision-making process. Tolan Kree's engineering expertise and Kira Nol's security insights contribute to the station's operational excellence, while Lenara Vos's medical knowledge ensures the crew's well-being. Orion Plex, the AI, integrates seamlessly, offering data-driven guidance and analytical support, enhancing the team's collective problem-solving abilities.

However, this diversity also presents challenges. Disagreements often emerge from contrasting perspectives, particularly in high-pressure scenarios. Greana's emphasis on strategy sometimes clashes with Rikar's logic-first approach, and Kira's assertiveness may conflict with Tolan's methodical nature. Additionally, Jaya's willingness to take risks can create tension with Lenara's cautious approach to crew health. Orion Plex, despite its advanced algorithms, occasionally struggles to fully grasp the nuances of human emotions and responses, leading to misunderstandings. These conflicts, if not managed effectively, can lead to breakdowns in communication and hinder the team's overall efficiency and harmony.

Commanding Officer - Greana Elkik (45, Female, Cardassian)

Greana has the distinct Cardassian features, with grey skin, prominent neck ridges, and dark, almond-shaped eyes. Her hair is kept in a neat, military-style cut.
Fleeing Cardassia during the major conflicts with the Federation, Greana sought refuge and purpose elsewhere, leading her to Oasis Station. Her experiences shaped her views on leadership and diplomacy.
Driven by a desire to create a safe haven, free from the conflicts that plagued her homeworld.
Ensure Oasis Station remains a neutral, peaceful hub; long-term, she seeks to aid in interstellar peace efforts.
Employs strategic thinking and diplomatic skills, balancing firm leadership with an understanding of the complexities of interstellar politics.

Executive Officer - Rikar Soren (38, Male, Vulcan)

Medium build, with typical Vulcan features, including pointed ears and short, neatly combed black hair.
Born on Vulcan, Rikar is a product of rigorous Vulcan education and training. No known family ties.
Dedication to logic and duty.
Assist in maintaining order on the station; personal goal to master emotional control.
Utilizes logic and thorough analysis; avoids emotional decision-making.

Operations Officer - Jaya Mehta (35, Female, Andorian)

Average height, slim, with characteristic blue skin and white hair of Andorians. Sharp, attentive eyes.
Grew up in Andoria’s harsh climates, joined to challenge herself. Has a close-knit family back home.
A natural problem-solver, driven by a love for challenges.
Efficient operations on Oasis Station; aspires to command her own station.
Tactical thinking, proactive in anticipating station needs.

Chief Engineer - Dr. Tolan Kree (50, Male, Bolian)

Bald with bright blue skin, typical of Bolians, and a robust physique. Often seen with a tool in hand.
From a family of engineers on Bolarus IX, Tolan is a seasoned engineer with years in various postings.
Passion for engineering and innovation.
Keep Oasis Station running smoothly; innovate station's engineering systems.
Hands-on approach, values practical experience over theory.

Chief of Security - Kira Nol (40, Female, Bajoran)

Medium height, muscular build, with Bajoran ridged nose and dark brown hair kept in a tight bun.
A former resistance fighter, she joined for a sense of purpose post-occupation of Bajor.
Protecting those who can't protect themselves.
Ensure the security of Oasis Station; long-term, advocate for Bajoran interests.
Direct and sometimes aggressive, but fair.

Chief Medical Officer - Dr. Lenara Vos (45, Female, Trill)

Graceful, with the characteristic Trill spots running down her temples and neck. Dark, wavy hair and empathetic eyes.
Born on Trill, not joined. Lenara pursued medicine out of a deep desire to help others.
Compassion and the pursuit of medical knowledge.
Provide the best medical care; research new medical treatments.
Balances traditional and innovative medical techniques; highly ethical.

Master Systems AI - Orion Plex (Male, AI)

Orion Plex's holographic form manifests as a male with a sharp, symmetrical face and short, sleek hair, often choosing a silver or pale blue hue. His eyes are bright and expressive, designed to convey a sense of understanding and intelligence.
Created as a highly advanced AI for Oasis Station, Orion Plex, named for its vast knowledge base and computing power, is a pinnacle of quantum and neural network technology.
Designed to oversee and streamline station operations.
Continual optimization of station functions and adaptive problem-solving; long-term, to enhance AI-human collaboration.
Employs a blend of high-level computational analysis with an evolving understanding of human-AI interaction, making decisions based on extensive data and predictive algorithms.


The 50-year history of Oasis Station is a rich with triumphs, challenges, and evolutionary milestones. From its initial establishment in the Omicron Asteroid Field to its transformation into a bustling commercial hub and a center for political diplomacy, the station has navigated a complex journey. Key moments include overcoming initial resource scarcities, expanding commercial activities, integrating advanced technologies such as the successful Orion Plex AI, and maneuvering through intricate political landscapes. This history reflects the resilience and adaptability of its crew, led by Captain Greana Elkik, as they propelled Oasis Station into a symbol of interstellar cooperation and innovation.

2338 to 2342: Formation and Foundation

The foundational years of Oasis Station were marked by significant milestones and challenges. The station's inception on May 9th, 2338, with the establishment of the first asteroid fueling station, was a triumph of vision and engineering. Under Greana Elkik's leadership and with Rikar Soren as her right hand, the initial years focused on overcoming resource scarcity. Greana's diplomatic prowess was instrumental in securing vital supplies and alliances. In contrast, the period also witnessed a notable incident in 2339, when a critical system failure, due to mismatched operational methods between Greana and Rikar, caused a temporary shutdown of the fueling station, highlighting the need for more streamlined processes.

The arrivals of Dr. Tolan Kree and Dr. Lenara Vos in 2340 marked a turning point. Dr. Kree's engineering expertise led to the successful integration of a new power grid system, enhancing station efficiency. However, a diplomatic dispute in 2341, exacerbated by Greana and Rikar's differing approaches, strained relations with a key trade partner, briefly jeopardizing the station's supply chain. These years laid the groundwork for Oasis Station's future, balancing groundbreaking achievements with the growing pains of a nascent space outpost.

2342 to 2357: Commercial Expansion

During this phase, Oasis Station burgeoned into a bustling commercial center. Jaya Mehta, who joined in 2344, implemented tactical upgrades to operation protocols, notably streamlining cargo processing, which significantly boosted trade efficiency. In 2346, a major triumph was the inauguration of the “Galactic Bazaar,” an initiative led by Mehta that attracted diverse merchants, fostering an economic boom.

However, the period wasn't without its challenges. Kira Nol, arriving in 2352, introduced rigorous security protocols. While her strategies effectively curbed smuggling in 2354, they also inadvertently impeded some legitimate trade activities, causing friction with merchants. In 2356, a well-intentioned lockdown by Nol during a suspected threat led to a temporary halt in station operations, highlighting the delicate balance between security and commerce.

During this period, the command staff of Oasis Station made a strategic decision regarding the persistent issue of smuggling and illicit activities. Acknowledging the impracticality of completely eradicating such activities, they opted instead for a controlled approach. By regulating and monitoring these operations, they aimed to mitigate risks and channel benefits towards the station's population. This pragmatic shift not only improved station security but also fostered a sense of order and stability among the inhabitants, turning a challenging issue into an opportunity for better governance and community welfare.

2357 to 2361: Technological Evolution

This era was defined by ambitious technological upgrades, led by Chief Engineer Dr. Tolan Kree. A significant milestone was the integration of the station's first AI system in 2358, intended to automate various operations. Initially successful, it enhanced efficiency across multiple sectors. However, this positive stride was short-lived. By 2359, the AI system began malfunctioning, leading to critical operational disruptions. The decision to decommission the AI after only a few years was a major setback, involving Dr. Kree and Greana Elkik in a challenging process of damage control and system restructuring.

In this period, Oasis Station achieved another technological breakthrough in asteroid manipulation and construction. Under the guidance of Dr. Tolan Kree, the station developed and perfected techniques for moving and securing asteroids, significantly expanding its structural capabilities. This advancement not only facilitated the addition of new modules and facilities but also allowed for more strategic positioning of the station within the asteroid field. This innovation, crucial for the station's expansion and sustainability, highlighted the engineering team's ingenuity and adaptability, and marked a key step in the station's evolution into a more advanced and versatile space outpost.

2361 to 2374: Political Maneuvering

Oasis Station experienced a complex interplay of political and diplomatic challenges alongside significant achievements. Greana Elkik's diplomatic skills were put to the test, particularly in 2363 when she secured a vital trade agreement, and again in 2368, when the station hosted a major peace conference. These events not only enhanced the station's economic stability but also solidified its role as a key mediator in regional conflicts.

However, these years were not without internal strife. In 2365, Kira Nol's rigorous security measures sparked unrest among the station's populace, highlighting the delicate balance between safety and civil liberties. A diplomatic incident in 2371 caused a temporary rift with an allied system, underscoring the emotional and political pressures of station leadership.

Amidst these challenges, the station's command navigated a myriad of behind-the-scenes negotiations, forging discreet contracts and treaties. These arrangements, some kept confidential, were instrumental in cementing the station's strategic position. Profitable, albeit off-the-record, agreements played a pivotal role in advancing the station's commercial interests while maintaining its image of neutrality and diplomatic integrity.

2375 to 2388: Autonomy and Self-Sufficiency

From 2375 to 2388, Oasis Station embarked on a path toward autonomy and self-sufficiency. A key milestone in this era was the successful integration of the AI system, Orion Plex, whose analytical capabilities greatly enhanced station operations. This period saw significant advancements in resource management and technological independence, largely due to the collaborative efforts of Greana Elkik and the AI's sophisticated data processing.

However, the pursuit of autonomy was not without its challenges. Divergent visions for the station's future, particularly between Greana and her colleague Rikar, led to debates over governance and strategic direction. These internal conflicts highlighted the complexities of managing a rapidly evolving space station, balancing progressive aspirations with practical governance.