
From Solas Tempus DB
Artist rendition of the Namasgalu
Na-mas-ga-lu with emphasis on the first syllable

Namasgalu, a demon of insatiable hunger and ancient power, can only be vanquished by banishment rituals or consumed by eldritch fire, the latter ablaze with arcane energies that unravel its very essence. As a spectral entity of chaos, it feeds on blood and magic, growing ever more potent with each soul it devours. Cunning in battle, it employs guile and the shadows to its advantage, striking when least expected. In the absence of such mystical fires or incantations, it remains an undying force of malevolence, ever hungering for the flesh and mana of the living.

Special Abilities

Namasgalu, the embodiment of ancient dread, moves through the theater of war like a shadow of death, drinking the crimson life to swell its own dark might. In its wake, whirlwinds of chaos twist the air, sowing terror among those who dare stand against it. Ethereal as smoke, it dances through swords and spears, untouched and unfettered. It seeks the potent blood of mages, to weave their arcane essences into its own fabric. When met with defiance, it commands the very shadows to ensnare, and where commands are absent, it bends lesser spirits to its malevolent will, a sovereign of ruin unfurling its reign.

Blood Empowerment
Gains increased strength and power with the consumption of blood.
Chaos Whirl
Summons a vortex of chaotic energy to disorient and damage enemies.
Life Drain
Siphons the life force from victims, reducing them to dust.
Phantom Shroud
Can become intangible, rendering physical attacks ineffective.
Essence Absorption
Absorbs the magical and supernatural powers of consumed victims.
Spectral Swarm
Disperses into smaller entities to attack multiple targets at once.
Dust of the Dead
Creates a paralyzing or fear-inducing cloud from the remains of victims.
Nether Step
Teleports short distances in a puff of black smoke.
Shadow Bind
Animates nearby shadows to entangle and hold opponents.
Infernal Command
Summons and controls lesser demons when acting without orders.

Special Skills

When challenged, Namasgalu exhibits a cunning that belies its monstrous form. It maneuvers with strategic foresight, using its environment to its advantage. If outnumbered or faced with significant might, it will not engage directly. Instead, it lays traps, using its dark powers to turn the very battlefield against its foes. It strikes swiftly, sowing confusion, then fading away, forcing opponents to fight amongst themselves or fall prey to their own fear. This demon's intellect is as sharp as its hunger is deep, always calculating, always hunting for the opportune moment to unleash its devastating hunger and grow its power.

Arcane Harvesting
Selectively targets beings of magical might for their potent energies.
Tactical Predation
Manipulates skirmishes to ensure a vast array of victims, maximizing ensuing chaos.
Mental Fortress
Shields its psyche from external control, preserving its autonomy and voracious drive.

Strength and Weaknesses

Namasgalu's strengths are nearly unmatched; it is resistant to physical harm and can only be weakened by magical attacks, yet such assaults will not suffice to destroy it. Divine magic, wielding the sanctified essence of higher powers, can significantly weaken, damage, and potentially banish it. However, to truly annihilate this entity, one must employ eldritch fire, the only known force capable of completely unmaking its spectral form.


In the annals of the infernal realms, there whispers a legend of a spectral entity, a demon of such malignant intelligence and voracious appetite that it stands apart from its brethren. Shrouded in a cloak of swirling black mists, it is known to emerge in times of strife and bloodshed, a phantom unleashed upon the scarred fields of battle to fulfill its grim purpose: the consumption of life.

This demon, neither solid nor entirely ephemeral, embodies the very essence of chaos and hunger. It is a creature that exists solely to devour, drawing strength from the sanguine essence of its prey. The blood of the fallen is its sustenance, and with each life extinguished, its dark power burgeons, an ever-growing monument to destruction.

Though oft bound to the will of a mightier demon, a leviathan of the abyssal depths, this spectral marauder harbors its own aspirations of dominion. In the absence of a directive, it becomes a sovereign of slaughter, a self-styled monarch whose kingdom is carved from the corpses of the consumed.

Its hunger is a void that yearns eternally for satiation, leading it to seek out beings of magical potency. To absorb the lifeblood of such creatures is to weave their arcane energies into its very essence, a tapestry of stolen power that renders it an even more formidable force of the netherworld.