Maryann Ashworth

From Solas Tempus DB
Maryann Ashworth
Maryann Ashworth
Played by: Glyph
Height: 6’ 2”
Gender: Female
Race: Parahuman
Age: January Ninth, 1998
Place of Birth: Madison, Wisconsin
Hair Color: Purple
Figure: Pic
Universe of Origin: Earth Bet
Occupation: Supervillain
Rank / Skill Level: Somewhat amateur, but is skilled in CQC
Status: Abandoned
Setting: Blazing Umbra


  • Somewhat cruel
  • loves children
  • has a skewed idea of justice/retribution

Special Skills

  • CQC
  • interrogation

Special Abilities

Her parahuman ability allows her to become an unknown semi molten metal. In this state she can add or subtract heat from both herself as well as anything she touches. This allows her to bleed off heat in her power state. She can also act as a fluid in this state. Classification: Breaker 4, Striker 6


Maryann is a survivor of the Simurgh attack at Madison, Wisconsin. During the quarantine, her family was killed in a ritualistic sacrifice to the Hope Killer herself and then [REDACTED]. After using her powers to kill the cultists, she went around doing whatever she wanted, when she wanted. It helped that Quarantine Zones have no laws to be upheld, and soon enough she staked out her own territory. Fast forward a few years and a Simurgh device reactivates, sending her elsewhere.