Mark 9 Samaritan Transport

From Solas Tempus DB
6.5 meters
3 meters
6x6 / 3 Axles
Power Source
Deuterium Fusion Reactor
Max Speed
155-178 km/h
Standard Crew
1 Driver
1 Weapons / Communications Officer
8 People + Gear
Crew and Passengers is 1 Full Squad

The Mark 9 Samaritan is an armored squad transport vehicle, designed to operated in conditions which prevent reliable operation of transporters. It is heavily armored and designed to be entirely operated by a single squad without the need for additional personnel.

Defensive Systems

  • Ablative Hull Armor
  • Deflector Shields
  • Secondary Forward-Facing High-Output Deflector Shield Grid

Offensive Systems

  • Retractable Weapons Pod
The weapons pod is manned, exposing one crew / passenger to the exterior when deployed.
  • Phaser Pulse Cannon
  • 135 Degree Horizontal Arc / 15 Degree Vertical Arc