Locus Fons

From Solas Tempus DB
Personal or Small Group

Casting of the spell Locus Fons is also called "coasting" and is the most widely used spell for long distance travel among magic users. Without some magical device to weave magical energy into the appropriate patterns, psionic users cannot use this. The spell draws the person into the flows of magical energy and then allows them to ride the current from one well to another. Since the power for this spell comes from the well itself, it requires very little capacity with energy to perform and has a simple pattern.


This spell can only be performed while in a well of magical energy. A clear image of the path through the ley lines to move from one well to another or of the destination well itself and its magical aura.

When more than a single person mean to travel, they all must be holding hands with the caster, a single person should then cast the spell and as such will control their path through the flows of magical energy.

Additional Notes

It is easiest to navigate to a well you already have been to, though it is not impossible to navigate to wells which you've never seen it is a more advanced expression of the spell and a failed attempt will result in being propelled to a random well location. Thus most magic users do not attempt this form of the spell unless they have been properly taught how to identify and coast to a well they've never been to before.