Jaikilu Iuitzkir

From Solas Tempus DB
Jaikilu Iuitzkir
Played by: User:necahual
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 137lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Ilundua
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 234
Place of Birth: Grand Duchy of Herri
Eye Color: glowing pink
Hair Color: black and glowing pink
Figure: Slender and thin
Universe of Origin: OC
Organization: Navarok Republic
Occupation: Navigator
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Jai is farsighted and idealistic. She is also demanding and persistent which can lead her to ignore people in the pursuit of knowledge or to refuse to admit wrong in personal relationships. She is however perfectly sociable and amicable when she isn't thinking about work even if she can be eccentric.

Physical Description

Jai is a striking figure standing at an impressive height of six foot three inches. Her long, flowing hair is a captivating shade of dark black, imbued with a subtle pinkish glow that adds an ethereal quality to her appearance. Her eyes can be mesmerizing because they shine in a vibrant pink hue and emit a gentle, otherworldly luminescence. Her skin, a captivating dark grey, bears intricate ley lines that trace across her entire body, serving as a visible testament to her profound connection to the mystical forces of the universe. These ley lines seem to pulse with a subtle energy, further highlighting her role as a navigator and her attunement to the cosmic currents. One particularly noteworthy feature of Jai is the circular mark adorning her forehead. This mark, a symbol of her connection to the divine, emits a mesmerizing pinkish-orange glow. It serves as a visual representation of her blessings from Atakien, the god of paths, signifying her role as a navigator and her chosen path in life.

Special Abilities

  • As with all Ilundua she can see ethereal entities and the magical auras of living beings unless intentionally hidden
  • Stellar Sight: Jaikilu possesses the ability to see beyond the visible spectrum of light, perceiving the subtle energies and cosmic currents that exist within the Empyrean. This heightened perception allows her to navigate through treacherous celestial phenomena, such as gravitational anomalies and spatial distortions, with greater precision and accuracy.
  • Astral Mapping: Through her connection to the flow of magic, Jaikilu can create intricate mental maps of the cosmic pathways within the Empyrean. These maps extend beyond conventional navigational charts, incorporating magical signatures and ley lines that guide her in charting the safest and most efficient routes for the Irvyn.
  • Protective Warding: Jaikilu is adept at weaving potent protective spells that shield the Irvyn and its crew from the dangers of the Empyrean. These wards fortify the ship's hull against cosmic radiation, meteoric impacts, and other hostile environmental factors encountered during their interstellar travels.
  • Flow Attunement: Through her deep connection to the flow of magic, Jaikilu can attune herself to the dynamic currents within the Empyrean. This attunement enables her to anticipate shifts in cosmic energies, providing early warnings of impending disturbances or hazards that might affect their journey.

Special Skills

  • Celestial Cartography: Jaikilu is well-versed in the art of celestial cartography, having a deep understanding of star systems, galaxies, and cosmic phenomena. She can interpret and analyze astronomical data, plotting the positions of celestial bodies and identifying navigational landmarks to chart precise courses.
  • Astrogation: With her comprehensive knowledge of astrogation, Jaikilu can calculate and predict the movements of celestial objects, gravitational forces, and space-time distortions. This expertise enables her to plot accurate trajectories and efficiently navigate the Irvyn through complex routes, maximizing fuel efficiency and minimizing travel time.
  • Stellar Physics: Jaikilu possesses a profound understanding of stellar physics, encompassing the behavior of stars, planetary systems, and the laws of celestial motion. This knowledge allows her to predict and anticipate gravitational effects, gravitational slingshots, and other astronomical phenomena that might impact the ship's trajectory.
  • Navigational Instruments: Jaikilu is proficient in operating advanced navigational instruments and equipment, including astrolabes, star charts, multi-dimensional scanners, and celestial positioning systems. She can efficiently interpret data from these tools, integrating them with her celestial knowledge to make informed decisions during navigation.
  • Intuition and Pattern Recognition: Through years of experience, Jaikilu has honed her intuition and pattern recognition skills. She can quickly identify recurring cosmic patterns, subtle anomalies, and irregularities in the Empyrean, allowing her to navigate through uncharted territories with confidence and adaptability.
  • Crisis Management and Quick Thinking: Jaikilu has faced numerous dire situations throughout her 75 years of service. Her experiences have sharpened her crisis management skills, enabling her to think swiftly and make crucial decisions under pressure. Her ability to remain calm and composed in high-stakes scenarios proves invaluable in ensuring the safety of the crew and the Irvyn.
  • Cross-Disciplinary Knowledge: Beyond her navigational expertise, Jaikilu possesses a broad understanding of various scientific disciplines, including astrophysics, space-time mechanics, cosmology, and stellar ecology. This interdisciplinary knowledge allows her to approach navigation from a holistic perspective, considering both scientific and magical aspects in her decision-making process.


Jaikilu of House Iuitzkir, born a commoner, possesses an affinity for finding paths that has allowed her to find a way to become an exceptional Ilundua navigator. Drawn to the mysteries of the cosmos from an early age, she made the bold decision to leave behind her humble beginnings and dedicate her life to the service of the nobility as a navigator. Throughout her 75 years of service aboard the Irvyn, Jaikilu has encountered numerous perilous situations that demanded quick thinking and a strong connection to the flow of magic. From navigating treacherous asteroid fields to evading hostile cosmic anomalies, her unwavering determination and innate understanding of the Empyrean have been instrumental in guiding the ship and her crew safely through the dangers of space. In these dire moments, Jaikilu's deep connection to the magical forces that permeate the universe becomes even more pronounced. With an intuitive understanding of the ebb and flow of cosmic energies, she taps into her innate abilities to weave spells of protection and guidance, enhancing her navigation skills and ensuring the safety of the Irvyn and its crew. Despite the challenges she has faced, Jaikilu's unwavering spirit remains filled with hope and optimism. She along with the rest of the crew and eventually the Barony of Irvyn were spliced into the universe of Blazing Umbra. Recently the formation of the Navarok Kuevoriveiko and the gifting of the Salah Star System which included the habitable planet of Salah Prime has brought many changes. The ship she serves under a new flag and it was revealed that they have Suge’s blessing to colonize Salah. This revelation has ignited a renewed sense of purpose within Jaikilu, as she eagerly embraces the future with anticipation and dreams of building a thriving civilization on this newfound world.