Hunter Class Gunship

From Solas Tempus DB
Hunter Class Gunship
Hunter Class Fighter

The Hunter Class Gunship is a stealth fast-attack vessel. She's equipped with numerous stealth technologies and advanced passive sensors arrays. Designed as a predator, hunting prey without being detected. The sensors are specifically configured to track a ship based on readings from other sources so that the ship herself does not have to emit a standard sensor pulse, which would reveal her location. The hull is made of energy absorbing armor with built-in energy dampeners to reduce or even change her energy signature.

33 x 59 x 127 meters
1-4 People
Power Source
Matter/Antimatter Reactor
Fusion Reactors
Dimensional Fold Drive
Warp Drive
Impulse Drive
Jump Point Generator
Cruising Speed
Fold 6.5
Warp 8.71
Max Speed
Fold 8
Warp 9.997
Emergency Speed
Fold 8.5
Warp 9.999 for 5 Minutes

Offensive Systems

  • 2 Phaser Turrets
  • Dual Heavy Phaser Cannons
  • 4 Torpedo Launchers (2 Fore, 2 Aft)
Includes Special Photon Torpedo Warheads
  • Shield Penetration Beam
Specialized disruptor cannon designed to drain and penetrate shields without doing hull damaged. Based on recovered borg technologies.

Defensive Systems

Can effectively lock onto and stay connected to tritanium starship hulls.
  • Penetrating Hull Breeching Entry System
Allows the vessel to lock onto another vessel and breach the hull and attach an airlock.

Auxiliary Craft

The vessel has a unique design, the launch bay is at the top of the craft and faces forward, holding a single craft at a time with an elevator that brings ships up/down from the launch bay to the hangar deck below. The launch bay itself is 25 meters wide and is equipped with magnetic catapults to launch support craft out at high speeds. Specialized shield generators and tractor emitters are designed to recover auxiliary craft during combat, if necessary.

The hunter class fighter is a stealth fast attack fighter, designed to be fast and difficult to detect. They are fast at sublight speeds but have no FTL capabilities.