
From Solas Tempus DB

Greenfinger is the title given to an unique Floran that is typically the authority figure of the tribe. Only one exist per tribe and usually a new Greenfinger either starts a new tribe or replaces the previous Greenfinger if it happens to die. They are rarely the strongest hunters, instead being more intelligent and patient than the average floran. They are also the only florans to have the ability of mentally manipulating plant life, allowing it to interact with higher technology or creating other stuff. Because of this ease to manipulate plant life and the responsibility with the tribe, it is the Greenfinger who adapts alien technology so the ordinary floran can use it without any issues.

Thanks to this gift, even young and inexperienced Greenfingers are revered by the rest of the tribe, and their commands are obeyed... though sometimes grudgingly, as Greenfingers tend to gently push the stubborn Floran towards being more civilized (or at least distract them away from their more violent tendencies), which doesn't always sit well with the impulsive plant-people. They are also responsible to raise and educate the florans of their tribe, being the closest they have to a parental figure.


The Greenfinger powers are gifted to them by an artifact called Sacred Bone, although only the first Greenfinger is thought to have ever used it, with the following Greenfingers being only descendants of this first ever Greenfinger. One exception to this rule is Nul'Aiana, who replaced her Greenfinger when it died without leaving a heir, being told that their headdress, the garment that always identify the Greenfinger of a tribe, was not a replica but actually the original Sacred Bone, given as prize to the great champion who killed the Ixodoom at the Hunting Grounds, Nuru. The how this artifact was in hands of another floran other than her, is not explained.

The power of the Greenfinger ranges from integrating technology with plant life to easy its use for ordinary florans or reverse engineer them to understand how to recreate such technologies and even create tree-top housing that work much like buildings with several floors. A Greenfinger's creation is usually an amalgamation of many other components pieced up together by plant life. They can also alter a plant to change its role, like glowing a plant into a bio-luminescent lamp-like light source (to replace fireplaces because Floran hate fire) and other things.

Because of how the Greenfinger powers work, they are never weaponized. If the Greenfinger is also one of the rare cases of being a skilled hunter, their powers provide no benefit in combat whatsoever.