Forja Mailu

From Solas Tempus DB
Forja Mailu
Played by: User:necahual
Height: 5’
Weight: 130lbs
Gender: Nonbinary Masc
Race: Ilundua
Age: 66
Place of Birth: Grand Duchy of Herri
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: White
Figure: slender, elf ears, short, green skin
Universe of Origin: OC
Occupation: Speaker of the Tribune
Rank / Skill Level: Head Speaker
Status: Approved
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Down to earth and amicable. He is always interested in learning about mechanical contraptions and alloys.


Forja was born to a peasant laborer family. As with others of his caste he was very skilled with his hands and instead of an artisan laborer he decides to specialize Mechanical engineering and metallurgy. After the reformation of the government Forja was Elected to be the Head Speaker for the Syndicate Tribune

As a consequence he joined a local industrial workers syndicate and worked his way up. Eventually becoming the local Guildchief to the workers syndicate of the Barony of Irvyn.

Special Skills

  • Experience building, maintaining and repairing most mechanical devices on Dwend ships
  • Experience crafting arms and armor
  • Experience crafting misc items and tools including prosthetic limbs

Special Abilities

  • Above human strength and stamina
  • Mechanical affinity - can intuitively sense what is wrong with a machine when in direct contact with the machine.
  • Very high dexterity and steady hands