
From Solas Tempus DB
Runic Name
IPA Pronunciation

In the arcane corners of mythology, an entity of bone-deep revulsion lurks—the Dhwersifel. Spawned from human depravity and transmogrified by envy and spite, this once ordinary mortal has undergone a monstrous metamorphosis driven by a thirst for blood, a delight in death, and an unquenchable desire for revenge upon the prosperous. Immortal and grotesque, this testament to human corruption wields insidious power, feasting on the "Godagast," the ethereal essence that compels humankind towards compassion and altruism. Akin to the radiant energy of virtuous karma, this sacred force is devoured by the Dhwersifel with a hunger as vast and unending as the cosmos. Leaving behind not just death, but individuals bereft of their ability to perform kindness, the Dhwersifel is more than a horror—it is a predator of the human spirit. In its feeding state, the Dhwersifel becomes invisible, an intangible force that eludes mortal senses. It cloaks itself in shadows, striking silently and leaving no trace of its presence. Yet, its malevolence manifests in hallucinations and nightmares, tormenting the minds of its victims. These phantasmal apparitions, twisted and grotesque, tear at the fabric of sanity, whispering poisonous thoughts and igniting paralyzing fear. Through these ethereal manifestations, the Dhwersifel instills a sense of dread, manipulating its prey and driving them further into despair. Only in these nightmarish visions do its true form and insatiable appetite become known, an embodiment of the darkness that consumes all that is good and compassionate. This unseen and ethereal nature heightens the terror the Dhwersifel instills, making it a sinister force that strikes from the shadows, leaving devastation and spiritual desolation in its wake. As the line blurs between reality and illusion, the presence of this abhorrent entity weaves a tapestry of horror and despair, reminding us of the fragile balance between the tangible world and the unfathomable depths of the unseen.

Special Abilities

Corruption Veil
An invisible shroud that allows the Dhwersifel to blend seamlessly into human society, masking its grotesque form from the prying eyes of the innocent. This Veil aids in the creature's hunting and survival, providing an undetectable presence among its potential victims.
Godagast Siphon
A unique ability to draw out and consume the Godagast, the very essence of goodness and kindness in humans. This feeding process is slow, methodical, and practically imperceptible, allowing the Dhwersifel to sustain itself over extended periods.
Memory Fog
An ability to induce temporary amnesia in its victims, allowing it to hide the severity of its actions. Victims within the Fog lose their sense of time and recall of certain events, allowing the Dhwersifel to feed unnoticed.
Charm of Deception
The Dhwersifel possesses an unnatural charisma that compels trust and lulls its victims into a false sense of security. This Charm aids in close proximity to its prey, facilitating a deeper connection and easier feeding.
Touch of Transformation
A horrifying ability to corrupt human flesh and spirit, transforming a chosen individual into another Dhwersifel. This ability is activated only under specific circumstances, marking the creature's intention to reproduce.
Shadow Shield
In times of danger, the Dhwersifel can call upon a barrier of pure darkness to protect itself from harm. This Shadow Shield is impervious to most forms of attack, providing the creature with a formidable defense mechanism.
Cruelty Call
The Dhwersifel is attracted to particular individuals exhibiting extreme cruelty, greed, and a touch of madness. This Cruelty Call serves as a means for the creature to identify potential targets for transformation.
Void Gaze
The Dhwersifel has the power to inflict unbearable despair and hopelessness upon its victims through direct eye contact. This Void Gaze aids in breaking the will of its victims, hastening the depletion of their Godagast.
Ephemeral Masquerade
The Dhwersifel possesses the ability to assume a temporary human form, masquerading as an ordinary individual. This shape-shifting ability allows it to blend seamlessly into human society, gaining the trust and lowering the guard of its prey. In this deceptive guise, it exudes an aura of apathy and indifference, subtly influencing its victims to succumb to a sense of resignation and hopelessness. The Ephemeral Masquerade lulls its prey into a false sense of security, making them more susceptible to the creature's manipulations and draining of their Godagast.
Incorporeal Feeding
While feeding, the Dhwersifel exists in an invisible and non-corporeal state, remaining intangible to its victims. It becomes an ethereal presence, concealed from mortal senses, enabling it to feed undetected and without raising suspicion. This ability ensures a prolonged and uninterrupted feeding process, allowing the Dhwersifel to sustain itself on the Godagast of its victims without their awareness.

Special Skills

Psychological Manipulation
A deep understanding of human psychology and the art of manipulation. The Dhwersifel has honed its ability to exploit weaknesses, fears, and desires, manipulating its victims with skillful precision to ensure their gradual descent into darkness.
Subtle Seduction
Knowledge of the seductive power of allure and charm, enabling the Dhwersifel to ensnare its prey in an intricate web of deceit. It knows how to entice, enchant, and seduce, gradually eroding their resistance and paving the way for its feeding.
Unseen Observation
The Dhwersifel possesses an acute ability to observe without being detected. It can navigate human environments with an uncanny awareness, silently studying its victims, gathering vital information, and exploiting their vulnerabilities without arousing suspicion.
Arcane Curses
A sinister understanding of ancient curses and malevolent enchantments. The Dhwersifel has mastered the craft of weaving dark magic, utilizing curses to sow discord, torment its prey, and weaken their defenses, ensuring a more fruitful feeding process.
Nightmarish Illusions
The Dhwersifel commands an array of nightmarish illusions, conjuring visions that penetrate the depths of its victims' darkest fears. These grotesque phantasms sow chaos in their minds, making them more susceptible to the creature's manipulations and facilitating the draining of their Godagast.
Predatory Instincts
The Dhwersifel possesses a primordial predatory instinct, honed over centuries of existence. It can instinctively sense vulnerability and prey upon the weak, utilizing its heightened perception and cunning strategies to select the most suitable victims, ensuring maximum sustenance and survival.


The Dhwersifel is an entity of dread solitude, an eternal outcast condemned to an existence sustained by the iniquitous harvest of human benevolence. Roaming the shadow-drenched landscapes at the edge of human perception, it is driven by a malignancy as old as time itself, a rapacious craving for the essence of goodness. The victims of this creature, once radiant with the vibrancy of life, are transformed into spectral husks, their internal light extinguished by the Dhwersifel's voracious consumption of their Godagast.

Like a malevolent shade, the Dhwersifel attaches itself to those individuals or families who embody the quintessence of kindness and goodwill. The presence of the creature itself is undetectable until it is too late, and the victims are entwined in its vile influence. There is, however, a calling card that draws this monstrous creature to its chosen prey—a scent, one might say, that hangs in the psychic air. It is the fragrance of purity, a beacon of light piercing the inky abyss of the creature's existence, akin to the wafting scent of blood to a predator of the deep.

The Dhwersifel's loathsome attraction to such purity is twofold. The creature's existence is sustained by the nourishing Godagast, a lifeforce that fuels its vile purpose. Yet, beneath the creature's unending hunger lies a vein of the deepest malice and hatred. It revels in the desolation it wreaks, witnessing the collapse of virtue under its corrupting influence. It is a perverse joy, a testament to the creature's absolute divorce from the warmth of human empathy and compassion.

A shroud of abysmal despair blankets the homes of those caught in the Dhwersifel's chilling grip. Once loving families are transformed into cold households of resentment, suspicion, and spite, as the beast drains them of every remnant of goodness. It revels in this transformation, deriving a monstrous pleasure from the decimation of love and trust, reducing it to nothing more than a cruel mockery of its former existence. The Dhwersifel, an embodiment of corruption and decay, stands testament to the chilling power of darkness when left unchecked by the radiant forces of virtue and goodwill.


The process of feeding is an act of slow, insidious corruption. This is not a simple feast, but a methodical depletion of the human's Godagast, their essence of goodness, kindness, and compassion. As this divine energy is siphoned away, the human becomes a mere puppet, their strings pulled by the invisible hand of the Dhwersifel.

In the initial stages, the signs are subtle, often overlooked or mistaken for everyday stress or anger. Irritability grows, patience wanes, and temper flares at the slightest provocation. Yet, these outbursts are sporadic, interspersed with periods of calm that offer a deceptive sense of normalcy. The Dhwersifel feeds slowly, each draw of Godagast leaving a residual mark on the human's psyche.

Over time, however, as months turn into years, these eruptions of rage grow in intensity. Kindness and empathy become foreign concepts, replaced by a cruel indifference. Love and affection feel like faint memories, their echoes growing dimmer with each passing day. The human's behavior shifts drastically, their actions borne out of malevolence and selfishness. A gnawing emptiness takes root within them, an unending void that cannot be filled.

The feeding process gradually erodes the human's emotional capacity, reducing them to a state of apathy and emotional numbness. Laughter feels hollow, joy seems a distant memory, and the capacity to love is a forgotten trait. The world loses its color, each day becoming a monotonous gray, a joyless existence. As their Godagast continues to be drained, the human becomes an empty shell of their former self, devoid of all that once made them human.

Yet, the Dhwersifel is never satisfied. It willingly moves on from one victim to another, lured by the scent of stronger Godagast nearby. During the feeding process, it remains invisible and non-corporeal, existing as a phantom presence that eludes mortal perception. As the consumption intensifies, the Dhwersifel's true form breaks through the veil of reality, invading the victim's waking hours with hallucinations and vivid nightmares. These phantasmal manifestations grow increasingly intense and frequent, tormenting the victim's mind with grotesque imagery and paralyzing fear.

Eventually, the human's spirit breaks under the relentless onslaught. They become an empty husk, a hollow void devoid of any warmth or joy. Love, happiness, and joy are but distant memories, their lives reduced to an unending cycle of despair and apathy. The Dhwersifel's feast never truly ends, its hunger unquenchable, as it tirelessly seeks new sources of Godagast. Thus, the cycle of corruption and feeding continues, a grim dance that has played out since time immemorial, testament to the Dhwersifel's insatiable hunger for the essence of goodness in humanity.


A human candidate worthy of the Dhwersifel's monstrous affection is a rare specimen indeed— a paragon of depravity and darkness, an abyssal echo of the creature itself. Such a person carries an intelligence that borders on the unnatural, a searing intellect that uses its brilliance not for the betterment of others, but for the pursuit of their own avaricious desires. Their greed is a voracious beast, insatiable and relentless, always craving for more. Their self-interest overshadows any semblance of empathy or consideration for others, reducing them to mere stepping stones on their path to gratification.

This prospective Dhwersifel is not just a being of emotional tumult, but a human possessed by an inner madness, a veil of hallucinations and visions that blurs the boundary between the real and the imagined. These fevered delusions, often ghastly and violent, serve not only as testament to their deteriorating sanity but also as an alluring scent for the Dhwersifel.

Violence is not just an act for them, but an art form, a demonstration of their domination and superiority over those they perceive as weak. Their bouts of rage are explosive, unpredictable storms, devastating in their intensity and unforgiving in their destruction. Within these tempests of fury, the human's sanity teeters on the brink of collapse, their emotional state a whirlwind of chaos and disorder. It is within this maelstrom that the darkest depths of their psyche are laid bare, a chilling exhibition of their inherent cruelty and depravity.

As though these abhorrent qualities were not enough to beckon the Dhwersifel, the human also bears the dark hallmarks of psychopathy and sociopathy. They exhibit a chilling lack of remorse or guilt for their actions, a casual disregard for the rights and feelings of others. They manipulate and deceive with ease, their superficial charm serving as a smokescreen for their true intentions. In the presence of such individuals, even the most perceptive observer may find themselves ensnared in their web of deceit.

The Dhwersifel is bewitched by this potent concoction of intelligence, greed, madness, and violence. The human's psychopathy is the final, irresistible note in this symphony of corruption. Like a grotesque suitor, the creature is drawn to them, captivated by their destructive potential. The courtship that follows is a dance of shadows and whispers, a slow descent into the terrifying embrace of the Dhwersifel. The end result is a transformation as horrific as it is inevitable—the birth of a new Dhwersifel, a child of darkness born of a human heart blackened by its own corruption.


In this grotesque courtship, the Dhwersifel does not merely drain the Godagast from its chosen one, but wholly embraces them, wrapping them in an unholy shroud of consuming darkness. This omnipresent abyss encases them, suffocating the last vestiges of goodness within their being, eclipsing their spirit with its unbearable weight. It is not a mere act of predation, but an intimate dance of possession, a perverse blend of cruelty and obsession.

Under this relentless onslaught, their humanity begins to crumble, their resistance yielding to the consuming shadow. The creature's influence invades them, turning their blood cold and their heart hard. A suffocating dread envelopes them, drowning their consciousness in an ocean of despair. It gnaws at their sanity, their grip on reality slipping like sand through clenched fingers. Their former self becomes a distant memory, a fading echo in the hollow cavern that was once their heart.

As the Godagast is drained, the transformation begins in earnest. The human form warps and twists in grotesque defiance of nature, the body convulsing in agony as it is rewritten by the creature's corrupting influence. Bones contort and snap, skin hardens and darkens, and eyes blacken into endless voids. The process is as horrific to endure as it is to behold, a testament to the creature's utter disregard for the sanctity of human life.

In the end, what was once a human emerges from the shroud of darkness as a newborn Dhwersifel. The final transformation is heralded not with joy, but with a guttural roar that shatters the silence, a terrifying declaration of its monstrous birth. The Godagast is no more, replaced by an all-consuming hunger for corruption and death. It is a chilling reminder of the creature's power, a gruesome testament to its ability to corrupt and destroy all that is good and pure.


The Dhwersifel, despite its formidable presence, can be fought, defeated, captured, or contained through various means. However, the ultimate destruction of the creature lies in disrupting its feeding process, which can only be achieved when it assumes a corporeal form. To achieve this, acts of immense courage and unwavering determination are required. The Dhwersifel can be resisted by those with unwavering purity of heart and collective unity against its malevolence. Ancient seals and rituals possess the power to bind and restrain the creature, while divine artifacts infused with celestial energy can weaken its dark essence. Sacrificial redemption, acts of selfless sacrifice, can sever its hold on its prey, and healing the drained victims weakens the creature. The battle against the Dhwersifel demands knowledge, resilience, and a resolute commitment to disrupting its feeding bond, for only then can its terrifying existence be brought to an end, banishing it from the realms of darkness forever.

Ways to Resist and Fight

Purity of Heart
A fragile defense against the engulfing horrors of the Dhwersifel, for those with unwavering purity of heart may momentarily shield themselves from its insidious grasp. Yet, this purity is but a flickering candle in the abyss, unable to vanquish the creature's malevolence, but offering a fleeting respite from the encroaching darkness.
Ancient Seals and Rituals
Hidden within forbidden tomes and etched upon eldritch artifacts, ancient seals and twisted rituals hold the power to bind and imprison the relentless Dhwersifel. These arcane methods, whispered in fearful hushes, provide a tenuous grip over the writhing forces of corruption, offering a desperate chance to subdue the indomitable entity.
Divine Artifacts
Forged in celestial crucibles and steeped in forgotten prayers, divine artifacts radiate a feeble glimmer of hope against the encroaching night. Infused with the energy of creation itself, these sacred relics channel divine wrath and spark against the Dhwersifel's perverse essence, a fragile defiance against the depths of its malevolent hunger.
Sacrificial Redemption
From the blood-soaked altars of selfless souls, the bitter sacrifice unfolds, a desperate act to sever the Dhwersifel's wicked hold. Voluntary martyrs offer their own flesh and spirit as shields for the innocent, rending the feeding bond with a torrent of noble sacrifice. Yet, this crimson redemption demands an unyielding resolve, for the price of defiance may exact an eternal toll.
Healing and Restoration
Within the hands of ancient healers and wielders of ancient arts, lies the power to mend the withered spirits left in the wake of the Dhwersifel's corrupting touch. A symphony of incantations and ethereal balms, their restorative prowess gradually weakens the fiend's grip, rekindling the dwindling embers of goodness and unraveling the fetters that bind the tainted soul.
Burning with Arcane Fire
When the Dhwersifel assumes corporeal form, its wretched visage trembles in the face of the searing flames of arcane fire. Conjuring infernal infernos requires the mastery of forbidden tongues, harnessing eldritch forces to reduce the abomination to smoldering ashes, banishing it back to the eternal abyss from whence it spawned.
Trapping on Consecrated Ground
In the darkest depths of consecrated domains, where the veils between worlds grow thin, the final gambit against the Dhwersifel takes shape. By ensnaring the loathsome entity within sacred grounds, an impervious fortress of sanctity denies it sustenance. Slowly, inexorably, it starves and fades, its anguished cries reverberating through the hallowed void, until naught remains but a lingering echo of its abhorrent existence.