DRX-23 Compressed Positron Beam Rifle

From Solas Tempus DB

The DRX-23 Compressed Positron Beam Rifle is a prototype high powered energy heavy assault weapon.

Power Source

For its power source the device uses a high energy particle collider fueled with ionized hydrogen atom using the stripped electron as electric fuel for the device. The particle collider smashes protons together at high speed to decompose them into a cohesive positron stream.


The weapon uses an antimatter stream of positrons, which reacts with any and all matter on the way to its target. The stream's force pushes an ever increasing cloud of hyper-ionized plasma in front of it and in its wake. This cloud expands rapidly at the head of the beam. Upon impact the plasma front super-heats the materials impacted to temperatures capable of melting even the hardest materials into slag within seconds. Once the plasma front impacts a target the beam itself soon follows creating a cascade decomposition effect on the matter ripping matter apart and releasing that energy as an expanding hyper-ionized plasma cloud at the point of impact. This chain reaction causes the target surface to decompose into plasma rapidly and explosively.