Columbia Class Starship

From Solas Tempus DB

The Columbia Class is a derivative of the NX Class Starship refit, which added the secondary / engineering hull to the design. This more modern version served as late as the 2280's and shows many of the visual characteristics of that period. Larger than the NX Class and slightly larger than the refit, this newer design builds on the successes of the NX Class space frame.

225 embers long x 135.8 meters wide
132 Standard Compliment
Power Source
Deuterium Fusion Reactors
Matter/Antimatter Reactor
Impulse Engines
Warp Drive
Cruising Speed
Warp 3
Maximum Speed
Warp 7
Emergency Speed
Warp 7.59 for 36 Seconds

Offensive Systems

This is one of the earliest vessels in Starfleet to employ a point defense system, due to the primitive deflector shield design. The ship is equipped with 2 plasma cannons, one forward one aft with a 195 degree firing arc each, designed to destroy incoming warheads before they have a chance to damage the shields.

  • 2 Forward Phaser Cannons
  • 2 Forward Photon Torpedo Launchers
  • 1 Forward Plasma Cannon
  • 1 Aft Photon Torpedo Launcher
  • 1 Aft Plasma Cannon

Defensive Systems

  • Polarizing Hull Plating
  • Deflector Shields

Auxiliary Craft

The launch bays maintain the same basic design as the original NX Class, this class does not have a shuttle bay as future generations of ships would. The launch bays are located on the ventral side of the secondary hull. The size of the bays has been upgraded though, to allow for larger auxiliary craft to be used, if needed. Another advancement that was made was the addition of a basic short range tractor beam. This did not supplant the ships grappler which was made 28% more accurate in capturing space craft and other metallic objects by more advanced and precise sensors. The short range tractor beam serves as a backup system for situations where the grappler cannot properly capture and object.

Internal Layout

The ship largely has the same internal design as the NX Class Starship.