Azrael Angelos

From Solas Tempus DB
Azrael Angelos
Azrael Angelos
Played by: Red
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 200 lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 27
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black and White
Universe of Origin: Star Wars
Organization: Rebel Pathfinder, security guard, bar attendant
Rank / Skill Level: Captain
Status: Abandoned
Setting: Angelic Sins

Gentleman asshole

Special Skills

CQC Proficiency, Weapon proficiency, navigation skills, makes an excellent martini


Being the cousin of John Angelos, Azrael grew up alongside of John, he even left home shortly after John did, sadly Azrael didn't find John on his travels of the Galaxy instead he immediately enlisted into The Rebel Alliance becoming a pathfinder.Years into his service Azrael eventually reunited with John and did a few Special op missions with before having to depart to head off to scariff the last location Azrael was seen.
