Anton Oblensky

From Solas Tempus DB
Anton Oblensky
Anton Oblensky
Played by: laboca5414 (Sr. Bones)
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 183 Lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Type: Russian
Alignment: Neutral
Age: 24
Date of Birth: December 24th, 2177
Date of Creation: N/A
Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia
Figure: Leanly Muscular
Universe of Origin: Russo-American Universe
Organization: RaNasa ( Russo-American National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Occupation: Cosmonaut
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Anton's happiness is contagious, as he radiates joy and enthusiasm in everything he does. His genuine smile lights up the room, and his optimistic outlook on life uplifts the spirits of those who encounter him. He finds joy in the simplest of things and spreads positivity wherever he goes, bringing a sense of warmth and happiness to his team. His kindness is at the core of Anton's being. He consistently shows compassion and empathy, always ready to lend a helping hand or offer a listening ear. His kindness extends not only to his teammates but to people from all walks of life. Anton's acts of kindness create a ripple effect, inspiring others to follow his example and make the world a better place. Anton's bravery knows no bounds. He fearlessly faces challenges head-on, never backing down in the face of adversity. His unwavering courage serves as a beacon of strength for his team, motivating them to push their limits and overcome obstacles. Anton's bravery is rooted in his deep belief in the values he holds dear, and he is always willing to stand up for what is right. Friendliness comes naturally to Anton, as he possesses a genuine interest in others and a knack for making people feel at ease. He effortlessly forges connections and builds strong relationships based on trust and respect. Anton's friendly demeanor creates an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere, ensuring that everyone feels valued and accepted. Anton's Russo-American heritage fuels his strong sense of patriotism. He proudly represents both Russia and the United States, embracing the shared values and ideals of both nations. His patriotism drives him to work tirelessly towards a better future, always striving to make a positive impact on the world. Anton understands the power of unity and collaboration, transcending borders and fostering global harmony. Despite the challenges he faces, Anton maintains a good-humored nature that brings lightness to any situation. He possesses a quick wit and a playful sense of humor, finding humor even in the most difficult circumstances. Anton's ability to find joy and laughter in the midst of challenges not only uplifts his team but also serves as a reminder of the power of positivity and resilience. He's an remarkable individual, embodying the qualities of happiness, kindness, bravery, friendliness, patriotism, and good humor. His magnetic personality and unwavering spirit make him an invaluable member of any team, spreading joy and inspiring those around him to be the best versions of themselves.

Special Skills

  • Astronautical Engineering: Anton possesses an exceptional skill set in astronautical engineering, honed through years of academic study and practical training. He has a deep understanding of spacecraft systems, propulsion technologies, life support systems, and navigation instruments. This expertise allows him to contribute to the design, development, and maintenance of advanced space vehicles, ensuring their efficient and safe operation during missions.
  • Physical Fitness and Endurance: Anton has dedicated himself to rigorous physical training regimes, enabling him to achieve peak physical fitness and endurance. He excels in cardiovascular fitness, strength training, flexibility, and agility. This exceptional physical prowess allows him to withstand the physical demands of space missions, adapting to microgravity environments and maintaining optimal health during extended periods in space.
  • Zero-Gravity Adaptation: Through specialized training and real-life experiences, Anton has developed an extraordinary ability to adapt to zero-gravity environments. He has mastered the art of maneuvering and orienting himself in weightless conditions, efficiently utilizing his body and surroundings to navigate and perform tasks with precision. This skill ensures his effectiveness during spacewalks and other critical operations.
  • Problem Solving and Critical Thinking: Anton possesses exceptional problem-solving and critical thinking skills, allowing him to analyze complex situations and devise innovative solutions. Whether faced with technical malfunctions, unforeseen challenges, or emergencies in space, he remains calm and composed, applying his analytical skills to troubleshoot and resolve issues efficiently.
  • Multilingualism: Anton has cultivated his linguistic abilities, becoming fluent in multiple languages. Alongside his native Russian, he is proficient in English, Chinese, and German. This linguistic versatility enables effective communication and collaboration with international counterparts during joint space missions, fostering cooperation and understanding among diverse teams.
  • Leadership and Teamwork: Anton is a natural leader and excels in fostering teamwork and collaboration. He understands the importance of effective communication, empathy, and trust-building to create a cohesive and high-performing team. His leadership skills enable him to delegate tasks, motivate team members, and make sound decisions in high-pressure situations, ensuring the success and safety of missions.
  • Navigation and Celestial Mapping: Anton possesses exceptional navigational skills, both in space and on Earth. He can interpret star charts, celestial coordinates, and utilize advanced navigation instruments to determine precise positions and trajectories. His expertise in celestial mapping allows him to navigate through the vast expanse of space, ensuring accurate positioning and successful mission objectives.
  • Spacewalk Expertise: Anton has undergone extensive training in spacewalk procedures and techniques. He has mastered the intricacies of extravehicular activities, including donning spacesuits, tethering, and maneuvering outside the spacecraft. This expertise ensures his safety and efficiency during spacewalks, enabling him to conduct repairs, maintenance tasks, and scientific experiments with precision.
  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Anton possesses a keen sense of risk assessment and mitigation, allowing him to identify potential hazards and develop strategies to minimize risks during space missions. His meticulous approach to safety protocols and proactive risk management ensures the well-being of the crew and the success of the mission.
  • Adaptability and Resilience: Anton has honed his ability to adapt to diverse and challenging environments. He demonstrates exceptional resilience in the face of adversity, remaining calm and focused even in high-stress situations. This adaptability enables him to navigate through unforeseen circumstances and swiftly adjust his plans to achieve mission objectives.
  • Scientific Research and Experimentation: Anton possesses a passion for scientific research and experimentation. He is skilled in designing and conducting experiments in microgravity environments, contributing to advancements in various scientific fields such as physics, biology, and chemistry. His expertise allows him to collect and analyze data, making significant contributions to humanity's understanding of the cosmos.

Special Equipment

  • Quantum Gravity Boots: These advanced boots utilize quantum technology to manipulate gravitational forces. They allow the cosmonaut to adjust their weight and navigate effortlessly in zero-gravity environments. The boots provide exceptional stability and mobility, enabling precise movements and swift maneuvers during spacewalks or exploration missions.
  • Neural Interface Helmet: The neural interface helmet is a cutting-edge piece of equipment that allows the cosmonaut to establish a direct connection between their brain and the spacecraft's systems. This interface provides real-time feedback, enhancing situational awareness and enabling seamless control over various spacecraft functions, including navigation, life support, and communication.
  • Nano-Fabric Suit: The nano-fabric suit is a revolutionary piece of clothing that offers superior protection against extreme temperatures, radiation, micrometeoroids, and other hazards of space. The suit is composed of self-repairing nano-fibers that adjust their density and composition based on environmental conditions, ensuring optimal thermal regulation and shielding for the cosmonaut.
  • Molecular Regenerator: The molecular regenerator is a handheld device that utilizes advanced nanotechnology to repair damaged cells and tissues. It can accelerate the healing process and treat injuries sustained during space missions, ranging from minor wounds to more severe trauma. The regenerator's versatility makes it an essential tool for maintaining the cosmonaut's health and well-being in the harsh conditions of space.
  • Universal Analyzer Glove: This glove is equipped with a built-in scanner and analyzer that can identify and analyze various substances, materials, and atmospheric conditions. The cosmonaut can simply touch an object or sample, and the glove will provide detailed information about its composition, potential hazards, or scientific significance. This analytical tool aids in scientific research, resource identification, and environmental monitoring.
  • Quantum Communication Device: The quantum communication device is a compact and secure communication system that utilizes quantum entanglement for instant and encrypted communication across vast distances. It ensures reliable and fast communication between the cosmonaut and mission control or other team members, even when they are positioned light-years away from each other.
  • Solar Energy Shield: The solar energy shield is a deployable shield that harnesses solar energy to create a protective barrier around the spacecraft or the cosmonaut. It absorbs and disperses harmful solar radiation, preventing radiation-induced health issues and shielding sensitive equipment from solar flares. The shield can be activated during periods of heightened solar activity, ensuring the safety and integrity of the cosmonaut and spacecraft.
  • Gravitational Wave Detector: The gravitational wave detector is a high-precision instrument that can detect and analyze gravitational waves, allowing the cosmonaut to observe and study cosmic events such as black hole mergers or neutron star collisions. This device provides valuable insights into the nature of the universe and contributes to scientific advancements in the field of astrophysics.
  • Molecular Food Replicator: The molecular food replicator is a compact device that utilizes advanced molecular manipulation techniques to synthesize a wide variety of nutritious and flavorful meals from basic ingredients. This eliminates the need for traditional food storage and preparation in space, ensuring the cosmonaut has access to fresh, healthy, and customized meals during long-duration missions.
  • Self-Contained Life Support System (SCLSS): The SCLSS is a compact and highly efficient life support system that provides the cosmonaut with a continuous supply of breathable air, water, and manages waste recycling in a closed-loop system. It incorporates advanced filtration, purification, and recycling technologies, ensuring the cosmonaut's survival and comfort in space for extended periods.
  • Quantum Navigation System: The quantum navigation system utilizes quantum entangled particles for precise and accurate navigation in space. It provides real-time positioning, trajectory calculations, and guidance, allowing the cosmonaut to navigate through complex space environments with minimal reliance on external systems. This advanced navigation system ensures precise mission execution and reduces the risk of navigational errors.
  • Robotic Assistants: In the year 2177, cosmonauts are accompanied by sophisticated robotic assistants that aid in various tasks. These robotic companions possess advanced AI capabilities, dexterity, and autonomy, assisting the cosmonaut in maintenance, repairs, scientific experiments, and other mission-critical activities. They enhance efficiency, provide additional support, and contribute to the overall success of space missions.

Home Universe

In the tumultuous year of 2177, the world witnessed an unprecedented turn of events as Russia launched a daring invasion on the United States. The initial shockwaves rippled across the globe, leaving nations in a state of panic and uncertainty. The Russian forces, well-prepared and relentlessly determined, made significant advances into American territory, sparking fierce battles and intense resistance.

As the conflict unfolded, the United States, known for its indomitable spirit, rallied its military might and summoned all available resources to defend its homeland. The American people, united in their resolve, showed unwavering bravery and resilience in the face of this existential threat. Cities turned into battlegrounds, with the iconic skylines of New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago serving as grim backdrops to the struggle for freedom. Both sides suffered heavy casualties as the conflict escalated, but the American forces, bolstered by their deep-rooted democratic ideals, managed to mount a formidable resistance. The resilience of the American people, combined with their advanced military capabilities, pushed the Russian invaders to the brink of defeat.

Recognizing the devastating toll of the war and the growing desire for peace, high-level negotiations between the two nations commenced. After months of intense discussions, a historic treaty was finally reached, forever altering the geopolitical landscape. The treaty, known as the Russo-American Accord, brought an unexpected twist: the establishment of a hybrid government that blended elements of democracy and communism. Under the terms of the accord, the United States embraced a new political system that aimed to strike a delicate balance between the values of individual liberty and collective welfare. This unique experiment sought to merge the best aspects of both ideologies, offering a model that sought to transcend traditional political boundaries.

In this newly formed hybrid regime, the American people experienced a paradigm shift in governance. Democratic principles, such as citizen participation and freedom of expression, were upheld, while certain aspects of the economy and social welfare were influenced by communist ideals. The government implemented policies that aimed to provide equal opportunities for all, while also ensuring economic stability and social cohesion. The transformation was met with a mixture of optimism, skepticism, and curiosity from both the American population and the international community. The world watched with bated breath as this grand experiment unfolded, uncertain of its long-term implications and potential consequences.

Over time, the hybrid system faced challenges and criticisms from various quarters. Supporters lauded its ability to address social inequalities and promote a sense of collective responsibility, while critics argued that it blurred the lines between individual rights and state control. The delicate balance between democracy and communism became a constant subject of debate, both nationally and globally. Despite the complexities and ongoing discussions, the Russo-American Accord ushered in a new era of cooperation and dialogue between nations. The world witnessed a gradual shift towards a global order that acknowledged the need for diverse political systems and recognized the importance of finding common ground amidst ideological differences.

As years passed, the hybrid regime in the United States evolved, adapting to changing societal dynamics and global realities. It became a symbol of experimentation and innovation in governance, inspiring other nations to explore alternative models that could bridge political divides and promote greater harmony and prosperity. In the complex aftermath of the Russo-American Accord, a new challenge emerged within the hybrid political landscape. A group of terrorists, self-proclaimed as the "True Freedom Fighters" (TFF), exploited the ambiguous nature of the hybrid regime, manipulating it to further their extremist agenda. Cloaked in the guise of noble aspirations for freedom, these so-called fighters were, in reality, a coalition of dangerous organizations, including Al-Qaeda, Taliban, MPLA, Reborn Nazis, and the KKK.

Their alliance brought together disparate ideologies, united by a shared desire to disrupt the delicate balance of the hybrid system and sow seeds of chaos. The TFF capitalized on the inherent tensions between democracy and communism, exploiting loopholes and exploiting the underlying societal divisions that persisted despite the Russo-American Accord. Operating covertly, the TFF orchestrated a series of coordinated attacks across the United States, targeting civilian populations, critical infrastructure, and symbols of governance. Their actions were marked by a ruthless disregard for human life and a determination to undermine the fragile stability that had been achieved.

In their propaganda, the TFF presented themselves as freedom fighters, invoking a distorted narrative that sought to justify their acts of terror. They cunningly manipulated the grievances and frustrations of marginalized individuals, luring them into their ranks with promises of liberation and empowerment. However, their true intentions were far from noble, as they aimed to dismantle the hybrid government and impose a radical, oppressive regime of their own. Their collaboration with Al-Qaeda, Taliban, MPLA, Reborn Nazis, and the KKK further underscored the grave threat they posed. This unholy alliance brought together extremist ideologies rooted in religious fundamentalism, racial supremacy, and violent separatism. The TFF utilized the expertise, networks, and resources of these organizations to amplify their destructive capabilities and spread fear and instability.

The joint efforts of intelligence agencies, law enforcement, and international partners were mobilized to combat this insidious menace. A comprehensive counterterrorism strategy was implemented, focusing on intelligence gathering, preventive measures, and targeted operations to dismantle the TFF and its affiliated organizations. The global community, alarmed by the emergence of this dangerous coalition, rallied together to condemn their actions and provide support to the affected nations. Cooperation and information sharing between intelligence agencies reached unprecedented levels, reinforcing the shared commitment to eradicating this threat to international peace and security.


Anton's journey began on a chilly winter's day in Moscow, Russia, in the year 2177. Born into a modest family, he was raised with a sense of wonder and curiosity about the vast expanse of space that lay beyond Earth's boundaries. From a young age, he was captivated by stories of exploration and the courageous individuals who ventured into the unknown as cosmonauts.

As a child, Anton would spend hours gazing at the night sky, his eyes filled with awe and his imagination ignited by the twinkling stars. He would eagerly devour books about space, absorbing every detail about the cosmos, space missions, and the rigorous training required to become a cosmonaut. His room became a shrine to his dreams, adorned with posters of rockets, astronauts, and the vastness of the universe.

Anton's passion for space exploration only grew stronger as he progressed through school. His insatiable thirst for knowledge led him to excel in subjects such as mathematics, physics, and astronomy. His teachers recognized his talent and encouraged him to pursue his dreams, instilling in him the belief that with hard work and determination, anything was possible.

With each passing year, Anton's dedication to becoming a cosmonaut intensified. He immersed himself in extracurricular activities related to space exploration, participating in science fairs, attending space camps, and even building model rockets in his spare time. His relentless pursuit of knowledge and hands-on experience set him apart, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to his chosen path.

As Anton entered his teenage years, he faced numerous challenges and obstacles that tested his resolve. The road to becoming a cosmonaut was arduous and highly competitive, demanding physical and mental fortitude. Undeterred, he embraced the difficulties as opportunities for growth, pushing himself to surpass his own limits.

To further his ambitions, Anton sought admission to a prestigious space academy, known for producing exceptional cosmonauts. The rigorous selection process was grueling, comprising of physical fitness tests, psychological evaluations, and intense interviews. Anton poured his heart and soul into the application, showcasing his academic achievements, passion for space exploration, and unwavering determination.

Months of anticipation followed as Anton awaited the academy's decision. Finally, the long-awaited letter arrived, bearing the news he had longed to hear. He had been accepted into the space academy, a realization of his childhood dreams and the beginning of an extraordinary journey.

At the academy, Anton's days were filled with rigorous training, pushing his mind and body to their limits. From simulated space missions to zero-gravity training, he embraced every challenge with unwavering enthusiasm, fueled by his unrelenting passion for the stars. The camaraderie and shared aspirations among his fellow cadets created a sense of unity and purpose, forging lifelong friendships and a support system to lean on during the demanding years ahead.

Years passed, and Anton's dedication and perseverance paid off. He excelled in his studies, mastering the complexities of spaceflight, navigation, and life-support systems. His exceptional performance caught the attention of seasoned cosmonauts and mentors, who recognized his potential and nurtured his growth.

Finally, the day arrived when Anton was assigned to his first space mission. With bated breath and a mixture of excitement and nerves, he prepared for the journey of a lifetime. The launch day was a blur of emotions as he bid farewell to his loved ones, knowing that he was embarking on a perilous adventure that only a select few ever experience.

As the spacecraft soared into the heavens, Anton felt a surge of exhilaration and a profound sense of purpose. Weightlessness embraced him as he floated within the confines of the spacecraft, a mere speck in the vastness of space. From his vantage point, he marveled at the beauty of the Earth, a fragile blue jewel suspended in the cosmos. Though, something happened as they went through a splice and appeared on the other side.